Urgent Care Services

Report an Incident

RIT Wellness Portal


After-Hours Mental Health Line:

Public Safety:
Call: 585-475-3333
Text: 585-205-8333

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:

Crisis Text Line:
Text HOME to 741741

Urgent care appointments are available on a walk-in basis when students need to meet with a Counseling and Psychological Services clinical staff member immediately. Urgent care services differ from a standard therapy appointment and typically last 20-30 minutes.

If you are a student, you may seek urgent care services if you are experiencing safety concerns such as suicide or violence risk, you are hearing voices, you were recently discharged from a psychiatric hospital, among others. Do not hesitate to contact our office if you feel that your concern is urgent – our clinical staff is here to help.

In an urgent care appointment, our experienced team of mental health professionals will work with you to: 

  • Assess your immediate needs and concerns 
  • Identify skills to help mitigate your immediate needs and concerns right away
  • Engage in clinical problem-solving
  • Develop a safety plan for you or others
  • Identify any additional departments and resources on- or off- campus that you may benefit from

Schedule an Appointment