Thermal Threat Detector: Photosciences Senior Capstone


Frank E. Gannett Hall - 2271

Side-by-side photos of RIT students and activities with the text See How RIT is Advancing the Exceptional underneath.

Photo Science seniors were tasked to create an imaging device that can enter a room, detect a threat, capture and send thermal images back to the user in another room. We have done so by fusing an autonomous vehicle with three thermal cameras and programmed software that allows us to view 180 degrees inside the room. At our exhibit, you can see our thermal threat detector in action as we will be giving a live demonstration of the vehicle's capabilities. You can also view yourself through the lens of a thermal camera. Come talk to the Photo Science seniors of the class of 2024, and they may even let you take the wheel!

The Photo Science seniors class photo in thermal imaging.

Small green vehicle with three thermal cameras mounted on the front of the vehicle shot in a studio

The Thermal Threat Detector vehicle with the three thermal cameras mounted on the front.

A man codes on a computer with a vehicle in the corner.

Jared Redington codes for the software team.

A woman holds a drill in a classroom with another student and a professor. She drills part of a camera mount.

Leanna Herrick works on the camera mount with Mia Tsilemos.

A woman is next to a laptop in a studio with another woman. They have a laptop and are testing thermal cameras.

Mia Tsilemos and Madeline Dowe collect data with thermal cameras to test the cameras.

A woman repositions a camera while another woman directs her while viewing the field of view from the camera. Both woman are side by side in a lab.

Madeline Dowe and Gabriella Fatigati collect images to calibrate thermal cameras using a blackbody radiator.


Frank E. Gannett Hall - 2271


Gabriella Fatigati
Annie Schmitt
Jared Redington
Leanna Herrick
Mia Tsilemos
Madeline Dowe
Sam Allen
Sue Kim
Xyron Neumann
Timothy Bauch

Timothy Bauch

The Capstone project of the College of Art and Design's Photographic Sciences (BS) class of 2024.

Thank you to all of our sponsors!