RIT Croatia at the Founding Assembly of UN Global Compact Network Croatia
On October 4, founders, 15 member organizations of the UN Global Compact, adopted the Statute of the Global Compact Network Croatia association during the meeting and decided to establish and submit the request for the association's registration. The founders of the Global Compact Network Croatia association are: Croatian Employers' Association, Fortenova Group, AD Plastik d.d., Mazars Cinotti Audit d.o.o., Agrivi d.o.o., Ernst & Young d.o.o., Telemach Croatia d.o.o., Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development, Spona Code d.o.o., Croatian Telecom d.d., INA d.d., Cemex Croatia d.d., Dalekovod d.d., RIT Croatia, Hendal d.o.o.
UN Global Compact is the world's largest initiative for sustainable development and corporate sustainability, with nearly 24,000 members in 167 countries and 62 local networks worldwide. More information is available at this link: https://www.hup.hr/odrzana-osnivacka-skupstina-un-global-compact-mreze-hrvatske.aspx