ZenBud: Ultrasonic Relaxation Headset


Gordon Field House - Main Floor

We are NeurGear. We designed Zenbud. It's an ultrasound headset to make you feel calm and relaxed. Have you ever heard of your vagus nerve? You have two systems in your body: fight or flight, rest and digest. The vagus nerve is responsible for your rest and digest system. We use ultrasound to stimulate your vagus nerve, which sends a signal to your brain to feel calm and relaxed. It's as simple as placing the headset on your head, placing the earbud in your ear, and plugging the device into the power bank. If you wear it for five minutes a day, for multiple days, you'll start to feel more relaxed throughout your day, even when not wearing the device.


Gordon Field House - Main Floor


Jon Hacker
Andrew Slegaitis
Gina Liotta
Andrew Dollente
George McGregor

-Multidisciplinary Senior Design (MSD) group 19634-SOIS 510 Capstone (2023)-NeurGear Inc. (www.neurgear.com)

Thank you to all of our sponsors!