Beyond Expectations: Saunders Expansion Saga


Max Lowenthall Hall - 1912

The purpose of this exhibit is to showcase the progress and timeline of the Saunders expansion project. We are presenting what was executed well and what caused unfortunate delays. By interviewing the main contributors, such as the Dean of Saunders College of Business, the RIT project manager, and the LeChase Project Superintendent, along with a few others we intended to get the overall holistic perspective of the project. We want to break down the intricacies of building and executing a project of this magnitude, as well as overcoming the different challenges that arise. Our exhibit will include key artifacts such as blueprints, architectural designs, 3D models and a progress timeline to help visualize the different layers of decision-making and designs that went into the SCB expansion to provide visitors with a deep understanding of the complexities involved.


Max Lowenthall Hall - 1912


Ana Maras
Aisha Faiq
Armando Ramirez
Sheikh Hasin

Andy Lawrence

Seniors in the Project Management (DECS-350) class affiliated with Saunders College of Business.

Thank you to all of our sponsors!