Meet with a Study Abroad Advisor

If you're a Rochester campus student thinking about studying abroad, meeting with the RIT Education Abroad office will jump-start your international experience!

Study Abroad 101

Good for Rochester campus students who are just starting to think about study abroad, don’t have a program in mind already, and are looking to learn the basics about types of programs RIT offers, how to find a good program fit, how to fund study abroad, etc.

Study Abroad 101 meetings take place in person at the RIT Global office three times a week. 

Register for an upcoming meeting

Meet One-on-One with a Study Abroad Advisor

A one-on-one meeting with an advisor will help you solidify your program choice, discuss specific courses you are looking to take, go over specific application steps, learn about scholarships, and more. Please note that our advisors meet with RIT Rochester campus students interested in studying outside of the U.S.

Choose the appropriate advisor based on your program interests - each of our advisors specializes in different programs, so take note of the programs listed next to their names to ensure you are paired with the best advisor for your program of interest.

Both in-person and Zoom meetings are available. Once you’ve chosen your appointment time, you’ll be sent a confirmation email – don’t forget to add your appointment time to your personal calendar

Roseanne Hernandez
Program Manager

Meet with Roseanne if you are a Rochester campus student interested in an affiliate program. Affiliate programs Roseanne advises on:

  • Arcadia
  • CIEE
  • CIS
  • DIS
  • IES
  • NYU
  • School for Field Studies
  • Siena School for Liberal Arts
  • SRISA (Santa Reparata International School of Art)
  • SUNY Oswego
  • Syracuse
  • Budapest Semester in Mathematics     

Schedule Appointment with Roseanne

Myles Chalue
Global Programs Manager

Meet with Myles Chalue if you are a Rochester campus student interested in an RIT Global Campus program or Exchange program. 

Programs Myles advises on:

  • RIT Croatia, RIT Dubai, RIT Kosovo

Exchange Programs

  • Beijing Jiaotong University (China)
  • Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST)
  • Design in Dessau (Germany)
  • Hochschule Mittweida (Germany)
  • University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
  • Leuphana University of Luneburg (Germany)
  • University of Applied Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany)
  • Doshisha University (Japan)
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
  • Universidad del Pacificio (Peru)
  • Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain)
  • Malmo University (Sweden)

Schedule Appointment with Myles

Not able to find an open appointment time that works for you? Email to find an alternate time that works with your schedule.

Faculty-led programs

Interested in a faculty-led program? Contact the faculty director for more information and questions. The faculty director is listed on the program flier, in an email you may have received about the program, or in the Compass program description.

Preparing for Your Meeting

Doing some prep work beforehand will help you get the most out of your meeting.

Know the basics. Do you know the basics like program typescosts of study abroad, courses, grading, etc.? If not, spend a few minutes reading through our website so you’ll be well-informed by your meeting and can spend your advising time going beyond the basics and digging deeper into important areas. Or, watch this video overview about RIT Study Abroad

Recommended programs. Have you looked at recommended programs for your major? Visit the Your Major Abroad overview page and print out a copy of your college info. sheet.

Priorities. Have you considered your priorities in a study abroad program? The Study Abroad Blueprint can help you explore what you're looking for in a program abroad.

Academic planning. Have you talked with your academic advisor yet about studying abroad? If not, email them to start the conversation and ask for a list of courses you still need to take at RIT.