Academic Support

GCCIS Undergraduate Tutoring Resources

GCCIS Tutoring Center (GOL 2410)
A central location where any student taking courses in the introductory programming sequences offered within GCCIS can get help.

Computing Organization for Multicultural Students
COMS provides support to underserved students in computing through mentorship, tutoring, leadership, mental health workshops, professional development, and a sense of belonging.

Computer Science (GOL 3550, ICL-4)
Theory Tutoring; provides help with CS theory, algorithms, and limited help with crypto. In addition, TA’s provide tutoring support for select courses-information can found in course syllabi and MyCourses.

Stop by the RITSEC Club Room (GOL-2720) anytime or attend RITSEC meetings on Fridays from 12-4pm in GCI rooms 1710/1720/1730. Or, talk to your academic advisor for other options!

iSchool Open Lab (GOL-2670)
Students struggling with Java, Database, mobile or Web projects will find useful assistance provided by the iSchool tutors.

Interactive Games & Media (IGM)
TA’s provide tutoring support. Talk to your TA or instructors for more information. You may also contact Beth Livecchi (

Software Engineering
Society for Software Engineers (SSE) (GOL-1670)
Help with SE courses as well as the GCIS and CS intro courses.

Women in Computing (WiC) (GOL-2350)
Help with various CS and SE courses as well as for GCIS 123 and 124.

Other Tutoring Resources

Math and Physics Tutoring
The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers Math and Physics Tutoring (Bates Study Center and in Sol Heumann Hall). The ASC also offers Math and Physics support through zero-credit courses that help review and strengthen concepts in these subjects as well as other study tool kit handouts.

Tutoring at RIT
Looking for help in a non-GCCIS course? The ASC maintains a list of tutoring resources from across the University.

Tutor for Hire
Looking for 1:1 tutoring? The Academic Success Center (ASC) hosts a “job board” where students can hire tutors.

Campus Academic Resources

The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides a plethora of academic related services.

  • Academic Coaching: meet 1:1 with a trained peer mentor to discuss time management, organization, the study process, etc.
  • Instructor-led Academic Coaching: a more structured, and fee-based, version of Academic Coaching. You will meet weekly, 1:1, with a staff member. This is for 1st and 2nd year students.
  • Success Courses: Free, zero-credit courses that allow you to practice and develop your time management skills, study skills, and academic organization all with the support and feedback of an instructor.

The RIT Writing Center
Provides both individual and group feedback and guidance on academic and professional writing at any stage of the writing process.

Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education Bausch & Lomb, Suite 100):

  • Assists student in searching for, preparing for, and registering for their co-ops.
  • Career Counseling is provided to support career and major exploration as well as the decision-making process.

Study Abroad (RIT Global Office, Global Village 2nd floor)
Plan a semester abroad and earn credit toward your degree. Work with your academic advisor in partnership with the RIT Global Office.

Visit this RIT Life webpage for a more comprehensive listing of Academic Support Services.

Starfish Academic Alerts

Starfish Academic Alerts is an early warning system used by professors and staff at RIT. An academic alert can be sent for a variety of reasons:

  • Low attendance.
  • Low scores on homework, quizzes, tests.
  • Low participation.
  • This is a great chance to connect with your professor/academic advisor to check on your progress in the class. If you are experiencing academic difficulty, work with your instructor to develop a plan to get back on track.
  • Kudos can also be sent from a Professor!