Borrow, Renew, and Return
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- Borrow, Renew, and Return
Check Out Materials
The book collection is located on the 1st and 2nd floors and can be checked out at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor.
Item Type |
Loan Period |
Fine |
Reserve items |
Books: DVDs: |
$5 per hour (hourly items) $5 per day (for 24+ hour loan period) |
Books |
$1 per day when book has been requested by another patron and has not been returned by the recall date |
Individual Journal Issues Bound Volumes |
7 days | $1 per day when item has been requested by another patron and has not been returned by the recall date |
Laptops |
4 hours |
$5 per hour for each item (laptop and charger) |
Calculators |
4 hours |
$5 per hour |
DVDs* |
3 days |
$5 per day |
*Some exceptions to loan periods may apply.
RIT students, faculty, staff, and alumni may borrow library materials by presenting a current RIT ID at the Library Services Desk at the time of checkout. Two forms of ID are required to borrow a laptop.
Fines for hourly loan items are assessed after a brief grace period, then continue to accumulate at the rates above.
If you have a fines balance of $5 or more, your borrowing privileges are suspended until the fines are paid.
Book Loan Period
Affiliation with RIT * |
Loan Period ** |
Renewals *** |
Number of Items at a Time |
Undergraduate |
6 weeks |
3 times |
500 |
Graduate |
End of semester |
3 times |
500 |
Regular Faculty/Staff |
End of academic year |
2 times |
500 |
6 weeks |
3 times |
500 |
Osher Lifelong Learning Members |
6 weeks |
3 times |
500 |
RRLC Access Pass Holders | 6 weeks | 3 times | 5 |
Family Borrowers |
6 weeks |
3 times |
10 |
Other Patrons |
May vary by patron |
None |
3 |
* New books (acquired within the past year) may not be available for loan to all patron types.
** For regular circulating materials. Reserves, multimedia, and some other materials have shorter loan periods.
*** See the Recall Policy for further clarification of the renewal policy.
Recall Notices
If a patron requests a book that is currently checked out, the original borrower receives an email with a revised due date. Patrons are always guaranteed a three-week checkout. Once the initial three weeks are passed, books can be recalled. If a book is recalled you must return it by the due date to avoid recall fines of $1 per day.
Fines totaling more than $5 will suspend your borrowing privileges. Failure to return library books will cause a registrar block to be placed on your student account. This will prevent you from registering for classes.
If you have any more questions about fines, please stop by the Library Services Desk or email us at
Renewal Policy
Books can be renewed as long as another user has not requested use of that material. Items can be renewed online in My Library Account, in person at the Library Services Desk, or by phone at (585) 475-2562.
Times when we are not able to process a renewal request:
- The item has been requested by another patron
- You are not currently registered for courses
- You are not currently employed by RIT (Faculty/Staff)
- The primary cardholder is no longer affiliated with RIT (Family borrowers/Linked accounts)
- You have fines totalling more than $5 on your library account
Recall Policy
If a patron requests a book that is currently checked out, the original borrower receives an email with a revised due date. Patrons are always guaranteed a three-week checkout. Once the initial three weeks are passed, books can be recalled. Overdue recalled books accrue fines of $1 per day.
Books can be returned to the Library Services Desk in Wallace or to Book Return boxes at these locations:
- Outside Wallace Library (WAL bldg. 5) North Quarter Mile entrance
- Gleason Circle Bus Shelter, South of Wallace Library (WAL bldg. 5)
- LBJ Building, 2nd floor by the Tech Help Center (top of the center stairs)
Please return all non-book items (DVDs, laptops, accessories, etc.) directly to the Library Services Desk in Wallace Library.
Account Information
With your library account, you can:
- View and renew currently checked out items
- View unpaid fines
- View and cancel requests (holds)