Support Services - Gender Identity, Sexual Health, and Positive Relationships

Student Support Services:
Gender Identity, Sexual Health, and Positive Relationships
July 2020 marks the beginning of a new era for serving and supporting students at RIT around issues of gender identity, sexual health, and positive relationships.
We have made a few shifts, as we respond to new federal regulations for Title IX which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence (sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking), growing needs to support students around gender-based issues and gender identity, and a hope to evolve our capacity for collaborative and intersectional approaches to student engagement.
Programming and educational resources related to women’s leadership, gender-based issues, and healthy relationships will be coordinated by the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Resource Center in Campus Life.
Educational campaigns and programming around issues of sexual health and bystander behaviors will be coordinated by Health Promotion in the Wellness area.
Contact: Sara Engel, Health Promotion Coordinator
Confidential counseling and support will be offered by Counseling and Psychological Services. Appointments with Counseling and Psychological Services staff may be scheduled in the primary office, located in the August Center, or one of the embedded offices around campus. Regardless of the location, these sessions are confidential.
Contact: Counseling and Psychological Services
To access resources or to connect with information related to women and gender issues, stop by the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Resource Center located on the second floor of the Campus Center (Suite 2010).
Safety Resources are available on the Tigersafe app, which can be downloaded in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. As information is updated in the Tigersafe app, you will receive a notification within the app that will notify you of an available update. Click the notification to refresh the app content.
Title IX
The Title IX Office provides oversight and support for university programming and reporting.
Reporting a Title IX Concern
To make an incident report you can complete the online Report a Title IX Concern form or contact Public Safety.
For confidential services, contact: