Resources for Researchers

Sponsored Research Services

RIT’s Sponsored Research Services assists faculty and staff in identifying federal, state, and corporate funding opportunities and in the development of grant proposals. It also oversees the negotiation, acceptance, and non-financial management of grants and contracts.

Learn More about sponsored research services


Denis Charlesworth
Interim Executive Director
Sponsored Research Services
585-475-6484 (phone)   585-475-7990 (fax)

Human Subjects Research Office

The Human Subjects Research Office and the Institutional Review Board at RIT protect the rights, safety, and welfare of the people who take part in research. They ensure that the risks posed to research participants are justified by the potential benefits. The office and board also assist investigators in securing approval to conduct research with human subjects and carry out their work in an ethical manner.

Learn More about the Human Subjects Research Office


Heather Foti
Human Subjects Research
585-475-7673 (phone)   585-475-7990 (fax)

Research Computing

Research Computing seeks to support the campus research community through the hosting and coordination of advanced technology resources in computation and unified grid systems and includes access to large memory machines, tightly coupled clusters, and reliable data storage systems. The office also provides access to external supercomputing centers and Internet2.

Learn More about the Human Subjects Research Office


Intellectual Property Management

The Intellectual Property Management Office manages RIT’s intellectual property portfolio and seeks to bring that IP to the marketplace through licensing and formation of start-up companies. The office assists faculty, staff, and students in identifying inventions, assessing marketability, applying for patents, and developing a tech transfer strategy.

Learn More about Intellectual Property Management


William Bond
Intellectual Property Management Office
585-475-2986 (phone)   585-475-7990 (fax)

Sponsored Programs Accounting

The Sponsored Programs Accounting office is responsible for the fiscal administration of externally funded projects, including grants, contracts, and special projects. The office assists principal investigators and administrative staff in navigating through the fiscal and regulatory requirements related to sponsored projects.

Learn More about Sponsored Programs Accounting


Toby Stroud
Executive Director
Sponsored Programs Accounting

NTID Research Support

The National Technical Institute for the Deaf sponsors and encourages research designed to enhance the lives of deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Faculty at NTID work either on discipline-based research within their own academic departments or come together in research centers and or labs to work on strategic research projects. Students are encouraged to actively partner with faculty on research projects of mutual interest.

Learn More about NTID Research Support