College Day

Experience the American way of studying in Croatia!

There's no better way to learn more about us than to visit us. College Day is a special event designed for high school students and those who are considering choosing or changing colleges, and who are interested in American higher education.

Visit us

  • find out more about the American university studies we offer,
  • meet students who talk about their experiences during their studies,
  • our admission specialists and students will take you around campus,
  • meet our faculty members and professional staff,
  • find out what student clubs do, and
  • have fun!

Apply for our College Day

Join us, fill out the application form 

When and where

  • Friday, February 14, 2025, 10:00 am at the Dubrovnik campus
  • Saturday, February 15, 2025, 9:30 am at the Zagreb campus
  • Applications are open until February 13, 2025



  • 10:00-10:20 - Registration and Campus Tour! Our admission specialists and students will take you around campus.
  • 10:20-10:30 - Welcome and Opening Note
  • 10:30-11:30 - Opening panel discussion on "Studying at RIT Croatia". Find out firsthand what it's like to study at an American college from our faculty members and take the opportunity to listen to student experiences of internships, the American way of learning, student exchanges, and the comprehensive support system at RIT Croatia. 
  • 11:30-12:00 - Break out Sessions per Program of Study
  • 12:00-12:30 - RIT Croatia in a Nutshell! At the mini fair meet the members of the Student Government and various student clubs! Find out more about study programs, and student exchange, and inquire about the possibilities of winning scholarships. Find out what it's like to work with colleagues from America, Dubai, Kosovo, and China. They will tell you about the events, student clubs, and the support they provide to our students.
  • 12:30-12:45 - Financial Aid and Scholarship Opportunities 
  • 12:45-14:00 - RIT Croatia Fun Corner! Have fun with our interesting quiz and scavenger hunt, and win cool prizes!

Note: the official parts of the program are performed in English to bring our everyday life closer to visitors.


  • 9:30-9:55 - Registration and Grouping
  • 10:00-11:00 - Opening panel discussion on "Studying at RIT Croatia". Find out firsthand what it's like to study at an American college from our faculty members and take the opportunity to listen to student experiences of internships, the American way of learning, student exchanges, and the comprehensive support system at RIT Croatia.  
  • 11:05-11:35 - Break out Sessions per Program of Study
  • 11:35-12:05 - Student Work & Life Showcase/Informal Networking and Refreshments. At the mini fair meet the members of the Student Government and various student clubs! Find out more about study programs, and student exchange, and inquire about the possibilities of winning scholarships. Find out what it's like to work with colleagues from America, Dubai, Kosovo, and China. They will tell you all about the events, student clubs, and the support they provide to our students.
  • 12:05-12:25 - Scavenger Hunt
  • 12:25-12:45 - Financial Aid and Scholarship Opportunities 
  • 12:45-12:55 - Quiz Time! Have fun with an interesting quiz and win cool prizes!
  • 12:55-13:30 - Networking

Note: the official parts of the program are performed in English to bring our everyday life closer to visitors.