Top stories, videos and podcasts for October

Jared Lyon (photo illustration)

A story previewing this year’s Brick City Homecoming & Family Weekend topped last month’s list of the most-read RIT news stories.

Top News Stories

1. Big names at RIT’s Brick City Homecoming & Family Weekend

2. ‘U.S. News & World Report’ ranks RIT among top regional universities

3. Staff Recognition Awards shine spotlight on outstanding service

4. Tiger ROAR helps users show RIT spirit (and it just might create a ruckus)

5. Glass pumpkin patch ready for harvest at RIT fundraiser

6. Go fish! RIT psychology professor trains goldfish for object perception research

7. New mobile site keeps RIT community connected

8. ‘Photo District News’ magazine brings top talent to RIT

9. President Destler offers State of the Institute address

10. ‘The Hammer’ hits local screens

Top Videos

1. Object Recognition: Caroline DeLong

2. Power Play

3. RIT on TV: Arena Campaign

4. RIT on TV: NTID Career Fair

5. 99 Things to do at RIT

Top Podcasts

1. WITR Men’s Hockey Postgame Rewind (Oct. 21)

2. WITR Men’s Hockey Postgame Rewind (Oct. 12)

3. WITR Men’s Hockey Postgame Rewind (Oct. 19)

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