Key Research Centers and Institutes
AMPrint Center
The Center for Additive Manufacturing and Multifunctional Printing, or AMPrint Center, is a New York state Center for Advanced Technology. Research areas include synthesizing new functional materials that are optimized for 3D printing; developing multi-material 3D printing technologies that can print polymeric, metallic, and even ceramic materials within the same part; and developing novel applications that take advantage of these new multi-functional 3D printing capabilities.
Center for Advancing Scholarship to Transform Learning (CASTLE)
The Center for Advancing Scholarship to Transform Learning is dedicated to rigorous, theory-driven discipline-based STEM education research. The Center promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing faculty together to tackle the seminal problems at the forefront of RIT’s educational mission.
Learn More about the Center for Advancing Scholarship to Transform Learning
Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
The Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation is dedicated to study at the frontiers of numerical relativity and relativistic astrophysics, gravitational wave physics, its connection to experiments and observations, and high-performance computation and scientific visualization.
Learn More about the Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
Center for Human-aware AI
The RIT Center for Human-aware AI (CHAI) conducts transformative research on computing systems capable of tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence or that enable humans to perform optimally. The center also works toward the development of AI computing systems that are continually learning, trustworthy, and capable of solving complex tasks with minimal resources.
The Future Photon Initiative
The Future Photon Initiative (FPI) develops photonic devices in pursuit of answers to grand questions, leveraging efforts of existing RIT research groups who develop technology for the generation, transmission, manipulation, absorption, and detection of photons. FPI cross-disciplinary teams collaborate with external university groups, industry, and national laboratories to develop and commercialize new photonic device technology. Potential markets include solar energy, high-performance imaging, astrophysics, communication, electronics, and computing. FPI scientists and engineers research quantum photonic information science and develop related devices for potential application in quantum computing, communication, and sensing.
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
The Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at RIT is a highly interdisciplinary University Research and Education Center, dedicated to pushing the frontiers of imaging in all its forms and uses. Through education leading to BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Imaging Science, we produce the next generation of educators and researchers who develop and deploy imaging systems to answer fundamental scientific questions, monitor and protect our environment, help keep our nation secure, and aid medical researchers in their quest to conquer disease. From how light is generated to how the world is perceived, imaging science addresses questions about every aspect of systems that are used to create, perceive, analyze, and optimize images. Imaging Science is both truly interdisciplinary in its content and multi-disciplinary in its applications.
Learn More about the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
Laboratory for Multiwavelength Astrophysics
The mission of LAMA is to foster the utilization and advancement of cutting-edge techniques in multiwavelength astrophysics by RIT faculty, research staff, and students, so as to improve human understanding of the origin and fate of the universe and its constituents.
Learn More about the Laboratory for Multiwavelength Astrophysics
MAGIC Center
The MAGIC Center at RIT is a conscious and deliberate effort to blur the lines between the arts and the sciences, between technology and expression, between the study of the creation of media and its impact and effect on society and the human condition. Faculty, staff, and student researchers, artists, and practitioners come together to create, contextualize, and apply new knowledge in a multitude of related fields and disciplines as appropriate not only to STEM, or the arts and humanities, but their intersection.
Personalized Healthcare Technology
One of RIT’s five signature interdisciplinary research areas, the Personalized Healthcare Technology (PHT180) initiative integrates talent from all nine colleges to create radically diverse teams that tackle problems in unconventional ways. From basic science to applied research, devices to psychosocial behaviors, PHT180 is creating a new future in healthcare delivery and individually empowered health.
Center for Public Safety Initiatives
The Center for Public Safety Initiatives is a unique collaboration between the City of Rochester; the criminal justice agencies of Greater Rochester, including the Rochester Police Department; and RIT. Its purpose is to contribute to criminal justice strategy through research, policy analysis, and evaluation. Its educational goals include training graduate and undergraduate students in strategic planning and policy analysis.
Simone Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Simone Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship promotes and enables entrepreneurial education and development through cutting edge and interdisciplinary course curricula, applied entrepreneurial experiences, and business planning and development. The center also serves as a link between RIT student creativity, the RIT business incubator and the local business community.
Learn More about the Simone Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Image Permanence Institute
The Image Permanence Institute (IPI) is a recognized leader in the development and deployment of sustainable practices for the preservation of images and cultural heritage collections in libraries, archives and museums around the world. Housed in RIT’s College of Art and Design, the academic research center achieves its mission by maintaining an active preservation research program that informs and advances professional-level education and training activities, publications, consulting services and the development of practical preservation resources and tools.
Golisano Institute for Sustainability
The Golisano Institute for Sustainability is a research and education organization working to advance sustainable technology and innovation within the industrial sectors of our economy that have the greatest impact on the environment—manufacturing, energy, transportation, and the built environment.
ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute
The ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute will drive real societal and economic impact. It will become a nexus for cybersecurity knowledge, AI impact, and leadership. By design, it will be agile, collaborative, and human-centric, bringing together education and research leaders from a variety of disciplines spanning technology and social sciences.
New York State Pollution Prevention Institute
The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) gives Empire State businesses, communities, and nonprofits the practical tools and solutions they need to realize the benefits of sustainability for our economy, environment, and our society as a whole. Our team of engineers and sustainability specialists offers customized solutions and educational resources that deliver on results and budget.
Learn More about the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute