Zenab Bastawala Headshot

Zenab Bastawala

Visiting Assistant Professor

School of Design
College of Art and Design

Zenab Bastawala

Visiting Assistant Professor

School of Design
College of Art and Design

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course is an introduction to the fundamental principles of typography (the visual representation of language) to effectively convey information and ideas to specific audiences. Focus is on the communicative function and aesthetic nature of typographic problem-solving. Course content and lectures will cover typographic terminology, type anatomy, history of typography as well as type classification, type measurement, and issues of legibility and readability. Once students are introduced to the fundamentals of typography, they will include imagery as appropriate. Students will also refine their skills using relevant software.
3 Credits
This course will focus on the development of graphic communication from prehistory through the present. This course will provide students with knowledge and understanding of the places, people, events; historical and cultural factors; and technological innovations that have influenced the practice of graphic design. Lectures are complemented by guest speakers, archive visits, videos, research projects, critical writing and discussion.
3 Credits
This course will explore information design. Problem-solving focuses on functional requirements, information transmission, accessibility, and design structure across a range of formats. Applied problems are solved through principles of systems thinking, structure, diagrammatic interpretation, and the visual display of information. This course will build upon the principles and theories learned in Graphic Design Studio II with project solutions developed for print media, motion and digital use.
3 Credits
This course will focus on design problem solving for three-dimensional spaces and environments. Design process, initial concepts, and final design solutions are developed to assist users in negotiating various interior and exterior environments. Areas of application may include: architectural graphics, signage systems, exhibit design, themed museum experiences, and dynamic environments. Two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and digital design attributes are incorporated using appropriate materials and software.
1 - 6 Credits
This course exposes students to the professional environment through outside job opportunities in graphic design studios, advertising agencies, corporate communications departments, and other acceptable organizations. Students will work under the guidance of art directors, creative directors, senior graphic designers, or marketing communications managers and perform creative work that is educational and meaningful for their short-term academic goals as well as their long-range career preparation. Documentation of the experience is required and final review from employer is obtained. The appointed faculty adviser will meet with the student upon completion for final evaluation for a grade. Students must obtain pre-approval of their department and complete the Internship Approval Form. Credit earned is used toward elective credits.
1 - 6 Credits
Graphic Design Independent Study will provide students with the ability to focus in a specialized area of graphic design with an individual faculty member. Students, with the assistance of a faculty adviser, will propose a course of study. The independent study student must obtain permission of an instructor and department by completing the Independent Study Proposal Form to enroll.

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