Opportunities for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing
The opportunities for deaf and hard-of-hearing students at RIT are unmatched by any university in the world. As the home to the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), RIT offers a wide array future-focused academic programs and unparalleled access and support services for deaf and hard-of hearing students.
College of Its Kind
NTID is the first and largest technological college in the world for deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
The number of students RIT serves every year from around the United and States and the world.
Receive Financial Assistance
of full-time undergraduate deaf and hard-of-hearing students
Costs and Financial Aid

Because RIT/NTID receives special federal support, deaf and hard-of-hearing students enrolled in any undergraduate degree program pay less than one-half of RIT’s regular tuition. The reduced tuition rate also applies for students enrolled in the ASL-English Interpretation program. Deaf and hard-of-hearing students enrolled in graduate degree programs also pay a reduced tuition rate. This also applies to hearing students enrolled in the Master of Science program in Secondary Education of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. At RIT/NTID, we pride ourselves on making a great education truly affordable.
How to Apply for Financial Aid
Scholarships for NTID-Supported Students
Estimated Cost of Attendance (see Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing NTID-Supported Students)

Plan a Visit
Scheduling a visit, online information sessions, and more

Open House
Come to Open House and find out why choosing RIT/NTID means a superior education, a unique college experience and the right fit for you!
Contact and Connect
Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) Hall
52 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York 14623-5604
More Contact Information
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.