GCCIS Tutoring Center

GCCIS Tutoring Center
- RIT/
- Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences/
- Academics/
- Tutoring Center
The GCCIS Tutoring Center is a central location where any student taking courses in the introductory programming sequences offered within GCCIS can get help.
It is staffed by students from all of the Schools and Departments in GCCIS. The Tutoring Center is a collaborative space with tables, white boards and wall-mounted monitors.
Hours and Contact
The Tutoring Center is located on the 2nd floor of Golisano Hall in room 2410 (overlooking the atrium).
For questions, please contact Kara Griffith, Assistant Director for Student Success, at kagiao@rit.edu.
Tutoring is available in the GCCIS Tutoring Center for the following introductory programming courses:
Computer Science (CS):
- CSCI 140 Computer Science for AP Students
- CSCI 141 Computer Science I
- CSCI 142 Computer Science II
- CSCI 242 Computer Science for Transfer Students
Golisano College Introductory Sequence (SE, CSEC, HCC, WMC, CIT, COMPEX):
- GCIS 123 Software Development and Problem Solving I
- GCIS 124 Software Development and Problem Solving II
- GCIS 127 Software Development for Transfers
Interactive Games and Media (GDD, NMID):
- IGME 105 Game Development and Algorithmic Problem Solving I
- IGME 106 Game Development and Algorithmic Problem Solving II
- IGME 101 New Media Interactive Design and Algorithmic Problem Solving I
- IGME 102 New Media Interactive Design and Algorithmic Problem Solving II
- IGME 206 Game Development for Programmers
*All tutors can support questions regarding the ISCH 110 Principles of Computing course
In addition, Departments and Schools within GCCIS offer additional course support:
- Software Engineering: Society of Software Engineers - Open to all majors
- Women in Computing: WiC Tutoring - Contingent based on tutor's course experience per semester.
- Computer Science: Theory Tutoring - Open to Computer Science Majors
- NTID Supported Students - GOL-1510 - Mon-Fri - 10am-7pm
- iSchool: Tutoring Lab - GOL 2670
- Cybersecurity: RITSEC - Open to Cybersecurity Majors
- School of Interactive Games and Media: Please contact your Teaching Assistant (TA) or instructor for additional support
- A comprehensive list of academic resources can also be found on our college's Academic Support website.
*Additionally, for any major, please contact your course instructor for further information regarding assistance in your courses.
Frequently Asked Questions
The GCCIS Tutoring Center is open Sunday-Thursday from 9:00AM-8:00PM; Friday and Saturday from 9:00AM-5:00PM.
The GCCIS Tutoring Center will be closed during the following breaks for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
- October Break (October 12th-15th)
- Thanksgiving Break (November 27th-December 1st)
- Winter Break (Beginning December 18th)
- Spring Break (March 8th-March 16th)
- Summer Break (Beginning May 7th)
The GCCIS Tutoring Center will provide a modified schedule during the Final Exam Period of the Fall and Spring semesters. Please check the schedule for updates.
Upon entering the GCCIS Tutoring Center, please sign in with the Front Desk Assistant. If it is your first visit, it may take a few minutes to enter your information into our check-in system. Once checked-in, you may have a seat in our designated waiting area or at an available table. A tutor will call your name when available. Please note, students will be seen on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The GCCIS Tutoring Center tutors will be wearing green vests and will also have a laminated sign indicating the courses they provide tutoring for. After Checking-In you will be directed to the appropriate tutor.
It is helpful to come to the Tutoring Center prepared with specific questions. These questions can pertain to an assignment, a concept, etc. The goal of tutoring is to help you better understand the concept or how to complete the assignment. They may also offer constructive feedback during your tutoring session. The tutors will not, however, give you the answers to homework problems or assignments. It’s important to keep this in mind when working with a tutor.
The Tutoring Center has desktop computers available loaded with the software needed for the supported classes. However, we strongly encourage you to bring a laptop whenever possible.
At this time the Tutoring Center is for tutoring only. Once you have completed your tutoring session we ask that you move to another study space in Golisano Hall to continue your work.
Yes! The departments in GCCIS provide tutoring support for other major courses, more information can be found above in the Services section.
In addition, the Academic Support Center provides Math and Physics support. The ASC also provides information about other tutoring services at RIT.
Women in Computing (WiC) also provides tutoring for all GCCIS courses to WiC members.
Yes, 1:1 tutoring is possible though it will depend on how busy the Center is at the time of your visit. We encourage small group tutoring in the Center. You may find you learn just as much from the tutors as you do your peers!
Yes! Any tutor in the Tutoring Center should be able to assist you.
Yes, the Center is available to any undergraduate or graduate student (from any college) who is taking an introductory programming course listed above.
Below you will find the appropriate point of contact for roles within the tutoring center:
Beth Livecchi: bmlpsn@rit.edu
Manager of Administrative and Support Services, School of Interactive Games and Media
For more information on tutoring for IGME courses
Lynn Wildman: mmwics@rit.edu
Assistant Director of Cybersecurity, Department of Cybersecurity
Sara Stabley: sesvcs@rit.edu
Marketing and Student Experience Coordinator, Department of Computer Science
For more information on tutoring for CSCI courses: Share your interest here!
Kara Griffith: kagiao@rit.edu
Assistant Director for Student Success, GCCIS Dean’s Office
For information on the GCCIS Tutoring Center or to apply as a Front Desk Assistant
Lana Verschage: wic@rit.edu
Director of GCCIS Diversity Initiatives Office & Women in Computing, GCCIS Dean’s Office
For more information on for Women in Computing (WiC) Tutoring
Occasionally a tutor needs to miss their shift for a variety of reasons. We make every effort to find a substitute but sometimes we are unable to do so. Also, depending on who is scheduled to work during that time, the Tutoring Center may need to close briefly because no tutor is available to work. We will do everything in our power to ensure this does not occur but sometimes things happen! We apologize for any inconvenience.