PROTECT OUR HOUSE - Mixed Media Hockey Documentary


Frank E. Gannett Hall - 1950

PROTECT OUR HOUSE is a mixed-media capstone documentary by senior School of Film and Animation student, Denna Alece-Dom. This production has been an amazing collaborative RIT effort with many students, alumni, and athletes. The film is on the lives of student-athletes at RIT, both on and off the ice, focusing on three all-star players of the RIT Division 1 Men’s Hockey Team. We've spent countless hours making this project come to life and we are eager to share the project and process with you! For our exhibit, we plan to display different stages of the animation progress, behind-the-scenes photos, promotional media day photos, and have our finished film playing! We are here to showcase the collaborative efforts of film production students, animation students, photography students, talented alumni, and of course the players of the hockey team!

three hockey players stand facing the camera21, 30, and 23


Frank E. Gannett Hall - 1950


Michelle Snow
Denna Dom
Zelig Goodman-Hoffman
Cassandra Cooper
Isaac Salem

Kevin Bauer

This is a capstone for RIT's School of Film and Animation. Directed by Denna Alece-Dom, produced by Michelle Snow.

Exhibit Website

Thank you to all of our sponsors!