
Highlighting the professional and academic accomplishments of College of Computing and Information Sciences students, faculty, and staff.

Newsmakers are a quick and easy way to acknowledge the professional and academic accomplishments of RIT students, faculty, and staff, such as publishing an article in a scholarly journal, presenting research at a conference, serving on a panel discussion, earning a scholarship, or winning an award. Newsmakers appear in News and Events as well as the "In the News" section on faculty/staff directory profile pages.

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January 2025

  • January 24, 2025

    Xueling Zhang, assistant professor of software engineering, secured NSF funding for her project “Toward Automated Testing of Augmented Reality Apps.” This research addresses the challenges of testing AR applications, which rely heavily on interactions with uncontrolled real-world environments. Zhang’s framework aims to streamline and automate AR app testing, enhancing safety and quality assurance for these innovative technologies.

  • January 24, 2025

    RIT CyberScholars and principal investigators from the NSF CyberCorps Scholarship for Service  program attended the annual SFS Job Fair and SFS PI meeting in Washington, D.C. Andy Meneely, PI for the program and associate professor in the Department of Software Engineering, presented “Student-Led Outreach of K-12 and Senior Citizens,” detailing a decade-long initiative where CyberScholars created games and activities to teach cybersecurity to these audiences.

  • January 17, 2025

    Daqing Hou, chair of the software engineering department, received NSF funding for "Integrating Cybersecurity in Computing Curricula," focusing on Identity and Access Management through a software project-based learning approach. The project is part of the NSF's Security, Privacy, and Trust in Cyberspace program which supports interdisciplinary research and education to develop a secure, resilient, and trustworthy global cyber ecosystem.

December 2024

  • December 11, 2024

    Students in the Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences won three major awards at the Wolfjam Hackathon for Student Games at the University at Albany. Nick Will, a new media interactive development student, won the Oakley Award recognizing a Wolfjam participant who embodies the spirit of community and fosters a positive atmosphere. Andrew JameisonCarl Browning, and Ryce Hazard, all game design and development students, won second place for their game, Connect’inJosephine CaradonnaDylan ClausonAriel CthwePilot DesLauriersKai GidwaniKatie HellmannMcKenzie LamLeah Torregiano, all game design and development students, and Gator Flack, a cybersecurity student, won the Nexus Award, recognizing the best project related to the theme of influencers and creators, for their game Sc are Parts. In addition to the awards, five honorable mentions were made by RIT students.

November 2024