Graphic Design Club Craft Carousel


James E. Booth Hall - 3330

Graphic Design Club aims to bring both Graphic Design majors and those interested in using their creative skills to help build the Graphic Design community at RIT. With having hands-on activities to learn more about the traditional side of Graphic Design, participants will be able to design their own tote bag, pin, and collage. The activities are all family-friendly and ensure you will have a memorable time at the Graphic Design Club Craft Carousel at ImagineRIT!

Promotional Poster as a variation of the Graphic Design Club Craft Carousel


James E. Booth Hall - 3330


Jennifer Zhang
Alena Arthur
Miguel Villaman
Catherine Gilmore
Nicole Yoo
Justin Baez
Jolie Greco
Lyle Lewis
Kennedy Intihar
Lucas Tutterman
Ly Tran
Syeda Nushrat
Maya Eskinde

Lorrie Frear


Thank you to all of our sponsors!