Guest lecture by dr. Mohammed Mostajo-Radji on the topic "Programming the Brain"


RIT Croatia is honored to host dr. Mohammed Mostajo-Radji at the Dubrovnik campus on April 23!  As a part of his visit, dr. Mostajo-Radji will give a lecture on the topic "Programming the Brain". The lecture is open to all interested students and faculty members from the Dubrovnik and Zagreb campuses, and it is available live in Dubrovnik and online via Zoom:

Abstract: The brain is one of the most complex objects in the universe. Despite many efforts, the mechanisms that generate and maintain the diversity of neurons in the brain remains largely unknown. My lab develops cellular and computational tools to study neuronal evolution and disease in several modalities: genomics, electrophysiology and morphometry. This talk will highlight our recent advances in creating scalable models of brain development and our new computational tools to standardize neuronal phenotyping. Ultimately, we aim to create generative artificial intelligence models for neuroscience. In the second part of my talk I will focus on showcasing how you can be part of this initiative.

Bio: Dr. Mohammed Mostajo-Radji is an Assistant Research Scientist (Principal Investigator) at the Genomics Institute of the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) and the Director of the UCSC Live Cell Biotechnology Discovery Lab. After completing his undergraduate degree in Biotechnology at RIT, Dr. Mostajo-Radji performed his PhD work at Harvard, where he focused on understanding in reprogramming neurons and understanding the principles of brain wiring. His postdoctoral work at the University of California San Francisco developed multispecies brain organoid models. His lab is using organoid models to study the emergence of neuronal subtypes in evolution. He is particularly interested in creating computational tools for multimodal neuronal classification. He co-leads the data coordination center of the SSPSyGene consortium, a large initiative sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health to systematically and scalably study the 250 most important genes in neuropsychiatric disorders.

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