How to Apply

There are four stages to the RIT study abroad process: exploratory, application process, confirmed participation, and returning from study abroad.

Stage 1: Exploratory

Explore program options through the Programs section of the study abroad website. You will  find information on the types of programs, how your major works with study abroad, information about RIT’s global campuses, and more. 

In the exploratory stage, it is highly recommended that you attend a Study Abroad 101 advising meeting.

Completing the Study Abroad Blueprint or talking with an RIT Student Global Ambassador are also useful steps to take.

Finally, have a conversation with your academic advisor to understand the courses you still need to take towards your degree program. This will help you know what kinds of courses you should look for abroad.

Stage 2: Application Process

Once you’ve done some research and have some programs in mind, meet with a study abroad advisor to review the application checklist, get a budget worksheet, discuss the pros and cons of specific programs, and discuss any personal issues or concerns.

Working with your study abroad advisor, you will also:

  1. Complete your RIT Compass application
  2. Complete the course pre-approval process
  3. Discuss the basics about program costs and financial aid
  4. Inquire about access support services (Access Services and Disability Services Accommodations), if needed

Stage 3: Confirmed Participation

Once your participation is confirmed: 

  1. You will need to pay any program deposits (these are usually non-refundable)
  2. Your RIT student account will be billed for remaining charges
  3. You will be registered for classes in SIS
  4. You will attend the required study abroad pre-departure meeting

Stage 4: Returning from Study Abroad

Once you’re returned from your study abroad experience, there are several opportunities to share your experiences and/or pursue another study abroad opportunity. 

Learn more about resources for returned students

Student Application Checklists

Students applying for study abroad can use these checklists as a guide to the steps you need to take. Note that application steps are slightly different depending on the type of study abroad program you are participating in.

Affiliate Programs Checklist

Global Campus Programs Checklist

Faculty-Led Programs Checklist

Independent Study Abroad Checklist