Matthew Wright Headshot

Matthew Wright

Endowed Professor and Department Chair

ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
100 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY 14623 70-1781

Matthew Wright

Endowed Professor and Department Chair

ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


BS, Harvey Mudd College; MS, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst


Matt Wright is Chair and Professor of Cybersecurity. He graduated with his PhD from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts in May, 2005, where he earned his MS in 2002. His dissertation work examined attacks and defenses of systems that provide anonymity online. His other interests include adversarial machine learning and understanding the human element of security. Previously, he earned his BS degree in Computer Science at Harvey Mudd College. He has been the lead investigator on over $2.9 million in externally funded projects, including an NSF CAREER award, and he has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, including numerous contributions in the most prestigious venues focused on computer security and privacy. Learn more:


Areas of Expertise

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Access control and authentication systems are some of the most critical components of cybersecurity ecosystems. This course covers the theory, design, and implementation of systems used in identification, authentication, authorization, and accountability processes with a focus on trust at each layer. Students will examine formal models of access control systems and approaches to system accreditation, the application of cryptography to authentication systems, and the implementation of IAAA principles in modern operating systems. A special focus will be placed on preparing students to research and write about future topics in this area.
0 - 3 Credits
This course explores current topics in computing security. It is intended as a place holder course for faculty to experiment new course offerings in Computing Security undergraduate program. Course specific details change with respect to each specific focal area proposed by faculty.
3 Credits
This course offers an opportunity to learn about a specific seminar topic in more depth. The course description will be replaced by the specific instance of the seminar, as it is proposed by faculty.
1 - 3 Credits
The graduate independent study offers students the opportunity to investigate a topic not covered in an available course in the MS program in conjunction with a faculty sponsor. Working cooperatively, the faculty sponsor and the student draft a proposal of the work to be completed, the deliverables expected from the student, the number of credits assigned, and the means by which the student’s work will be evaluated. The proposal must be approved by the graduate program director before a student can be registered for independent study.

In the News

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    I voted sticker and checkmark.

    Informed voting in the age of Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has entered the election—globally. To help voters navigate these advancements in social media, deepfakes, manipulated images, and cybersecurity, a few RIT experts are weighing in.

  • February 7, 2024

    the KBS World Radio logo appears in blue and purple

    All about deepfake technology 

    South Korean international broadcasting station KBS World Radio talks about deepfakes with Matthew Wright, professor and chair of the Department of Cybersecurity. The interview, on the daily current affairs show Korea24, starts at 19 minutes and 50 seconds and ends around 40 minutes and 45 seconds.