Jack Smerczynski

headshot of Jack S.

My name is Jack Smerczynski and I am a third year Biotechnology and Molecular Bioscience student here at RIT’s College of Science (COS)! I am excited to share some facts about COS and my experiences during my three years here.

Why RIT and the College of Science?
The coursework here is project-based and the professors are devoted to helping students understand concepts and steer them towards a correct career path. Access to research opportunities is very easy, professors are always looking for undergrads to help them.

What is your advice for prospective college students?
There are multiple job opportunities within COS such as a stockroom worker, a Teaching Assistant, a tutor, a lab technician assistant, and many more. There are numerous clubs to get involved in, such as the biotech club or astronomy club. I myself conduct virology research and TA for a tissue culture laboratory. The College of Science (COS) is a very inclusive, accepting community with brilliant faculty and curious students. I would not rather be at any other university because COS has helped enhance my technical and interpersonal skills and has equipped me to be a future leader in science. I hope that you decide to join us at COS!

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