Satish Kandlikar Headshot

Satish Kandlikar


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

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Satish Kandlikar


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering


BE, Marathwada University (India); M.Tech., Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology (India)


Dr. Satish Kandlikar is the Gleason Professor of Mechanical Engineering at RIT. He received his B.S in Mechanical Engineering from Marathawada University, India, his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay and has been a faculty there before coming to RIT in 1980. His research is mainly focused in the area of flow boiling. After investigating the flow boiling phenomena from an empirical standpoint, which resulted in widely accepted correlations for different geometries, he started to look at the problem from a fundamental perspective. Using the high speed photography techniques, he demonstrated that small bubbles are released at a high frequency under flow conditions.

Dr. Kandlikar’s current work involves developing ultra-high performance pool and flow boiling heat transfer surfaces, stabilizing flow boiling in microchannels, interface mechanics during rapid evaporation, and advanced chip cooling with single-phase liquid flow. He has published over 200 journal and conference papers. He is a fellow member of ASME and has been the organizer of the two international conferences on Microchannels and Minichannels sponsored by ASME. Dr. Kandlikar founded the ASME Heat Transfer chapter in Rochester and founded and served as the first Chairman of the E-cubed fair – science and engineering fair for middle school students in celebration of the Engineers Week. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Eisenhart Award for Outstanding and Trustees Scholarship Award - both from RIT, Engineer of the Year Award from Rochester Engineering Society, and Heat Transfer Memorial Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

For more about Dr. Kandlikar see his website

Select Recent Publications 

Yao, Zhonghua; Lu, Yen-Wen; Kandlikar, Satish G., Fabrication of nanowires on orthogonal surfaces of microchannels and their effect on pool boiling, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING Volume: 22 Issue: 11 Article Number: 115005 DOI: 10.1088/0960-1317/22/11/115005 Published: NOV 2012.

Grimm, Michael; See, Evan J.; Kandlikar, Satish G., Modeling gas flow in PEMFC channels: Part I - Flow pattern transitions and pressure drop in a simulated ex situ channel with uniform water injection through the GDL, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY Volume: 37 Issue: 17 Pages: 12489-12503 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.06.001 Published: SEP 2012.

Rubio-Jimenez, Carlos A.; Kandlikar, Satish G.; Hernandez-Guerrero, Abel, Numerical Analysis of Novel Micro Pin Fin Heat Sink With Variable Fin Density, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Volume: 2 Issue: 5 Pages: 825-833 DOI: 10.1109/TCPMT.2012.2189925 Published: MAY 2012.

Lin, Ting-Yu; Kandlikar, Satish G., A Theoretical Model for Axial Heat Conduction Effects During Single-Phase Flow in Microchannels, JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Volume: 134 Issue: 2 Article Number: 020902 DOI: 10.1115/1.4004936 Published: FEB 2012

Yao, Z.; Lu, Y. -W.; Kandlikar, S. G.Effects of nanowire height on pool boiling performance of water on silicon chips, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES Volume: 50 Issue: 11 Pages: 2084-2090 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2011.06.009 Published: NOV 2011.


Personal Links
Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Chauhan, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Geometrical effects on heat transfer mechanisms during pool boiling in Dual Tapered Microgap with HFE7000." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 183. (2021): 122165. Web.
Owens, A., S.G. Kandlikar, and P. Phatak. "Potential of Infrared Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: A Critical Evaluation." Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy 4. 4 (2021): -. Web.
Shukla, M.Y. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Influence of Liquid Height on Bubble Coalescence, Vapor Venting, Liquid Return, and Heat Transfer in Pool Boiling." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 173. (2021): 121261. Web.
Negi, A., A.M. Rishi, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Heat Flux on Bubble Coalescence Phenomena and Sound Signatures During Pool Boiling." Journal of Heat Transfer 143. 5 (2021): 51601. Web.
Rishi, A.M., et al. "Investigation of Structure-Property-Boiling Enhancement Mechanisms of Copper/Graphene Nanoplatelets Coatings. Front." Mech. Eng 7. (2021): 642214. Web.
Rishi, A.M., et al. "Investigation of Structure-Property-Boiling Enhancement Mechanisms of Copper/Graphene Nanoplatelets Coatings." Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 7. (2021): 15. Web.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, J., et al. "An inverse heat transfer approach for patient-specific breast cancer detection and tumor localization using surface thermal images in the prone position." Infrared Physics and Technology 105. (2020): 1350-4495. Web.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, J., et al. "Clinical Infrared Imaging in the Prone Position for Breast Cancer Screening—Initial Screening and Digital Model Validation." Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy 3. 1 (2020): pp. 011005 (1-7). Web.
Rishi, A.M., et al. "Effect of Ball Milled and Sintered Graphene Nanoplatelets– Copper Composite Coatings on Bubble Dynamics and Pool Boiling Heat Transfer." Advanced Engineering Materials 22. (2020): pp. 1901562 (1-11). Web.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Evaporation Momentum Force and Its Relevance to Boiling Heat Transfer." Journal of Heat Transfer 142. (2020): pp. 100801 (1-12). Web.
Rishi, A.M., S.G. Kandlikar, and A. Gupta. "Salt templated and graphene nanoplatelets draped copper (GNP‑draped‑Cu) composites for dramatic improvements in pool boiling heat transfer." Nature Research Scientific Reports. (2020): -. Web.
Yin, L., et al. "Subcooled flow boiling in an expanding microgap with a hybrid microstructured surface." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 151. (2020): pp. 1-11. Web.
Chauhan, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Transforming Pool Boiling into Self-sustained Flow Boiling Through Bubble Squeezing Mechanism in Tapered Microgaps." Applied Physics Letters 116. (2020): pp. 081601 (1-5). Web.
G., Kandlikar, S. "A New Perspective on Heat Transfer Mechanisms and Sonic Limit in Pool Boiling." ASME. J. Heat Transfer 141. 5 (2019): 12 pages. Web.
Emery, T. S. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Modeling Bubble Collisions at Liquid?Liquid and Compound Interfaces." Langmuir 35. 25 (2019): 8294-8307. Web.
Rishi, A. M., S. G. Kandlikar, and A. Gupta. "Improved Wettability of Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNP)/copper Porous Coatings for Dramatic Improvements in Pool Boiling Heat Transfer." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132. (2019): 462-472. Web.
Shamim, M. S., et al. "Evaluation of Wireless Network-on-chip Architectures with Microchannel-based Cooling in 3D Multicore Chips." Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 21. (2019): 165-178. Web.
Rishi, A. M., S. G. Kandlikar, and A. Gupta. "Repetitive Pool Boiling Runs: A Controlled Process to Form Reduced Graphene Oxide Surfaces from Graphene Oxide with Tunable Surface Chemistry and Morphology." Ind. Eng. Chem. Res 58. 17 (2019): 7156-7165. Web.
Emery, T. S. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Film Size During Bubble Collision With a Solid Surface." J. Fluids Eng 141. 7 (2019): -. Web.
Ye, Xuemin, Satish G. Kandlikar, and Chunxi Li. "Viscosity of Nanofluids Containing Anisotropic Particles: A Critical Review and a Comprehensive Model." Eur. Phys. J. E 42. 159 (2019): -. Web.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, J.-L., et al. "Technology, Application and Potential of Dynamic Breast Thermography for the Detection of Breast Cancer." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 131. (2019): 558-573. Web.
Recinella, A. N., et al. "Clinical Infrared Imaging in the Prone Position for Breast Cancer Screening—Initial Screening and Digital Model Validation." ASME J of Medical Diagnostics 3. 1 (2019): -. Web.
Hayes, A., et al. "Regulating Flow of Vapor to Enhance Pool Boiling." Applied Thermal Engineering 149. (2019): 1044-1051. Web.
Chauhan, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Characterization of a Dual Taper Thermosiphon Loop for CPU Cooling in Data Centers." Applied Thermal Engineering 146. (2019): 450-458. Web.
Ye, X., S. G. Kandlikar, and C. Li. "Viscosity of Nanofluids Containing Anisotropic Particles: A Critical Review and a Comprehensive Model." Eur. Phys. J. E 42. 12 (2019): 159. Web.
Bulut, M., S. G. Kandlikar, and N. Sozbir. "A Review of Vapor Chambers." Heat Transfer Engineering 40. 19 (2019): -. Web.
Perez-Raya, I. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Discretization and Implementation of a Sharp Interface Model for Interfacial Heat and Mass Transfer During Bubble Growth." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 116 (2018): 30-49. Web.
Wong, P., K.S.V. Santhanam, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Cobalt Deposition in Graphene Quantum Dot Bath: Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Features: A Prospective Sensor Material." Journal of The Electrochemical Society 165. 5 (2018): B232-B239. Print.
Perez-Raya, I and S.G. Kandlikar. "Discretization and Implementation of a Sharp Interface Model for Interfacial Heat and Mass Transfer During Bubble Growth." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (2018): 30-49. Print.
Recinella, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Flow Boiling Using Radial Open Microchannels With Manifold and Offset Strip Fins." Journal of Heat Transfer 140. 2 (2018): 21502. Print.
Jaikumar, A., T.S. Emery, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Interplay Between Developing Flow Length and Bubble Departure Diameter During Macroconvection Enhanced Pool Boiling." Applied Physics Letters 112. 7 (2018): 71603. Print.
Emery, T.S., P.A. Raghupathi, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Flow Regimes and Transition Criteria during Passage of Bubbles through a Liquid-Liquid Interface." Langmuir 34. 23 (2018): 6766-6776. Web.
Bulut, M., S.G. Kandlikar, and N. Sozbir. "A Review of Vapor Chambers." Heat Transfer Engineering. (2018): 1-23. Web.
Rishi, A.M., A. Gupta, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Improving Aging Performance of Electrodeposited Copper Coatings During Pool Boiling." Applied Thermal Engineering. (2018): 406-414. Print.
Emery, T.S., et al. "Dual Enhancement in HTC and CHF for External Tubular Pool Boiling–A Mechanistic Perspective and Future Directions." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (2018): 1053-1073. Print.
Gupta, A., et al. "A Multiscale Morphological Insight into Graphene Based Coatings for Pool Boiling Applications." Heat Transfer Engineering 39. 15 (2018): 1331-1343. Print.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, J.L., et al. "Generation and Thermal Simulation of a Digital Model of the Female Breast in Prone Position." ASME J of Medical Diagnostics 1. 4 (2018): 41006. Web.
Emery, T.S., P.A. Raghupathi, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Bubble Growth Inside an Evaporating Liquid Droplet Introduced in an Immiscible Superheated Liquid." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127. Part C (2018): 313-321. Print.
Hayes, A., et al. "Regulating Flow of Vapor to Enhance Pool Boiling." Applied Thermal Engineering 149. (2018): 1044-1051. Web.
Chauhan, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Characterization of a Dual Taper Thermosiphon Loop for CPU Cooling in Data Centers." Appl. Therm. Eng. 146. (2018): 450-458. Print.
Perez-Raya, I. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Discretization and Implementation of a Sharp Interface Model for Interfacial Heat and Mass Transfer During Bubble Growth." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 116 (2018): 30-49. Print.
Perez-Raya, I. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Discretization and implementation of a sharp interface model for interfacial heat and mass transfer during bubble growth." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 116 (2018): 30-49. Web.
Recinella, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Flow Boiling Using Radial Open Microchannels With Manifold and Offset Strip Fins." J. Heat Transf. 140. (2017): 111502-111502—7. Print.
Raghupath, P.A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Thermophysical Properties of the Heater Substrate on Critical Heat Flux in Pool Boilin." J. Heat Transf 139. (2017): 111502-111502—7. Print.
Raghupathi, P.A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Characterization of Pool Boiling of Seawater and Regulation of Crystallization Fouling by Physical Aberration." Heat Transf. Eng 38. (2017): 1296-1304. Print.
Raghupathi, P.A. and S.G. Kandlikar,. "Pool boiling enhancement through contact line augmentation." Appl. Phys. Lett 110. (2017): 204101. Print.
Raghupathi, P.A., et al. "Bubble induced flow field modulation for pool boiling enhancement over a tubular surface." Appl. Phys. Lett 110. (2017): 251603. Print.
Panse, S.S. and S.G. Kandlikar. "A thermosiphon loop for high heat flux removal using flow boiling of ethanol in OMM with tape." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf 106. (2017): 546-557. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Enhanced Macroconvection Mechanism With Separate Liquid—Vapor Pathways to Improve Pool Boiling Performance." J. Heat Transf. 139. (2017): 051501-051501-11. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Infrared imaging technology for breast cancer detection — Current status, protocols and new directions." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf 108. (2017): 2303-2320. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. and A. Ganguly,. "Fundamentals of Heat Dissipation in 3D IC Packaging, in: 3D Microelectron. Packag." Springe. (2017): 245-260. Print.
Kandlikar, S. "Boiling and Two-Phase Flow in Narrow Channels." Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering. (2017): 1-22. Print.
Kandlikar,, S., et al. "Special Issue From International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change Phenomena Held in Trondheim." J. Heat Transf. 139. (2017): 110301-110301—1. Print.
Jaikumar,, A., et al. "Microscale Morphology Effects of Copper—Graphene Oxide Coatings on Pool Boiling Characteristics." J. Heat Transf. 139. (2017): 111509-111509—11. Print.
Jaikumar, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Coupled Motion of Contact Line on Nanoscale Chemically Heterogeneous Surfaces for Improved Bubble Dynamics in Boiling." Sci. Rep 7. (2017): 15691. Print.
Jaikumar,, A., S.G. Kandlikar,, and A. Gupta,. "Pool Boiling Enhancement through Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings." Heat Transf. Eng. 38. (2017): 1274-1284. Print.
Jaikumar,, A., et al. "Scale effects of graphene and graphene oxide coatings on pool boiling enhancement mechanisms." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf 109. (2017): 357-366. Print.
Jaikumar, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Pool boiling inversion through bubble induced macroconvection." Appl. Phys. Lett 110. (2017): 94107. Print.
Gupta, A., et al. "A Multiscale Morphological Insight into Graphene Based Coatings for Pool Boiling Applications." Heat Transf. Eng.. (2017): 0-13. Print.
Emery,, T.S. and S.G. Kandlikar,. "Pool boiling with four non-ozone depleting refrigerants and comparison with previously established correlations." Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 85. (2017): 132-139. Print.
Shah, M. M. and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Water Emergence from the Land Region and Water-sidewall Interactions in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Channels with Microgrooves." Journal of Power Sources 297. (2015): 127-139. Web.
Protich, Z., et al. "Electrochemical Deposition of Copper in Graphene Quantum Dot Bath: Pool Boiling Enhancement." Journal of Electrochemical Society 163. 6 (2016): E166-E172. Web.
Koz, Mustafa and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Oxygen Transport Resistance at Gas Diffusion Layer — Air Channel Interface with Film Flow of Water in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell." Journal of Power Sources 302. (2016): 331-342. Web.
Jaikumar, Arvind and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Enhancement Through Bubble Induced Convective Liquid Flow in Feeder Microchannels." Applied Physics Letters 108. 4 (2016): 41604. Web.
Kandliar, Satish G. "Mechanistic Considerations for Enhancing Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels." Journal of Heat Transfer 138. 2 (2016): 21504. Web.
Buchling, Philipp and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Flow Boiling of Ethanol in Open Microchannels With Tapered Manifolds in a Gravity-Driven Flow." Journal of Heat Transfer 138. 3 (2016): 31503. Web.
Raghupathi, Pruthvik A. and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Contact Line Region Heat Transfer Mechanisms for an Evaporating Interface." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 95. (2016): 296-306. Web.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, Jose-Luis, Satish G. Kandlikar, and Abel Hernandez-Guerrero. "Performance Assessment Comparison of Variable Fin Density Microchannels With Offset Configurations." Heat Transfer Engineering. 16 (2016): 1-13. Web.
Raghupathi, Pruthvik A. and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Bubble Growth and Departure Trajectory Under Asymmetric Temperature Conditions." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 95. (2016): 824-832. Web.
Jaikumar, Arvind and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Ultra-high Pool Boiling Performance and Effect of Channel Width with Selectively Coated Open Microchannels." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 95. (2016): 795-805. Web.
Tí¼rkakar, Gí¶ker and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Entropy Generation Analysis of a Microchannel-condenser for use in a Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle." International Journal of Refrigeration 70. (2016): 71-83. Web.
Perez-Raya, Isaac and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Numerical Modeling of Interfacial Heat and Mass Transport Phenomena During a Phase Change Using ANSYS-Fluent." Numerical Heat Transfer Fundamentals 70. 4 (2016): 322-339. Web.
Jaikumar, Arvind, Satish G. Kandlikar, and Anju Gupta. "Pool Boiling Enhancement through Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings." Heat Transfer Engineering. (2016): 0. Web.
Raghupathi, Pruthvik A. and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Characterization of Pool Boiling of Seawater and Regulation of Crystallization Fouling by Physical Aberration." Heat Transfer Engineering. (2016): 0. Web.
Kandliar, Satish G. "Enhanced Macro-convection Mechanism with Separate Liquid-Vapor Pathways to Improve Pool Boiling Performance." Journal of Heat Transfer. (2016): n/a. Web.
Kandliar, Satish G, Jose-Luis Gonzalez-Hernandez, and Abel Hernandez-Guerrero. "Performance Assessment Comparison of Variable Fin Density Microchannels With Offset Configurations." Heat Transfer Engineering 31. 16 (2016): 1-13. Web.
Buchling, Philipp and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Flow Boiling of Ethanol in Open Microchannels With Tapered Manifolds in a Gravity-Driven Flow." Journal of Heat Transfer 138. 3 (2016): 31503. Web.
Kandliar, Satish G. "Mechanistic Considerations for Enhancing Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels." Journal of Heat Transfer 138. 2 (2016): 21504. Web.
Kandlikar, Satish G and Mihir M Shah. "Water Emergence from the Land Region and Water-sidewall Interactions in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Channels with Microgrooves." Journal of Power Sources 297. (2015): 127-139. Print.
Kandlikar, Satish G and Ankit Kalani. "Flow Patterns and Heat Transfer Mechanisms During Flow Boiling Over Open Microchannels in Tapered Manifold (OMM)." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89. (2015): 494-504. Print.
Kandlikar, Satish G and Arvind Jaikumar. "Enhanced Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Mechanisms for Selectively Sintered Open Microchannels." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 88. (2015): 652-661. Print.
Lorenzini-Gutierrez, Daniel, et al. "Residence Time of Water Film and Slug Flow Features in Fuel Cell Gas Channels and their Effect on Instantaneous Area Coverage Ratio." Journal of Power Sources 279. (2015): 567-580. Print.
Banerjee, Rupak and Satish G Kandlikar. "Two-phase Flow and Thermal Transients in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells — A Critical Review." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40. 10 (2015): 3990-4010. Print.
Koz, Mustafa and Satish G Kandlikar. "Interfacial Oxygen Transport Resistance in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Air Channel with an Array of Water Droplets." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 80. (2015): 180-191. Print.
Kandlikar, Satish G, Evan J See, and Rupak Banerjee. "Modeling Two-Phase Pressure Drop along PEM Fuel Cell Reactant Channels." Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162. 7 (2015): F772-F782. Print.
Kandlikar, Satish G and Arvind Jaikumar. "Enhanced Pool Boiling for Electronics Cooling Using Porous Fin Tops on Open Microchannels with FC-87." Applied Thermal Engineering 91. (2015): 426-433. Print.
Xu, Jinliang, et al. "Editorial: Special issue for the International Heat Transfer Symposium (IHTS2014)." Applied Thermal Engineering 88. (2015): 1. Web.
Kandlikar, Satish G and Ankit Kalani. "Combining Liquid Iinertia with Pressure Recovery from Bubble Expansion for Enhanced Flow Boiling." Applied Physics Letters 107. (2015): doi: 10.1063/1.4935211. Web.
Kandlikar, Satish G, et al. "Electrochemical Deposition of Copper on Graphene with A High Heat Transfer Coefficient." ECS Transactions 66. 30 (2015): 55-64. Print.
Kalani, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of taper on pressure recovery during flow boiling in open microchannels with manifold using homogeneous flow model." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 83 (2015): 109-117. Print.
Koz, M. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Interfacial oxygen transport resistance in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell air channel with an array of water droplets." nt. J. Heat Mass Transf.. 80 (2015): 180-191. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G, E. J. See, and R. Banerjee. "Modeling two-phase pressure drop along PEM fuel cell reactant channels." J. Electrochem. Soc 162. 7 (2015): F772-F782. Print.
Lorenzini-Gutierrez, D., et al. "Residence time of water film and slug flow features in fuel cell gas channels and their effect on instantaneous area coverage ratio." Journal of Power Sources. 279 (2015): 567-580. Print.
Xu, J., et al. "Editorial: Special issue for the International Heat Transfer Symposium (IHTS2014)." Applied Thermal Engineering 88. (2015): 1. Print.
Kalani, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Combining Liquid Inertia with Pressure Recovery From Bubble Expansion for Enhanced Flow Boiling." Applied Physics Letters 107. 18160 (2015): doi 10.1063/1.4935211. Print.
Jaikumar, A, et al. "“Electrochemical Deposition of Copper on Graphene with High Heat Transfer Coefficient." ECS Transactions 66. 30 (2015): 55-64. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G and A. Jaikumar. "Enhanced Pool Boiling using Separate Liquid- Vapor Pathways for Cooling High Heat Flux Electronics Devices,." Electronics Cooling Magazine — Focused on Thermal Management, TIMs, Fans, Heat Sinks, CFD Software, LEDs/Lighting. December (2015): 36-40. Print.
Jaikumar, Arvind and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Mechanisms for Selectively Sintered Open Microchannels." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 88. (2015): 652-661. Web.
Kalani, Ankit and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Flow Patterns and Heat Transfer Mechanisms During Flow Boiling over Open Microchannels in Tapered Manifold (OMM)." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89. (2015): 494-504. Web.
Kalani, Ankit and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Combining Liquid Inertia with Pressure Recovery from Bubble Expansion for Enhanced Flow Boiling." Applied Physics Letters 107. 18 (2015): 181601. Web.
Jaikumar, Arvind and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Pool Boiling For Electronics Cooling Using Porous Fin Tops on Open Microchannels With FC-87." Applied Thermal Engineering 91. (2015): 426-433. Web.
Banerjee, R and S.G. Kandlikar. "Liquid Water Quantification in the Cathode Side Gas Channels of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Through Two-Phase Flow Visualization." Journal of Power Sources. 247 (2014): 9-19. Print.
Banerjee, R and S.G. Kandlikar. "Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop Transients in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Reactant Channels and Their Impact on the Cell Performance." Journal of Power Sources. 268 (2014): 194-203. Print.
Bhavnani, S, et al. "Boiling Augmentation with Micro/Nanostructured Surfaces: Current Status and Research Outlook." Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering. 18 (2014): 197-222. Print.
Gopalan, P and S.G. Kandlikar. "Modeling Dynamic Interaction Between an Emerging Water Droplet and the Sidewall of a Trapezoidal Channel." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 441 (2014): 262-275. Print.
Gopalan, P and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Channel Materials and Trapezoidal Corner Angles on Emerging Droplet Behavior in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Channels." Journal of Power Sources. 248 (2014): 230-238. Print.
Gopalan, P and S.G. Kandlikar. "Contact Line Characteristics of Liquid-Gas Interfaces Over Grooved Surfaces." Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 16. 6 (2014): 999-1008. Print.
A, Kalani, and Kandlikar, S. G. "Evaluation of Pressure Drop Performance During Enhanced Flow Boiling in Open Microchannels With Tapered Manifolds." Journal of Heat Transfer 136. 5 (2014): 1-7. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Review and Projections of Integrated Cooling Systems for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits." Journal of Electronic Packaging 136. 2 (2014): 1-11. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G., et al. "Two-Phase Flow in GDL and Reactant Channels of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39. 12 (2014): 6620-6636. Print.
Li, Z, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Current Status and Future Trends in Data Center Cooling Technologies." Heat Transfer Engineering. (2014) Print.
T.Y., Lin,, et al. "An Experimental Investigation on Friction Characteristics and Heat Transfer of Air and CO2 Flow in Microtubes With Structured Surface Roughness,." Heat Transfer Engineering 35. 2 (2014): 021007-1 - 021007-11. Print.
Patil, C. M. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Review of the Manufacturing Techniques for Porous Surfaces Used in Enhanced Pool Boiling." Heat Transfer Engineering 35. 10 (2014): 887-902. Print.
Patil, C. M., K. S. V. Santhanam, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Development of a Two-step Electrodeposition Process for Enhancing Pool Boiling." International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer. 79 (2014): 989-1001. Print.
Patil, C. M. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Enhancement through Microporous Coatings Selectively Electrodeposited on Fin Tops of Open Microchannels." International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer. 79 (2014): 816-828. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Design Considerations for Cooling High Heat Flux IC Chips with Microchannels." IEEE DESIGN & TEST 31. 4 (2014): 43-50. Print.
R, Banerjee, and Kandlikar, S. G. "Two-phase pressure drop response during load transients in a PEMFC,." Int. J. Hydrog. Energy. 39(33) (2014): 19079-19086. Print.
Banerjee, R, et al. "Experimental Validation of Two-phase Pressure Drop Multiplier as a Diagnostic Tool for Characterizing PEM Fuel Cell Performance." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39. 31 (2014): 17791-17801. Print.
Banerjee, R and S.G. Kandlikar. "Two-phase Pressure Drop Response During Load Transients in a PEMFC." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39. 33 (2014): 19079-19086. Print.
Banerjee, R, et al. "Experimental Validation of Two-phase Pressure Drop Multiplier as a Diagnostic Tool for Characterizing PEM Fuel Cell Performance." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39. 31 (2014): 17791-17801. Print.
Banerjee, R and S.G. Kandlikar. "Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Pressure Drop Transients in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Reactant Channels and Their Impact on the Cell Performance." Journal of Power Sources 268. (2014): 194-203. Print.
Kanaris, Athanasios G., et al. "Comparing the Mixing Performance of Common Types of Chaotic Micromixers: A Numerical Study." Heat Transfer Engineering 36(13). (2014): 1122—1131. Print.
Li, Zhen and Satish G Kandlikar. "Current Status and Future Trends in Data-Center Cooling Technologies." Heat Transfer Engineering 36(6). (2014): 523-538. Print.
Dharaiya, V. V. and S. G. Kandlikar. "A Numerical Study on the Effects of 2D Structured Sinusoidal Elements on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer at Microscale." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 57. (2013): 190-201. Print.
Gopalan, P. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Channel Material on Water Droplet Dynamics in a PEMFC Gas Channel." Journal of Electrochemical Society 160. 6 (2013): F487-F495. Print.
Kalani, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Pool Boiling with Ethanol at Subatmospheric Pressures for Electronics Cooling." Journal of Heat Transfer 135. (2013): 111002-1 - 111002-7. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Selected Papers from the Ninth International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels." Heat Transfer Engineering 34. 2-3 (2013): 99-100. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Controlling Bubble Motion Over Heated Surface Though Evaporation Momentum Force to Enhance Pool Boiling Heat Transfer." Applied Physics Letters 102. (2013): 051611-1 - 051611-5. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G., et al. "Enhanced Flow Boiling Over Open Microchannels with Uniform and Tapered Gap Manifolds." Journal of Heat Transfer 135. (2013): 061401-1 061401-9. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G., et al. "Heat Transfer in Microchannels - 2012 Status and Research Needs." Journal of Heat Transfer 135. 9 (2013): 091001-1 - 091001-18. Print.
Koz, M. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Numerical Investigation of Interfacial Transport Resistance Due to Water Droplets in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Air Channels." Journal of Power Sources 243. (2013): 946-957. Print.
Lin, T-Y. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Heat Transfer Investigation of Air Flow in Microtubes - Part I: Effects of Heat Loss, Viscous Heating, and Axial Conduction." Journal of Heat Transfer 135. 3 (2013): 031703-1 - 031703-9. Print.
Lin, T-Y. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Heat Transfer Investigation of Air Flow in Microtubes - Part II: Scale and Axial Conduction Effects." Journal of Heat Transfer 135. 3 (2013): 031704-1 - 031703-6. Print.
Mehta, J. S. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement over Cylindrical Tubes with Water at Atmospheric Pressure, Part I: Experimental Results for Circumferential Rectangular Open Microchannels." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64. (2013): 1205-1215. Print.
Mehta, J. S. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement over Cylindrical Tubes with Water at Atmospheric Pressure, Part II: Experimental Results and Bubble Dynamics for Circumferential V-Groove and Axial Rectangular Open Microchannels." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64. (2013): 1216-1225. Print.
Rubio-Jimenez, C. A., S. G. Kandlikar, and A. Hernandez-Guerrero. "Performance of Online and Offset Micro Pin-Fin Heat Sinks with Variable Fin Density." IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology 3. 1 (2013): 86-93. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. and D. Cooke. "Effect of Open Microchannel Geometry on Pool Boiling Enhancement." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55. 4 (2012): 1004-1013. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. and Michael Daino. "3D Phase-Differentiated GDL Microstructure Generation with Binder and PTFE Distributions." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37. 6 (2012): 5180-5189. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. and V.V. Dharaiya. "Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer in Rectangular Microchannels Under H2 Boundary Condition During Developing and Fully Developed Laminar Flow." Journal of Heat Transfer 134. 2 (2012): 1-10. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. and Preethi Gopalan. "Droplet-Sidewall Dynamic Interactions in PEMFC Gas Channels." Journal of Electrochemical Society. (2012): 468-475. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G., Evan See, and M Grimm. "Modeling Gas Flow in PEMFC Channels: Part I Flow Pattern Transitions and Pressure Drop in a Simulated Ex Situ Channel with Uniform Water Injection Through the GDL." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. (2012): 12489-12503. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Closure to Discussion of Heat Transfer Mechanisms During Flow Boiling in Microchannels." Journal of Heat Transfer. (2012): 015502-1. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G., M. H. Kim, and S. Peter. "Guest Editorial." Journal of Heat Transfer. (2012): 20301. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "History, Advances, and Challenges in Liquid Flow and Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels: A Critical Review." Journal of Heat Transfer. (2012): 034001-1-10. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "A Theoretical Model for Axial Heat Conduction Effects During Single-Phase Flow in Microchannels." Journal of Heat Transfer. (2012): 020902-020908. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G., C. A. Rubio-Jimenez, and A. Hernandez-Guerrero. "Numerical Analysis of Novel Micro Pin Fin Heat Sink with Variable Fin Density." IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. (2012): 825-833. Print.
Yang, C. Y., et al. "Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Air Flow in Microtubes." Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. (2012): 12-18. Print.
Yao, Z., Y. W. Lu, and S. G. Kandlikar. "Fabrication of Nanowires on Orthogonal Surfaces of Microchannels and Their Effect on Pool Pooling." Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. (2012): 115005-115014. Print.
Wagner, R.N. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effects of Structured Roughness on Fluid Flow at the Microscale Level." Heat Transfer Engineering. (2012): 483-493. Print.
Zhang, G. and S. G. Kandlikar. "A Critical Review of Cooling Techniques in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. (2012): 2412-2429. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. and T.Y. Lin. "An Experimental Investigation of Structured Roughness Effect on Heat Transfer During Single-Phase Liquid Flow at Microscale." Journal of Heat Transfer. (2012): 101701-1 - 101701-9. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G., Z. Yao, and Y-w Lu. "Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement through Nanostructures on Silicon Microchannels." Journal of Nanotechnology and Medicine. (2012): 031002-1 - 031002-8. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Professor Warren M. Rohsenow (1921-2011)." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. (2012): 4938-4940. Print.
Cooke, D. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Heat Transfer and Bubble Dynamics Over Plain and Enhanced Microchannels." Journal of Heat Transfer 133. 5 (2011): 052902-1-9. Print.
Daino, M. M., et al. "Through-Plane Water Transport Visualization in a PEMFC by Visible and Infrared Imaging." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 14. 6 (2011): B51-B54. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G., M.L. Garoalo, and Z. Lu. "Water Management in a PEMFC: Water Transport Mechanism and Material Degradation in Gas Diffusion Layers." Fuel Cells 11. 6 (2011): 814-823. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels." Heat Transfer Engineering 32. 7-8 (2011): 525-526. Print.
LaManna, J. M. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Determination of Effective Water Vapor Diffusion Coefficient in Pemfc Gas Diffusion Layers." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 8 (2011): 5021-5029. Print.
Lu, Z., et al. "Water Management Studies in PEM Fuel Cells, Part IV: Effects of Channel Surface Wettability, Geometry and Orientation on The Two-phase Flow in Parallel Gas Channels." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 16 (2011): 9864-9875. Print.
Lu, Y. W. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Nanoscale Surface Modification Techniques for Pool Boiling Enhancementa A Critical Review and Future Directions." Heat Transfer Engineering 32. 10 (2011): 827-842. Print.
Mukherjee, A., S. G. Kandlikar, and Z. J. Edel. "Numerical Study of Bubble Growth and Wall Heat Transfer During Flow Boiling in a Microchannel." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54. (2011): 3702-3718. Print.
Rath, C. D. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Liquid Filling in a Corner with A Fibrous wall An Application To Two-phase Flow in PEM Fuel Cell Gas Channels." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 384. 1-3 (2011): 653-660. Print.
Sergi, K. M. and S. G Kandlikar. "Quantification and Characterization of Water Coverage in PEMFC Gas Channels Using Simultaneous Anode and Cathode Visualization and Image Processing." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 19 (2011): 12381-12392. Print.
Yao, Z., Y.-W Lu, and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effects of Nanowire Height on Pool Boiling Performance of Water on Silicon Chips." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50. 11 (2011): 2084-2090. Print.
Lao, Z., Y. W. Lu, and S. G. Kandlikar. "Direct Growth of Copper Nanowires on a Substrate for Boiling Applications." Micro & Nano Letters 6. 7 (2011): 563-566. Print.
Full Patent
Kandlikar, S.G.. "Heat transfer system and method incorporating tapered flow field." U.S. Patent 11143466. 12 Oct. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G. and C. Patil. "Enhanced boiling with selective placement of nucleation sites." U.S. Patent 11092391. 17 Aug. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Passive two phase heat transfer systems." U.S. Patent 11073340. 27 Jul. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G.. "Fuel cells with a non-parallel gas flow channel configuration and methods thereof." U.S. Patent 11038181. 15 Jun. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Detection and characterization of cancerous tumors." U.S. Patent 11010898. 18 May 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G. and A. Hayes. "Volcano-shaped enhancement features for enhanced pool boiling." U.S. Patent 10890377. 12 Jan. 2021.
Jaikumar, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Enhancement with Feeder Channels Supplying Liquid to Nucleating Regions." U.S. Patent US10473410B2. 12 Nov. 2019.
Kandlikar, S.G.. "Heat Transfer System and Method Incorporating Tapered Flow Field." U.S. Patent 16/018,927. 2018.
Ganguly, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Gas-Cooled 3D IC with Wireless Interconnects." U.S. Patent 20170323843A1. 2017.
Jaikumar, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Enhancement with Feeder Channels Supplying Liquid to Nucleating Regions." U.S. Patent US2017138678A1. 2017.
Santhanam,, Kalathur S.V., et al. "Electrochemical Process for Producing Graphene, Graphene Oxide, Metal Composites, and Coated Substrates." U.S. Patent US20160017502 A1. 2016.
Kandliar, Satish G. "Refrigerant System for Producing Chilled Liquid." U.S. Patent 62/375,217,. 2016.
Santhanam, K.S.V., et al. "Electrochemical Process for Producing Graphene, Graphene Oxide, Metal Composites, and Coated Substrates." U.S. Patent 330P181UTIL. 2015.
Kandlikar, S. G., et al. "Advanced Heat Spreader." U.S. Patent 62/264985. 2015.
Kandlikar, S.G. and A. Jaikumar. "Enhanced Pool Boiling Through Separate Liquid-Vapor Pathways With Feeder Microchannels Supplying Liquid to Nucleating Regions." U.S. Patent 62/256,286. 2015.
Provisional Patent
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Detection and Characterization of Cancerous Tumors." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 17208001. 29 Jul. 2021.
Kandlikar, Satish, et al. "Detection and Characterization of Cancerous Tumors." U.S. Provisional Patent Application US20190385308A1. 19 Dec. 2019.
Kandlikar, S. and A. Hayes. "Volcano-shaped Enhancement Features for Enhanced Pool Boiling." U.S. Provisional Patent Application US20190339008A1. 7 Nov. 2019.
Perez-Raya, I. and S. Kandlikar. "Method for Modeling Interfaces." U.S. Provisional Patent Application US20190332728A1. 31 Oct. 2019.
Kandlikar, S. G., et al. "Passive Two Phase Heat Transfer Systems." U.S. Provisional Patent Application US20190293358A1. 26 Sep. 2019.
Gupta, A., S. G. Kandlikar, and A. M. Rishi. "Multi-Step Electrodeposition Technique for Hierarchical Porous Coatings with Tunable Wickability, Wettability and Durability." U.S. Provisional Patent Application US20190226110A1. 25 Jul. 2019.
Kandlikar, S.G and C. Patil. "Enhanced Boiling with Selective Placement of Nucleation Sites." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 20170176114A1. 19 Jan. 2018.
Jaikumar, Arvind and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Enhancement Through Separate Liquid- Vapor Pathways with Feeder Channels Supplying Liquid to Nucleating Regions,." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 62/256,286. 2016.
Book Chapter
Kandlikar, S.G. and A. Ganguly. "Fundamentals of heat dissipation in 3D IC packaging and thermal-aware design." 3D Microelectronic Packaging. -, -: Springer, 2021. 369-395. Web.
Perez-Raya, I. and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Evaporation on a Planar Interface Numerical Simulation and Theoretical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transport Processes." Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol 48. Radarweg, NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science and Technology, 2016. 1-66. Print.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Boiling." Multiphase flow handbook. Ed. Michaelides, Crowe, and Schwarzkopf. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis Group, 2016. 559-604. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Boiling and Evaporation in Microchannels." Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. Rochester, NY: Springer Publications, 2015. 179-182. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Transition to Turbulence in Microchannels." Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. Rochester, NY: Springer Publications, 2015. 218-221. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Bubble Dynamics in Microchannels." Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,. Rochester, NY: Springer Publications, 2015. 218-221. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Roughness Effect on Microscale Transport." Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. Rochester, ny: Springer Publications, 2015. 2945-2949. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Preface." Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and Microchannels. Rochester, NY: Elsevier, 2014. prefact. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Owens, A., et al. "A Comparative Analysis of The Tumor Pathology and The Metabolic Heat Generation of Growing Malignant Tumors." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, July 13-15, 2020. Ed. -. Rochester, New York: n.p., Web.
Shipkowski, S.P., I. Perez-Raya, and S.G. Kandlikar. "A Proposed Approach for Accurate Estimation of Interface Surface Area in Multiphase Simulation." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, July 13-15, 2020. Ed. -. Rochester, New York: n.p., Web.
Negi, A., A.M. Rishi, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Heat Flux on Bubble Coalescence Phenomena and Sound Signatures during Pool Boiling." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, July 13-15, 2020. Ed. -. Rochester, New York: n.p., Web.
Moreira, D.C., G. Ribatski, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effects of Taper Configurations on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Single-Phase Flows in Microgaps." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, July 13-15, 2020. Ed. -. Rochester, New York: n.p., Web.
Chauhan, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "High Speed Imaging of Bubble Interface Motion in a Tapered Microgap." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, July 13-15, 2020. Ed. -. Rochester, New York: n.p., Web.
Aguiar, F.G. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Performance Evaluation of a New Configuration of Direct Contact Humidification Dehumidification (DCHDH) Desalination System." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, July 13-15, 2020. Ed. -. Rochester, New York: n.p., Web.
Moreira, D.C., G. Ribatski, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Review of Enhancement Techniques with Vapor Extraction During Flow Boiling in Microchannels." Proceedings of the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, July 13-15, 2020. Ed. -. Rochester, New York: n.p., Web.
Perez-Raya, I. and S.G. Kandlikar. "A Volume of Fluid Based Model for the Simulation of Bubble Growth Over a Heated Surface." Proceedings of the ASME 2018 16th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Microchannels. Ed. -. Dubrovnik, Croatia: n.p., 2018. Web.
Rishi, A.M., A. Gupta, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Improving Liquid Supply Pathways on Graphene Oxide Coated Surfaces for Enhanced Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Performance." Proceedings of the , ASME 2018 16th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Microchannels. Ed. -. Dubrovnik, Croatia: n.p., 2018. Web.
Perez-Raya, I. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Simulation of Bubble Growth Over a Heated Surface with Interfacial Temperature Gradients and Sharp Interface." Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE). Ed. -. Pittsburgh, PA: n.p., 2018. Web.
A,, Jaikumar and Kandlikar SG. "Pool Boiling Inversion on Surfaces With Separate Liquid-Vapor Pathways and Enhanced Macroconvection Mechanisms." Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ASME. Cambridge, MA: n.p., 2017. Print.
TS,, Emery and Kandlikar SG. "Enhanced Pool Boiling With HFE7000 Over Selectively Sintered Microchannels." Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ASME. Cambridge, MA: n.p., 2017. Print.
A, Chauhan and Kandlikar SG. "Effect of Liquid Volume on Thermosiphon Loop Performance Using Open Microchannels Manifold for CPU Cooling in Data Center." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ASME. Cambridge, MA: n.p., 2017. Print.
Emery, T. S., et al. "CPU cooling with a thermosiphon loop with tapered manifold (OMM),"." Proceedings of the 2017 16th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm),. Ed. ITherm. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2017. Print.
Rishi, A.M., A. Gupta,, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Electrodeposition of Selective Anions with Non-Electrolyte Bath for Enhancing the Pool Boiling Performance." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Ed. 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: n.p., 2017. Print.
P.Raghupathi,, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Evaporation Momentum Force on Bubble Departure Trajectory." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Ed. International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya,, Sri Lanka: n.p., 2017. Print.
Jaikumar, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Microcavity Augmented Pool Boiling Surfaces." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Ed. International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,: n.p., 2017. Print.
Recinella, Alyssa, Ankit Kalani, and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Using Radial Microchannels." Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Conference in Nanochannels Microchannels Minichannels. Washington DC, Washington DC: n.p., 2016. Web.
Buchling, Philipp and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Vapor Chamber Forced Convection Cooling Using Flow Boiling in Open Microchannels and Tapered Manifolds." Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Termomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm). New York, NY: IEEE, 2016. Web.
Recinella, Alyssa, et al. "Design of an Experimental Setup to Investigate an Oscillating and Evaporating Meniscus Using a Feedback Control Loop." Proceedings of the ASME ICNMM 2016 Conference. Washington DC, Washington DC: ASME, 2016. Web.
Jaikumar, Arvind, Anju Gupta, and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Dip Coating of Electrochemically Generated Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings to Enhance Pool Boiling Performance." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Conference in Nanochannels Microchannels Minichannels HTFEICNMM2016 Conference, July 10-14. Washington DC, Washington DC: ASME, 2016. Web.
Raghupathi, Pruthvik A. and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Preliminary Results of Pool Boiling of Seawater." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Conference in Nanochannels Microchannels Minichannels HTFEICNMM2016 Conference, July 10-14. Washington DC, Washington DC: ASME, 2016. Web.
Perez-Raya, Isaac and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Modeling of Evaporation Phenomenon Considering Liquid and Vapor Phase Conduction Effects: Stefan Problems." Proceedings of the Liquid and Vapor Phase Conduction Effects: Stefan Problems”, Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Conference in Nanochannels Microchannels Minichannels HTFEICNMM2016 Conference, July 10-14. Washington DC, Washington DC: n.p., 2016. Web.
Gupta, Anju, Arvind Jaikumar, and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Characterization of Effects of Systematically Increased Graphene Dip coating Durations on the Surface Morphology." Proceedings of the AIChE Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2016. Web.
Gupta, Anju and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Enhancement through Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings." Proceedings of the International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change Phenomena, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,. Trondheim, Norway: n.p., 2016. Web.
Gupta, Anju and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Effects of Dip Coating Duration on Surface Morphology and Pool Boiling Enhancement." Proceedings of the International Conference on Material Sciences. Coimbatore, India: n.p., 2016. Web.
Jaikumar, A, et al. "Electrochemical Deposition of Copper on Graphene with High Heat Transfer Coefficient." Proceedings of the Presented at ECS Meeting, Electrochemistry at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions. Ed. ECS. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2015. Print.
Protich, Z., et al. "Electrochemical Deposition of Copper In Graphene Quantum Dot Bath: Convective Dissolution Causing Morphological Changes." Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Undergraduate Symposium. Ed. American Chemical Society Undergraduate Symposium. Geneseo, NY: n.p., 2015. Print.
Jaikumar, A and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect Of Channel Width On Pool Boiling Enhancement Of Open Microchannels With Selective Sintered Porous Coatings." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ASME. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Raghupathi, P. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Heat Transfer During Evaporation and Boiling at the Three Phase Contact Line Region: A Critical Review." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels INTERPACKICNMM2015. Ed. ASME. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Buchling, P. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Flow Boiling of Ethanol in Open Microchannels With Tapered Manifolds in a Gravity-Driven Flow,." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels INTERPACKICNMM2015. Ed. ASME. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Mechanistic Considerations for Enhancing Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels INTERPACKICNMM2015. Ed. ASME. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Kalani, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "A Photographic Study of Flow Boiling Stability on a Plain Surface With Tapered Manifold." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels collocated with the ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems. Ed. ASME. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Wong, Kris. "Graphene Quantum Dots Bind to Cobalt with Potential Applications For Controlling Cancer." Proceedings of the Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies, Presented at Rochester Academy of Science. Ed. Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester, NY: n.p., 2015. Print.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, J-L and S.G. Kandlikar. "Overall Performance Evaluation of Embedded Microchannel Cooling Layers for 3D Architecture Chips." Proceedings of the Presented at International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference. Ed. International Green and Sustainable Computing. Las Vegas, NV: n.p., 2015. Print.
Hernande, Jose-Luis Gonzalez, et al. "Performance assessment comparison of variable density microchannels for mitigation of temperature non-uniformities." Proceedings of the ECOS. Ed. ECOS. Pau, France: n.p., 2015. Print.
S.,Shamim, M., et al. "Co-design of 3D wireless network-on-chip architectures with microchannel-based cooling." Proceedings of the In Green Computing Conference and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC),. Ed. IEEE. Las Vegas, NV: n.p., 2015. Print.
Shamim, M. S., et al. "Co-design of 3D Wireless Network-on-chip Architectures with Microchannel-based Cooling." Proceedings of the Green Computing Conference and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC). New York, NY: IEEE, 2015. Web.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, Jose-Luis and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Overall Performance Evaluation of Embedded Microchannel Cooling Layers for 3D Architecture Chips." Proceedings of the Green Computing Conference and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 2015 Sixth International. New York, NY: IEEE, 2015. Web.
Kalani, A and S.G. Kandlikar. "Pressure Drop Analysis Using the Homogeneous Model for Open Microchannel with Manifold (OMM)." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels. Ed. Unknown. Chicago, IL: n.p., 2014. Print.
Banerjee, R and S.G. Kandlikar. "Two Phase Pressure Drop Characteristics During Low Temperature Transients in PEMFCS." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels. Ed. Unknown. Chicago, IL: n.p., 2014. Print.
Banerjee, R., E. J. See, and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pressure Drop and Voltage Response of PEMFC Operation under Transient Temperature and Loading Conditions." Proceedings of the 224th ECS Meeting. Ed. H. Gasteiger, et al. San Francisco, CA: Electrochemical Society, 2013. Print.
Kalani, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Preliminary Results of Pressure Drop Modeling During Flow Boiling in Open Microchannels with Uniform and Tapered Manifolds (OMM)." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. San Diego, CA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. Web.
Kalani, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Performance of Open Microchannels with Uniform and Tapered Manifolds (OMM)." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference. Minneapolis, MN: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. Web.
Kalani, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Heat Transfer with Binary Mixture on Open Microchannel Surface." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Sapporo, Japan: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013. Web.
See, E. J. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of GDL Material on Thermal Gradients along the Reactant Flow Channels in PEMFCs." Proceedings of the 224th ECS Meeting. Ed. H. Gasteiger, et al. San Francisco, CA: Electrochemical Society, 2013. Print.
Gopalan, P. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Channel Material on the Behavior of Water Droplet Emerging from the GDL into the PEMFC Gas Channels." Proceedings of the ECS 222nd Meeting. Ed. 222. Honolulu, HI: n.p., 2012. Web.
Gopalan, P. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Channel Material on the Behavior of Water Droplet Emerging from the GDL into the PEMFC Gas Channels." Proceedings of the ECS 222nd Meeting. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Honolulu, HI: n.p., 2012. Web.
Gopalan, P. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Contact Line Characteristics of Liquid-Gas Interfaces Over Confined/Structured Surfaces." Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Heidelberg, Germany: n.p., 2012. Web.
Kalani, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Heat Transfer over Microchannel Surfaces With Ethanol at Atmospheric Pressure." Proceedings of the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico: n.p., Web.
Koz, M. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Numerical Simulation of the Interfacial Oxygen Transport Resistance for a PEMFC Cathode Incorporating Water Droplet Coverage." Proceedings of the ECS 222nd Meeting. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Honolulu, HI: n.p., 2012. Web.
Koz, M. and S. G. Kandlikar. "A Preliminary Study for 3D Numerical Simulation of a Through-Plane Temperature Profile in a PEMFC Incorporating Coolant Channels." Proceedings of the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico: n.p., 2012. Web.
Mehta, J. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Heat Transfer Enhancement During Pool Boiling Of Water Over Horizontal And Vertical Tubes With Micro Structured Surfaces." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico: n.p., 2012. Web.
Rubio-Jimenez, C.A. "Thermal Management in 3D IC Stacks formed by Multicore Processors." Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference 12. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2012. Web.
See, E.J. and S. G. Kandlikar. "A Two-Phase Pressure Drop Model Incorporating Local Water Balance in PEM Fuel Cell Gas Channels." Proceedings of the ECS 222nd Meeting. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Honolulu, HI: n.p., 2012. Web.
Yao, Z., Lu, Y. W, and S. G. Kandlikar. "Micro/Nano Hierarchical Structure in Microchannel Heat Sink for Boiling Enhancement." Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. Ed. Hubert Gasteiger. Paris, France: n.p., 2012. Web.
Banerjee, R. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Temperature on In-Plane Permeability of Water Vapor in the Gas Diffusion Layer of PEM Fuel Cells." Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society Transactions. Ed. H. Gasteiger. unknown: n.p., 2011. Print.
Daino, M. M. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Advances in Digital Microstructure Generation of a PEMFC GDL with Localized Binder and PTFE Distributions." Proceedings of the 4th European Fuel Cell Piero Lunghi Conference & Exhibition. Ed. EFC11275. Rome, Italy: n.p., 2011. Print.
Dharaiya, V. V. and S. G. Kandlikar. "A Numerical Study to Predict the Effects of Structured Roughness Elements on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Enhancement in Minichannels and Microchannels." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition: Energy and Water Scarcity. Ed. IMECE2011-65262. Denver, CO: n.p., 2011. Print.
Garfolo, M. L. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Gas Diffusion Layer Material Degradation Mechanisms and Their Effect on Water Breakthrough Dynamics in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells." Proceedings of the 4th European Fuel Cell Piero Lunghi Conference & Exhibition. Ed. EFC11239. Rome, Italy: n.p., 2011. Print.
Gopalan, P. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Investigation of Water Droplet Interaction with the Side Wall of the Gas Channel in the PEM Fuel Cell in the Presence of Gas Flow." Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society Transactions. Ed. H. Gasteiger et al. Boston, MA: n.p., 2011. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G., D. Kudithipudi, and C. A. Rubio-Jimenez. "Cooling Mechanisms in 3D ICs: Thermo-Mechanical Perspective." Proceedings of the 2011 International Green Computing Conference and Workshops. Ed. IEEE. Orlando, Fl: n.p., Print.
Rath, C. D. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Channel Geometry on Two-Phase Flow Structure in Fuel Cell Gas Channels." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ICNMM2011-58252. Edmonton, AB, Canada: n.p., 2011. Print.
See, E. J., et al. "Thermal Management Considerations in the Design of an Experimental Fuel Cell with Material Evaluation." Proceedings of the 4th European Fuel Cell - Piero Lunghi Conference & Exhibition. Ed. EFC11237. Rome, Italy: n.p., 2011. Print.
Yang, C. Y., et al. "An Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Air and CO2 in Microtubes." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ICNMM2011-58102. n.p., 2011. Print.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Recinella, Alyssa, Jose Luis Gonzalez Hernandez, and Satish Kandlikar. "Steady-State Infrared Imaging for Breast Cancer Screening." Proceedings of the Rochester Institute of Technology Graduate Showcases. Ed. -. Rochester, NY: n.p..
Gupta, A., A. Rishi, and S. Kandlikar. "Transformation of GO Surfaces to Reduced-GO Surfaces with Tunable Surface Chemistry and Morphology Via Pool Boiling Process." Proceedings of the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. -. Orlando, FL: n.p..
Rishi, A., A. Gupta, and S. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Heat Transport: A Controlled Process to Form Reduced GO Surfaces from GO with Tunable Surface Chemistry and Morphology." Proceedings of the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. -. Orlando, FL: n.p..
Chauhan, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "High Heat Flux Dissipation Using Symmetric Dual-Taper Manifold in Pool Boiling." Proceedings of the ASME 2019 17th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. -. St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada: n.p..
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kandlikar, S.G. "New Understanding of the Heat Transfer Mechanisms During Pool and Flow Boiling and its Application in Boiling Enhancement – An innovation Driven Approach." Graduate Seminar. University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA. 2 Mar. 2018. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Heat Transfer Mechanisms During Pool and Flow Boiling and its Application in Boiling Enhancement – An Innovation Driven Approach." Graduate Seminar. Darmstadt University. Darmstadt, Germany. 7 Jun. 2018. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Current Status of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer." PhD Defence. Trondheim University. Trondheim, Norway. 3 Sep. 2018. Guest Lecture.
S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "Mentoring Perspective." Workshop Presentation. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 20 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.
S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "Boiling." Workshop Presentation,. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 21 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.
S.G, Kandlikar,. "New Understanding in Pool Boiling Mechanism." 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena,. International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya,, Sri Lanka. 22 Sep. 2017. Keynote Speech.
S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "New understanding of the heat transfer mechanisms during pool and flow boiling and its application in boiling enhancement." Graduate Seminar. University of California. Meced, CA. 27 Oct. 2017. Guest Lecture.
S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "New Understanding of the Heat Transfer Mechanisms During Pool and Flow Boiling,." Graduate Seminar. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN. 11 Dec. 2017. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Mechanistic Considerations for Enhancing Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels." Micro Thermal Systems (MTS) Group. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore. , Singapore. 1 Jan. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Shifting Enhancement Paradigms through Nano-Microscale Surface Modification in Pool Boiling." Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference. J. Heat and Transfer. New York, NY. 5 Jan. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "New Paradigm in Microchannel Heat Transfer." National Technical University. , Singapore. 21 Jan. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Focus on Fundamentals of Interfacial Transport Phenomena." International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 13 Jun. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Perez, Isaac and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Simulating Interfacial Evaporation using Commercial Codes." International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 13 Jun. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Interfacial Transport Phenomena — Future Research Directions." International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 13 Jun. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Effective Communication — Overview." Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 19 Oct. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Effective Communication — Ground Rules." Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 20 Oct. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Effective Communication — Writing Technical Paper." Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 20 Oct. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Effective Communication — Technical Presentation." Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 20 Oct. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Proposal Writing Guidelines." Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 20 Oct. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G., Arvand Jaikumar, and Anju Gupta. "Dip Coating of Electrochemically Generated Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings to Enhance Pool Boiling Performance." Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Conference in Nanochannels Microchannels Minichannels HTFEICNMM2016 Conference. ASME. Washington DC, Washington DC. 10-14 Jul. 2016. Conference Presentation.
RaghupathI, Pruthvik A. and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Preliminary Results of Pool Boiling of Seawater." Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Conference in Nanochannels Microchannels Minichannels HTFEICNMM2016 Conference. ASME. Washington DC, Washington DC. 10-14 Jul. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Recinella, Alyssa and Satish G. Kandlikar. "“Enhanced Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Through Radial Heat Flux Dissipation of ~1kW/cm2 using Radial Microchannels and Offset Strip Fins." Proceedings of the ASME 14th International Conference in Nanochannels Microchannels Minichannels HTFEICNMM2016 Conference. ASME. Washington DC, Washington DC. 10-14 Jul. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Recinella, Alyssa and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Heat Flux Dissipation of ~1kW/cm2 using Radial Microchannels and Offset Strip Fins." ASME IMECE. ASME. Phoenix, AZ. 11-17 Nov. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Raghupathi, P. "Pool Boiling Performance of Shallow Microgroove Surfaces." ASME IMECE. ASME. Phoenix, AZ. 11-17 Nov. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Enhanced Flow Boiling to Meet 1 kW/cm2 Heat Dissipation Challenge." National Central University. Taoyuan City, Taiwan. N/A Dec. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, Satish G. "Fundamental Considerations to Enhance Flow Boiling Performance in High Heat Flux Dissipation in Microchannels." Taipei University. Taipei, Taiwan. N/A Dec. 2016. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, S. G and I. Perez. "ANSYS in Academia: Active Research at RIT Using ANSYS Fluent." ANSYS Technology Day Presentation. ANSYS. Canandaigua, NY. 21 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Going Beyond Microchannels — Changing Paradigms in Flow Boiling Using Open Microchannels with Tapered Manifolds,." Graduate Seminar. Universidad de Guanajuato. Guanajuato, Mexico. 8 Jun. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Techniques to Enhance Graduate Research Productivity." Research seminar to Heat Transfer Graduate Students. Universidad de Guanajuato. Guanajuato, Mexico. 8 Jun. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Mechanistic Considerations & Enhancement Techniques for Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in the Microscale." 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels INTERPACKICNMM2015. ASME. San Diego, CA. 6 Jul. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Ultra-High Flow Boiling Performance in Microchannels with Tapered Manifolds." Graduate Seminar. Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY. 9 Sep. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Current Status and Future Opportunities in Flow Boiling Research, Invited Seminar." Invited Seminar. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 12 Oct. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Extending Pool and Flow Boiling Limits —Highlights from TAµFL Research at RIT,." Invited Talk at GE Global. GE Global. Schenectady, NY. 16 Oct. 2015. Conference Presentation.
sgkeme, . "Flow Boiling in Microchannels — New Pathways to High Heat Flux Dissipation." Graduate Seminar, Mechanical Engineering Department. University of Houston. Houston, TX. 5 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Recent Developments in Water Management — Pressure Drop, Water Removal, Droplet Dynamics and Transient Performance." IEA Advanced Fuel Cells Annex 34: Fuel Cells for Transportation. Vienna University of Technology. Vienna, Austria. 11 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, J-L and S. G. Kandlikar. "Overall performance evaluation of embedded microchannel cooling layers for 3D architecture chips." Keynote Talk, 6th International Green & Sustainable Computing Conference. International Green & Sustainable Computing Conference. Las Vegas, NV. 14 Dec. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Enhancing Pool Boiling Heat Transfer." Seminar Presented at Institute of Technology of Cambodia,. Institute of Technology of Cambodia. Cambodia, Phnom Penh. 22 Dec. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Microscale Transport From Electronics Cooling to Fuel Cells." Invited Talk, Graduate Seminar Speaker. Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. 21 Mar. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Transport Phenomenon at Microscale From Electronics Cooling to Fuel Cells." Mechanical and Aerospace Graduate Seminar Speaker. University of Texas. Arlington, TX. 10 Apr. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Advances and Opportunities in Microscale Transport Research." Tsinghua University. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Beijing, China. 6 May 2014. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Pool Boiling on Multiscale Surface Features." International Heat Transfer Symposium. International Heat Transfer Symposium. Bejing, China. 6 May 2014. Guest Lecture.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Revival of Pool Boiling for High Heat Flux Dissipation." IEEE ITHERM 2014 Conference. IEEE ITHERM 2014 Conference. Orlando, Florida. 27 May 2014. Conference Presentation.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Recent Advances in Pool Boiling Heat transfer with Micro- and Nanostructures." INTEL Corp. INTEL Corp. Phoeniz, AZ. 4 Sep. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Recent Advances in Pool Boiling Heat transfer with Micro- and Nanostructures." Graduate Seminar Presentation. Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona. 5 Sep. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar,, . "Cooling Options for 3D-IC Cooling." IEEE Electronics Packaging Symposium. Binghamton Unviersity. Binghamton, New York. 8 Oct. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Hydrogen Economy and Recent Developments in Automotive Fuel Cells." Hydrogen Properties Research Center. Kyushu University. Fukuoka, Japan. 23 Oct. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Professor Shoji's Outstanding Contributions and Our Current Understanding of Boiling Phenomena." Invited Seminar at Boiling Workshop. Phase Change Research Committee of Thermal Engineering Division of JSME. Tokyo, Japan. 25 Oct. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S.G. "Microscale Transport From Fuel Cells to Electronics Cooling." MEM Seminar. Drexel University. Philadelphia, PA. 10 Apr. 2014. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Plenary Speaker: Two-Phase Flow in GDL and Reactant Channels of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell." 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Pohang University of Science and Technology. Jeju, Korea. 26 May 2013. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Plenary Speaker: Flow Boiling in Microchannels - A New Pathway to Unprecedented Heat Transfer Performance Through OMM Design." 9th UK - Japan Seminar on Multi-Phase Flows 2013. Brunel University. London, United Kingdom. 16 Sep. 2013. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S. G. "Challenges of High Heat Flux Removal with Single-Phase and Flow Boiling Heat Transfer." International Forum on Frontier Theories of Thermal Science. International Forum on Frontier Theories of Thermal Science. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 18-20 Dec. 2011. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S. G. "An Experimental Investigation of Structured Roughness on Heat Transfer During Single Phase Liquid flow at Microscale." Proceedings of the 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference. Micro and Nano Flows Conference. Makedonia Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece. 22-24 Aug. 2011. Address.
Invited Paper
Kandlikar, S. G. and I. Perez. "ANSYS in Academia: Active Research at RIT Using ANSYS Fluent." ANSYS Technology Day Presentation. (2015). Print.
Full Length Book
Kandlikar, S. G., et al. Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and Microchannels. 2nd ed. Rochester, NY: Elsevier, 2014. Print.
Hayner, C.H., M. E. Steinke, and S.G. Kandlikar. Contemporary Perspectives on Liquid Cold Plate Design: Design and Manufacturing Liquid Cooled Heat Sinks for Electronics Cooling. Rochester, NY: Begell House, 2014. Print.
Invited Article/Publication
Koz, M and S.G. Kandlikar. "The Effect of Injection and Suction on the Interfacial Mass Transport Resistance in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Air Channel." Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. (2014). Print.
Raghupathi, P. and S. Kandlikar. "Evaporation Momentum Force on a Bubble Under Asymmetric Temperature Condition." International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition. (2014). Print.
Formal Presentation
Dharaiya, V.V., R.R. Srivastava, and S.G. Kandlikar.“Numerical Investigation of Heat TransferEffects in Microchannels under H2 BoundaryCondition.” 2010 ITC 14th International Heat Transfer Conference. Washington, DC. 8-13 August 2010. Presentation. " 
Lu, Yen-Wen, and S.G. Kandlikar. “Review of Nanoscale Surface Modification Techniques for Pool Boiling Enhancement.” ASME International Conference on Nanochannels,Microchannels, and Minichannels (ICNMM).Montreal, Canada. 30 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2010. Presentation.
Kandlikar, S.G., Z.Lu, and M. L. Garofalo. “Water Management in a PEMFC: Water Transport Mechanism and Material Degradation in Gas Diffusion Layers.” 2nd CARISMA InternationalConference on Progress in MEA Materialsfor Medium and High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Kate GleasonCollege of Engineering Cells. La Grande Motte, France. 19-22 Sept. 2010. Presentation. " 
Editor (book or journal)
Kandlikar, S.G., ed. Heat Exchanger Design Handbook. Redding, CT: Begell House, 2010. Print.
Published Article
Kandlikar, S. G. “1.Scale effects on flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels: A fundamentalperspective.” International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 132.7 (2010):1073-1085. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G. “AScale Analysis Based Theoretical Force Balance Model for Critical Heat Flux (CHF) During Saturated Flow Boiling in Microchannels and Minichannels.” Journal of Heat Transfer, 132.8 (2010):081501-1-13. Print.
Brackbill, T.P., and S.G. Kandlikar. “Application of LubricationTheory and Study of Roughness Pitch During Laminar, Transition, and Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow atMicroscale.” Heat Transfer Engineering, 31.8 (2010): 634-645. Print. " É 
Lu, Z., M.M. Daino, C. Rath, and S.G. Kandlikar. “WaterManagement Studies in PEM Fuel Cells, Part III: Dynamic Breakthrough andIntermittent Drainage Characteristicsfrom GDLS with and without MPLS.”International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35.9 (2010): 4222-4233. Print. " É 
Kandlikar, S. G. “Similarities and Differences Between Flow Boiling in Microchannels and Pool Boiling.” Heat Transfer Engineering, 31.3 (2010): 159-167. Print. *

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Applications areas of microfluidics, Fluid flow and heat transfer governing equations, continuum hypothesis, analytical solutions for laminar liquid flow at different Reynolds numbers, creeping flows, laminar flows, identification of forces - surface, body, inertia – and their importance in specific applications, surface tension effects, pressure drop and heat transfer calculations, slip flow in gas flows, single-phase liquid flow and flow boiling in microchannels, roughness effects, mixing, T-junction, bubble generators, diffusion effects, introduction to microfluidic devices and controls - Bubble generators, micro-reactors, lab-on-chip devices, microscale sensing, control and measurement.
3 Credits
The course covers selected topics in boiling and condensation. The fundamental aspects will be introduced in the class. Fundamentals of phase change process will be emphasized. Several design examples will be covered to make students proficient in applying the theory to practical situations. The course has a design-oriented project that counts for majority of the grade. The projects are based on exciting new topics of current interest such as – visualization of boiling characteristics on enhanced surfaces, investigating different enhancement techniques, characterizing of nucleation behavior, effect of substrate on boiling, etc. Some of the topics covered include: Boiling curve, nucleation, bubble growth, critical heat flux, mechanisms of heat transfer, and enhancement techniques.

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