The Council for the Representation and Engagement of Women Faculty (CREW)

The Council for the Representation and Engagement of Women Faculty serves as an advisory council to the provost in support of the career success of women faculty at RIT.

About CREW

Our mission is to support, retain, and promote career success of women faculty at RIT. To achieve this mission, the team will:

  • Identify and support effective strategies and activities that promote career success of women faculty
  • Assist women faculty in finding and developing networks
  • Promote leadership development and mentoring activities for women faculty
  • Provide support needed for women faculty to be successful through tenure and promotion
  • Communicate and collaborate with other groups concerned with gender and diversity
  • Identify the issues that women faculty face and develop actions to address these issues
  • Facilitate awareness among administration and the university regarding these issues
  • Make recommendations to the Provost on studies or actions needed to address particular issues needed to create an academic environment that fosters the academic success of women faculty at RIT


Each college nominates a faculty representative to serve on this council. They are then invited by the provost to join CREW.

Betsy Dell

Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

Keith Jenkins

Vice President and Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion Leadership
Diversity and Inclusion

Lorraine Stinebiser

Assistant Dean CAD
Dean’s Office
College of Art and Design

Heidi Nickisher

Principal Lecturer
School of Art
College of Art and Design

Jeanne Christman

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

Kelly Norris Martin

Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Dean’s Office
College of Liberal Arts

Kara Maki

School of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Science

Sharon Mason

Director School of Information
School of Information
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Callie Babbitt

Department of Sustainability
Golisano Institute for Sustainability

Sonia Lopez Alarcon

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Bonnie Jacob

Department of Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Rong Yang

Department of Finance and Accounting
Saunders College of Business

Makini Beck

Assistant Professor
Individualized Education, School of Individualized Study
Academic Affairs

Newsletters and Reports

Family Leave Task Force

The Family Leave Task Force was charged by Associate Provost Carmie Garzione in the Fall of 2019 with the purpose of ensuring that RIT’s Family Leave policies and practices promote the career success of faculty who utilize this leave. In a collaborative effort; the Office of Academic Affairs, the Parental Leave sub-committee of the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) of the Academic Senate, the Council for the Representation and Engagement of Women (CREW), and Human Resources assembled this Task Force to benchmark and review family and parental leave policies. The Faculty Affairs Committee of the Academic Senate was charged “to review policies regarding parental and new parent leave and their effect on faculty work life before and/or after the leave. Where appropriate or needed, the FAC will make recommendations for policy change, with attention to training for department heads and deans.”

The charge to the Family Leave Task Force was to review previous work that has been done at RIT, carry out a benchmarking study to document best practices at peer institutions and host open forums to solicit faculty input. The Family Leave Task Force will compile results, develop recommendations, and present findings and recommendations to the Parental Leave sub-committee of the FAC of the Academic Senate.




AdvanceRIT challenges the historically slow growth trends of women STEM faculty with the overarching goal of increasing the representation, retention, and career advancement of women faculty in STEM.  

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Faculty Career Development

Faculty Career Development, a unit within the Innovative Learning Institute, is a team of professionals dedicated to the support and advancement of faculty in their academic careers at RIT. The team provides faculty with a continuum of support geared toward advancement through the different stages of an academic career.

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Division of Diversity and Inclusion

The Division of Diversity and Inclusion works collaboratively with academic and administrative units to provide a holistic range of services that enhance access and success for historically underrepresented students, faculty and staff, support education and scholarship, and ensure a welcoming, inclusive, vibrant and accessible environment for everyone.

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President’s Commission on Women

The President’s Commission on Women serves as an advocate for the interests of the entire community of women at RIT. The group— constituted of faculty, staff, and students—advocates for and advises the President on the progress of RIT’s commitment to securing equitable representation, opportunities, and rewards for women at RIT. 

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The WISe program seeks to engage women in the sciences and mathematics by offering information, equity, and collaboration opportunities that will break down barriers and will enhance their education and career(s) throughout their journey.

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Women and Gender Studies

A program that offers an interdisciplinary and multicultural series of courses exploring the intersections of gender, sexuality, culture, ethnicity, and race.

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Women’s Council

The purpose of the Women’s Council of RIT is to stimulate interest and promote understanding of the university within the community, to provide an educational program about the university to its members, and to be of service to the university.

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