The following video segments show an instructor using the auditory materials that were originally developed to go with the Speech-Language Department's SAT 6 materials. There are four steps in the auditory materials. Two steps are shown in the videotape: Step 2A for target /t/ (word pairs 21-25) and Step 2B for target /k/ (Group 5 words).
Step 2A consists of listening to a pair of CVCs which vary only by one consonant. In order to help the student develop an auditory awareness of the differences between the words the instructor uses the CSL Real-Time Spectrogram. The student sees the two words in print, then sees the spectrogram and listens as the instructor says the two words. Then the instructor says one of the words and the student circles which word she heard and says the word.
The following contrasts are presented. * indicates word said by instructor.
- 21. tale - tape*
- 22. taught - bought*
- 23. hut* - hug
- 24. cat* - cab
- 25. toes - nose*
Step 2B consists of 5 CVC words which contain the target consonant. The instructor says each word two times. The student sees it in print, listens as the instructor says it and looks at the spectrogram. Then the instructor says one word at a time as the student listens and looks at the spectrogram. After each instructor production, the student indicates the word she heard. The video sequence shows discrimination of words with target /k/:
Group 5
- __(2)__lake
- __(1)__like
- __(4)__peck
- __(3)__back
- __(5)__beak
The instructor starts with directions about the activity.
The five word pairs are presented, the student responds and the instructor gives feedback regarding correctness.
The instructor asks the student to explain how the spectrogram is helping her develop auditory discrimination of two words.
Instructor presents the same list for listening only. When the student has difficulty hearing the difference between two presented words, the instructor uses the spectrogram again. After looking and listening to the target word (bought) several times, the student indicates comprehension.
The instructor points out differences on the spectrogram between the first sounds on the two possible target words (/t/ vs. /b/). In addition to auditory training on the /t/, the instructor models and reinforces correct production of /t/.
The instructor explains the activity, produces two spectrograms of each of the five target words, then says the words in a different order. When the student has difficulty, the instructor asks her to listen again.
After the auditory training activity, the student says each word and the instructor reinforces correct production of /k/. When the student has difficulty, the instructor replays the student's recording(s) of the words and reinforces the features that make one production of /k/ better than another.