Tuition and Fees

We’re here to support your future success and make a world-class education within reach. We are committed to making an RIT experience accessible. Our goal is to work with each family to create a financial plan that provides the means to help you launch the career of your dreams.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Compared to our peer institutions, your investment in an RIT education delivers the most value and provides a significant return on your tuition dollars.

An affordable investment


Financial aid

of all incoming first-year and transfer students receive aid


Help covering the cost

RIT awarded $550+ million from all sources to undergraduate students


Annual co-op earnings

Total earned annually by RIT students on co-op


Percentage of co-op employers who have said they would hire their co-op student for a full-time position


Percentage of RIT students who have entered the workforce, enrolled in full-time graduate study, or are pursuing alternative plans (e.g., volunteering, military service) within six months of graduation


Among the country’s Best Value Schools – U.S. News & World Report’s 2024

Top 50

“The 50 Colleges that Add the Most Value” – Money Magazine

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance

Full Time

Expenses Per Year (2 Semesters)
Billable Costs
Tuition (12-18 credit hours) $58,324
Student Activities Fee $400
Student Health Services Fee $550
Housing (double room - view other rates) $9,366
Food (standard meal plan - view other options) $6,776
Total Estimated Billed Expenses* $75,416
Estimated Other Expenses
Books, personal expenses, transportation, and loan origination $2,890
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $78,306

* First-Year Undergraduate Students, add $385 for Orientation fees.
Transfer Undergraduate Students, add $200 for Orientation fees.

Credit by experience/credit by exam is assessed at $579 per credit hour.
Per year amount is based on 2 semesters.

Students enrolled in more than 18 credit hours are charged $1,512 for each additional credit hour. 
Students in the Honors Program are not assessed additional tuition for overloads (up to 24 credit hours).

For financial aid purposes, students living off-campus are provided the same rent and board allowance as on campus. Students living at home with a parent or a relative are provided with a modest allowance for expenses related to living at home and may contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for more information.

All students are expected to have health insurance coverage. Health insurance may be obtained through the university, or through family or individual policies. International Students (except those on H1b visas) will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the plan each semester. International students who have comparable ACA-compliant coverage may submit a waiver form.

In order to be best prepared for an RIT education, students are strongly encouraged to consider the purchase of a laptop. Most colleges have recommended minimum computer specifications. Students may also take advantage of an educational discount if purchased through RIT’s Digital Den.

Part Time

Charge per credit hour is $2,160. Multiply number of credit hours by this amount to calculate your total.

Part Time degree seeking undergraduates are charged a $100 per semester Student Activities Fee.
Credit by experience/credit by exam is assessed at $579 per credit hour.

Students enrolled into an undergraduate Applied Arts & Science program on a part-time basis are assessed tuition at the rate of $1,382 per credit hour.

Full Time

Graduate tuition varies by degree, the number of credits taken per semester, and delivery method. Estimate the education cost for your graduate degree

Costs for academic year 2024-2025 (2 Semesters) 12-18 Credit Hours 9 Credit Hours
Tuition $59,102 $44,334
Student Activity Fee $400 $400
Student Health Services Fee $550 $550
Estimated Living Expenses $16,142 $16,142
Estimated costs for books, supplies, transportation, loan origination, and personal expenses1 $3,016 $3,016
Total $79,210 $64,442
Tuition per credit hour (1-11 credit hours) $2,463 $2,463

All students are expected to have health insurance coverage. Health insurance may be obtained through the university, or through family or individual policies. International Students (except those on H1b visas) will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the plan each semester. International students who have comparable ACA-compliant coverage may submit a waiver form.

1 Estimates based on combined costs for rent, utilities, and food in RIT apartments. Choice of housing will determine (and possibly increase) actual cost. If you live in RIT housing, your living expenses will vary depending on where you live. Additional information regarding on-campus housing options and costs can be reviewed on our Housing website.

Charges for tuition, fees, room and board are computed on a semester basis. The university has an electronic billing (eBill) program for students. Each semester, all RIT students receive an email notification to their official university email account, stating that their eBill is available. Payment policies, dates, and other details can be found on our Student Financial Services website.

In order to be best prepared for an RIT education, students are strongly encouraged to consider the purchase of a laptop. Most colleges have recommended minimum computer specifications. Students may also take advantage of an educational discount if purchased through RIT’s Digital Den.


Part-time graduate students (1 to 8 credits) are charged the per credit hour rate of $2,463.

RIT Certified Programs

The RIT Certified tuition rate is intended for students pursuing courses or programs through RIT Certified. The cost of RIT Certified graduate credit-bearing offerings may vary by course or program.

RIT Online Programs

The RIT online tuition rate is intended for students pursuing online programs

Graduate students with an admit date of fall 2014 or later that have been identified as pursuing their education in a designated online degree program as confirmed by RIT Admissions, are eligible to be assessed tuition at the online rate. The following programs are not eligible for the online rate: Architecture M.Arch, Online Executive MBA, MS Computer Science, MS Product Development and MS Manufacturing Leadership programs.

Undergraduate students with an admit date of fall 2015 or later that have been identified as pursuing their education entirely online by RIT Admissions are eligible to be assessed tuition at the online rate.

Courses Rate
Graduate RIT online $1,403 per credit hour
Undergraduate RIT online $1,382 per credit hour


NTID Online Programs

The NTID online tuition rate is intended for students pursuing Business Administration AAS online.

Undergraduate students with an admit date of spring 2023 or later that have been identified as pursuing their education entirely online by the Admissions Office are eligible to be assessed tuition at the online rate.

Online students awarded the online tuition rate may still receive a financial aid offer including federal government, state government, and specialized tuition assistance programs.

Courses Rate
Undergraduate NTID online
(Domestic Student)
$574 per credit hour
Undergraduate NTID online
(International Student)
$1,148 per credit hour


Online students awarded the RIT or NTID online tuition rate may still receive financial aid offer including federal government, state government, and specialized tuition assistance programs. However, students awarded the online tuition rate are not eligible to receive:

  • RIT Merit Scholarships
  • RIT Grants
  • Graduate Internship Rate, as this only applies if awarded the standard RIT/NTID Graduate tuition rate
  • Course Audit Rate, as this only applies if awarded the standard RIT/NTID tuition rate

Online students awarded or applying for the following are not eligible to receive the online tuition rate:

In order to be best prepared for an RIT education, students are strongly encouraged to consider the purchase of a laptop. Most colleges have recommended minimum computer specifications. Students may also take advantage of an educational discount if purchased through RIT’s Digital Den.


RIT Certified Programs

The RIT Certified tuition rate is intended for students pursuing courses or programs through RIT Certified. The cost of RIT Certified graduate credit-bearing offerings may vary by course or program.

NTID Domestic Undergraduate

Full Time

Expenses Per Year (2 Semesters)
Billable Costs
Tuition (12-18 credit hours) $20,550
Student Activities Fee $400
Student Health Services Fee $550
Housing (double room - view other rates) $9,366
Food (standard meal plan - view other options) $6,776
Total Estimated Billed Expenses* $37,642
Estimated Other Expenses
Books, personal expenses, transportation, and loan origination $2,890
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $40,532

*First-Year Undergraduate NTID Students, add $385 for Orientation fees.
Transfer Undergraduate NTID Students, add $200 for Orientation fees.

Domestic NTID students enrolled in more than 18 credit hours are charged $619 for each additional credit hour.

For financial aid purposes, students living off-campus are provided the same rent and board allowance as on campus. Students living at home with a parent or a relative are provided with a modest allowance for expenses related to living at home and may contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for more information.

In order to be best prepared for an RIT education, students are strongly encouraged to consider the purchase of a laptop. Most colleges have recommended minimum computer specifications. Students may also take advantage of an educational discount if purchased through RIT’s Digital Den.

Part Time

Charge per credit hour is $884. Multiply number of credit hours by this amount to calculate your total.

Part-Time matriculated undergraduates are charged a $100 per semester Student Activities Fee.

NTID International Undergraduate

Full Time

Expenses Per Year (2 Semesters)
Billable Costs
Tuition (12-18 credit hours) $41,100
Student Activities Fee $400
Student Health Services Fee $550
Housing (double room - view other rates) $9,366
Food (standard meal plan - view other options) $6,776
Total Estimated Billed Expenses* $58,192
Estimated Other Expenses
Books, personal expenses, transportation, and loan origination $2,890
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $61,082

* First-Year Undergraduate NTID Students, add $385 for Orientation fees.
Transfer Undergraduate NTID Students, add $200 for Orientation fees.

International NTID students enrolled in more than 18 credit hours are charged $1,238 for each additional credit hour.

For financial aid purposes, students living off-campus are provided the same rent and board allowance as on campus. Students living at home with a parent or a relative are provided with a modest allowance for expenses related to living at home and may contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for more information.

All students are expected to have health insurance coverage. Health insurance may be obtained through the university, or through family or individual policies. International Students (except those on H1b visas) will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the plan each semester. International students who have comparable ACA-compliant coverage may submit a waiver form.

In order to be best prepared for an RIT education, students are strongly encouraged to consider the purchase of a laptop. Most colleges have recommended minimum computer specifications. Students may also take advantage of an educational discount if purchased through RIT’s Digital Den.

Part Time

Charge per credit hour is $1,768. Multiply number of credit hours by this amount to calculate your total.

Part Time matriculated undergraduates are charged a $100 per semester Student Activities Fee.

NTID Domestic Graduate

Full Time

Expenses Per Year (2 Semesters)
Billable Costs
Tuition (12-18 credit hours) $24,678
Student Activities Fee $400
Student Health Services Fee $550
Estimated Living Expenses $16,142
Total Estimated Billed Expenses $41,770
Estimated Other Expenses
Books, supplies, transportation, loan origination, and personal expenses $3,016
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $44,786

Domestic NTID students enrolled in more than 18 credit hours are charged $771 for each additional credit hour.

Domestic NTID students are assessed credit by/experience by exam at $267 per credit hour.

For financial aid purposes, students living off-campus are provided the same rent and board allowance as on campus. Students living at home with a parent or a relative are provided with a modest allowance for expenses related to living at home and may contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for more information.

In order to be best prepared for an RIT education, students are strongly encouraged to consider the purchase of a laptop. Most colleges have recommended minimum computer specifications. Students may also take advantage of an educational discount if purchased through RIT’s Digital Den.

Part Time

Charge per credit hour is $1,028. Multiply number of credit hours by this amount to calculate your total.

Domestic NTID students are assessed credit by/experience by exam at $267 per credit hour.

RIT Certified Programs

The RIT Certified tuition rate is intended for students pursuing courses or programs through RIT Certified. The cost of RIT Certified graduate credit-bearing offerings may vary by course or program.

NTID International Graduate

Full Time

Expenses Per Year (2 Semesters)
Billable Costs
Tuition (12-18 credit hours) $49,356
Student Activities Fee $400
Student Health Services Fee $550
Estimated Living Expenses $16,142
Total Estimated Billed Expenses $66,448
Estimated Other Expenses
Books, supplies, transportation, loan origination, and personal expenses $3,016
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $69,464

International NTID students enrolled in more than 18 credit hours are charged $1,542 for each additional credit hour.

International NTID students are assessed credit by/experience by exam at $534 per credit hour.

For financial aid purposes, students living off-campus are provided the same rent and board allowance as on campus. Students living at home with a parent or a relative are provided with a modest allowance for expenses related to living at home and may contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships for more information.

All students are expected to have health insurance coverage. Health insurance may be obtained through the university, or through family or individual policies. International Students (except those on H1b visas) will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the plan each semester. International students who have comparable ACA-compliant coverage may submit a waiver form.

In order to be best prepared for an RIT education, students are strongly encouraged to consider the purchase of a laptop. Most colleges have recommended minimum computer specifications. Students may also take advantage of an educational discount if purchased through RIT’s Digital Den.

Part Time

Charge per credit hour is $2,056. Multiply number of credit hours by this amount to calculate your total.

International NTID students are assessed credit by experience/credit by exam at $534 per credit hour.

RIT Certified Programs

The RIT Certified tuition rate is intended for students pursuing courses or programs through RIT Certified. The cost of RIT Certified graduate credit-bearing offerings may vary by course or program.

Current student rates, payment policies, and dates can be found on our Student Financial Services website

Shadow of graduates wearing a mortar board

At RIT, you’re always onto something amazing.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

At RIT, we believe costs should never keep you from earning an education and following your dreams. We offer a comprehensive, need-based financial aid program that includes scholarships, loans, grants, and student employment opportunities.

Learn more about financial aid and scholarships

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Collage of students walking and participating in a tug of war game

At RIT, you’re always
on to something amazing.

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