A History of Development: The Atari 2600
Journey back in time to the early days of gaming in this exhibit showcasing one of the most important inventions in gaming history, the Atari Video Computer System (VCS). This exhibit offers visitors a fun and engaging journey through the world of vintage games and the history of video games and their development, all the way up to modern triple-A titles. At the center of the exhibit are Atari 2600 consoles where you can play a variety of vintage Atari 2600 games as well as a new game, developed and published by RIT student Mustafa Elfayoumi specifically for this showcase. A presentation on the history of video games and their development will be on display and the developer will be present to answer any questions as well as provide additional resources for anyone interested. More details on the exhibit are outlined below. Atari Game Showcase: At the heart of this exhibit are multiple Atari 2600 consoles, equipped with many vintage games as well as a brand new game developed specifically for ImagineRIT! This exhibit is perfect for older gamers who are looking for a trip down memory lane as well as newer gamers who may not have had the opportunity to play any Atari 2600 games growing up. Classic games available include: Space Invaders, Dig Dug, E.T., Donkey Kong, Asteroids, and more! Game History Presentation: In addition to the interactive gameplay area, this exhibit also features an educational presentation section that sheds light on the history and significant impact of the Atari 2600 console. Learn how this console, and subsequent games made for it impacted the world of at-home gaming as well as sparking a surge in game development that has had significant effects even to this day. Learn why the Atari 2600 is possibly one of the most important inventions in the history of gaming and game development with talks and Q/A sessions with Mustafa Elfayoumi, the developer of a new game presented at this exhibit.
The classic Atari 2600 console
Mustafa Elfayoumi
Professor Nicolas Lalone is advising me on the project for any questions I have, but is mostly hands off
No outside affiliations, with the exception of the concept originating from Professor Lalone showing me a software in which I can program for the Atari 2600 and providing textbooks for me to study coding in Assembly language
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