MMET Capstone: Tiger Cam


Engineering Technology Hall - Outside

We are presenting our Capstone product the "Tiger Cam." The Tiger Cam is an NFL-like cable camera system designed to photograph and transmit video from a cable/rope suspended above the user. We have an Xbox-style controller used to move the Tiger Cam back and forth on the cable as well as articulate the camera gimbal to change where you would like to look with the camera. The cable suspended system is powered via a 12v LiPo/Lion battery and is controlled wirelessly giving the system a theoretically infinite range (limited only by the cable length and wireless communication range). The video output of the camera will be displayed live on a monitor for the user to see.


Engineering Technology Hall - Outside


Owen White
Gregory Derr-Haverlach
Tyler Itterman
Kyle Schulze

Prof. Tawaf & Prof. Caldwell

Project affiliated with the MMET department. Specifically Prof. Tawaf and Prof. Caldwell

Thank you to all of our sponsors!