Emergencies Abroad

What is an International Emergency?

Please contact us about any situation that poses an immediate or potential risk to the safety, security, or health of RIT students, faculty, or staff overseas on a RIT-sponsored activity. Emergency situations include, but are not limited to:

  • Significant accident or illness including hospitalization
  • Significant mental health issue
  • Political crisis including acts/threats of war/terrorism
  • Disappearance or kidnapping
  • Natural disasters
  • Allegation of sexual harassment or sexual assault
  • Victim of a violent crime or physical assault
  • Arrest or questioning by local authorities, legal action, or allegation that someone is the victim or perpetrator of a crime
  • Other Safety Concerns: disease outbreak, fires, flood

Take Action

Take whatever actions are necessary to assure your immediate safety, which may include calling the local emergency number for emergency responders. 

List of 911 equivalent emergency numbers around the world

Contact your in-country staff (RIT global campus, RIT faculty director, or affiliate staff).

Contact RIT Public Safety Office at 585-475-2853 (answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). The operator will collect information about the emergency along with your contact information and forward the information to the RIT Education Abroad office. Or complete the Report an International Emergency form.

Be prepared to provide as much of the following information as possible:

  1. Name of the individual(s) involved (including your own)
  2. RIT affiliation (student, faculty, or staff)
  3. Reason for travel (study abroad, co-op abroad, employment at RIT location, etc.)
  4. In-country phone number/contact (including country code), mobile phone number, and email address
  5. Country and program of study
  6. Description of emergency
  7. Actions taken
  8. Assistance needed

RIT's International Traveler Emergency Response Plan

Non-emergency assistance

The Education Abroad office strongly encourages students and faculty participating in study abroad programs to report non-emergency health and/or safety incidents to our office so we can provide resources and assistance as necessary. Non-emergency situations include, but are not limited to:

  • Lost passport or ID
  • Stolen property
  • Property damage
  • If you are a victim of a non-violent crime
  • If you are experiencing any health issues or illnesses that are ongoing and are affecting your ability to go to class, etc.
  • Any other unusual event that occurs while you are participating in an RIT study abroad program

You can report the incident using the Study Abroad Non-Emergency Incident Form or by contacting Jenny Sullivan, director of Education Abroad & International Fellowships, at 585-475-3224 or jlrsrap@rit.edu during the next business day.

Reporting incidents is important as RIT has a legal obligation to report certain types of incidents that occur on programs abroad. The collection of information will help the university determine which incidents need to be reported to the federal/state government. No personally identifying information will be shared.

Note: Any information you provide will be a FERPA protected education record. As a general rule, only RIT officials with a legitimate educational interest will have access to this information. Those may include professionals in the Education Abroad office, Office of Risk Management, RIT Public Safety, Dean of Students office, health center or university counseling among others.

Emergency Preparedness Tips

  • Carry a card in your wallet with important emergency phone numbers in case your phone is not accessible.
  • Create a communication plan for reaching family and friends in the event of a crisis.
  • Know the location and phone number of the nearest U.S. embassy.
  • Understand the emergency procedures in place for your study abroad program. This is discussed at your RIT pre-departure meeting as well as your in-country orientation at the beginning of your program.
  • Make sure at least one parent or relative back home has a valid passport so they will be able to travel to assist you in-country if needed.
  • During a political crisis or other emergency during which foreigners in general or U.S. citizens in particular may be at risk:
    • Keep a low profile.
    • Avoid behavior that could attract attention.
    • Avoid locales where foreigners or Americans are known to congregate.
    • Avoid carrying or wearing anything that would identify you as an American/foreigner.

Personal Safety

Studying abroad will expose you to all kinds of new and exciting experiences. Though this is a time of broadening your horizons, you must exercise caution to be as safe as possible while overseas. Before traveling, you should become familiar with local laws, how to avoid travel scams, and understand RIT's emergency response plan.

Learn more about personal safety abroad