

James E. Booth Hall - 1320

Our exhibit is an interactive community-made universe. Upon arriving at our exhibit, our visitors will be invited to scan a QR code and take a quiz that reveals their inner star, or 'Starchetype'. Visitors will reveal the Starchetype that best represents them, and each Starchetype is associated with a physical star that they will be able to customize the color, size, and saturation. After customizing, they will send their stars off into our universe, which is projected onto two walls in our exhibit. Visitors can interact with stars in two ways; first from their phones after they send their star off, where they can make their star sparkle, twirl, and supernova. Secondly, visitors can use a ball that can be rolled around the room to interact with the stars. This ball acts as a black hole and will interact with the stars like such. Lastly, before leaving the exhibit, visitors can download a wallpaper of their star as a souvenir from their experience and serve as a reminder that though small by comparison, each unique star can work together to create a vast and beautiful galaxy.

Starchitects Logo

Galaxy Mockup

Project Mockup


James E. Booth Hall - 1320


Maddie Olszewski
Adam Smith
Jenna DuBois
Wil Gross
Delancey Hobbs
Kevin Valete
Kenneth Wood
Alec Jones
Abraham Furlan
Felix Warner
Jason Arena
Travis Stodter
Hugo Serinese

Adam Smith, Jason Arena, Travis Stodter

New Media Design senior capstone for Imagine RIT

Exhibit Website

Thank you to all of our sponsors!