Beyond Your Major

If you have flexibility in your academic path, you don’t have to limit yourself to only taking major-specific coursework abroad. Find out from your academic advisor what courses outside of your major you still have left to fulfill toward your RIT degree requirement.

Taking minor or immersion credits abroad is a great way to fit in a study abroad experience. It may offer a wider variety of coursework that will count toward your RIT degree requirements and give you more flexibility on the length of time you spend abroad. 

Popular RIT minors and immersions that you could easily find coursework in abroad include business, art history, communication, criminal justice, economics, history, and languages.

Many students also take courses abroad that count toward their RIT perspectives, general education, or free or program elective courses. This would give you an opportunity to take courses in a unique subject area that you’ve always been interested in or is a course that might not be offered at RIT.