From the last issue

Home-cooked meal

I was pleased to see a photo of one of my all-time heroes on the last page of the RIT The University Magazine winter 2010-11 edition.

I met Professor John Trauger, pictured on the left in the dark suit, in 1969, when I was granted admission to the then-brand-new biomed photo program.

Professor Trauger had just founded the program in about 1968. It and he are among the most instrumental influences in my life. Thank you, Professor Trauger. You ’da man!

William Nyberg ’72, (biomedical photography) Director, Ophthalmic Photography Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania

That’s me, Cathy Croom ’68 (art and design), with my future husband, Ken Chin ’69 (photography), in line at the buffet table.

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