Title IX Policies

Title IX Policies
- RIT/
- Compliance & Ethics/
- Title IX Policies
RIT prioritizes addressing sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination. The university is dedicated to investigating complaints related to sexual discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other sexual misconduct, with the goal of taking swift action to stop the behavior, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.
The following university policies address sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination, including Title IX.
All members of the RIT Community shall comply with this Policy. This Policy is part of the conditions of employment and participation in RIT sponsored events or programs. This Policy applies to conduct that takes place either on the RIT campus or at university-sponsored events or programs off campus.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits any person in the United States from discriminating on the basis of sex in seeking access to any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The U.S. Department of Education, which enforces Title IX, has long defined the meaning of Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination broadly to include various forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence that interfere with equal access to the university’s educational programs and opportunities. You can learn more about Title IX applicability here.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. It reads: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” Additional laws prohibit discrimination in education on the basis of sex, as well as dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. This Student Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy is RIT’s Student Title IX Policy. Unless otherwise stated, RIT’s Student Title IX Policy applies to any allegation of sex discrimination made by or against an RIT student. This policy applies equally regardless of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression.
The following university policies can intersect with reports of sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination reports.
An environment that encourages freedom of expression and inquiry is essential to achieving the educational mission of RIT. It is the responsibility of RIT students, faculty, staff and administrators to work towards the achievement of this educational mission through appropriate actions or behaviors related to P03.0 - Honor Code. When these actions or behaviors are inappropriate, or when these actions or behaviors lead to conflicts, it is the responsibility of RIT to provide a process that informs and educates the RIT community about appropriate behaviors and provides a fair and reasonable manner for the resolution of conflicts.
RIT is a community that believes the best environment for learning occurs when the community promotes and supports healthy and responsible behavior among its members. Students make their own choices and are responsible for their behavior. The purpose of the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy is to promote individual responsibility and advance the goals and expectations central to the university mission. The Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy applies to all Student members of the university community and their guests. Faculty and staff, and their guests, are governed by a separate policy (C15.2 Faculty/Staff Alcohol and Drug Policy).
RIT values and expects integrity and strong moral character among RIT campus community members, both within and outside of the community. The Honor Code applies to all members of the RIT campus community, including students, trustees, faculty, staff, and administrators.
The following are archived revision of university policies that can intersect with reports of sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination reports.
Policy C27- 2021 revision
Read the Full Policy Document (Vevision date Oct 2021)
Read the Full Policy Document (Original date Aug 2020)
Policy D19- 2021 revision
The following are internal procedural policies that can intersect with reports of sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination.