President’s Commission on Women

The President’s Commission on Women edifies the campus culture to create an environment where women can embrace their identities, feel a sense of community, develop their skills, and thrive. This cross-divisional, collaborative team strives to expand successful existing initiatives, identify areas of improvement, create new opportunities, and support the cultural change necessary to make RIT an equitable living, learning, and working environment for all.

To fulfill this mission, the Commission:

  • Advises and makes recommendations to the President and the Provost on issues related to women, proposing initiatives and strategies to ensure a supporting and welcoming environment.
  • Communicates and collaborates with other groups concerned with gender and diversity.
  • Identifies issues critical to the environment, climate, and culture of women, faculty, staff, and students.
  • Supports and prioritizes the recruitment and retention of women faculty, staff, and students.
  • Explores the impact of university policies and practices on women.
  • Educates the community about issues impacting women.

The membership President’s Commission on Women (PCW) consists of two groups: an Executive Advisory Committee and a larger group, known as the PCW.

The Executive Advisory Committee (ExAC) includes various leaders from across campus who will provide invaluable insight, input, and support.

The PCW is made up of representatives from various colleges and divisions who meet regularly to achieve the goals of the Commission.


Betsy Dell headshot
Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology
Darci Lane headshot
Assistant Director of Title IX and Clery Compliance
Compliance and Ethics
Finance and Administration
Name Email Division
Margaret Bailey Academic Affairs: KGCOE; Previous PCW Co-Chair
Prabu David Office of the Provost
Stacy DeRooy Finance and Administration: Title IX
Doreen Edwards Academic Affairs: KGCOE Dean
Bob Finnerty University Communications
Vanessa Herman Government & Community Relations
Malar Hirudayaraj Academic Affairs: AdvanceRIT Director
Matt Huenerfauth Academic Affairs: GCCIS Dean
Keith Jenkins Academic Affairs: Division of Diversity and Inclusion
Sandy Johnson Student Affairs: Office of the Vice President
Todd Jokl Academic Affairs: CAD Dean
Gary Moxley Finance and Administration: Public Safety
Jo Ellen Pinkham Finance and Administration: Department of Human Resources
Diane Slusarski Academic Affairs: Graduate School Dean
Name Email Division
Silvia Benso Academic Affairs: Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program
Myren Bobryk-Ozaki Student Leader
Silvia Caraballo Academic Affairs: AdvanceRIT
Betsy Dell PCW Chair; CET Faculty
Kathy Ehrlich-Scheffer Academic Affairs: WE @ RIT Director
Amelia Fries Student Leader
Olivia Gauthier Student Leader
Jennelle Hart University Communications: Social Media
Kareem Hayes Student Affairs: Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement
Joe Johnston Office of the President: OMBUDS
Kelly Kamish Student Affairs: Disability Services Office
Katie Laley University Advancement: Development
Darci Lane Finance and Administration: Title IX
Leah Mackin Academic Affairs: Women in Technology Co-Director
Mindy Magyar Academic Affairs; CAD Faculty
Molly McGowan Academic Affairs: SCB Faculty; Women in Business Advisor
Heidi Nickisher Academic Affairs: CAD Faculty
Marian Nicoletti Enrollment Management; Undergraduate Admissions
Darnae Pauley Student Leader
Elizabeth Schwartz Student Affairs; Women, Gender, and Sexuality Resource Center
Onvida Serixay Student Leader
Susie Sieling Government & Community Relations: Conferences and Special Events
Neha Sood Office of the President: Director of Sustainability
Lisa Stein Government & Community Relations: Events and Conferences
Amy Stornello NTID: Title IX
Riley Supple Student Leader: Women in Science
Lana Verschage Academic Affairs: Women in Computing Director
Marykatherine Woodson  Student Affairs: Residence Life



  1. 2004, July

    2004 – Present

    Dr. Albert J. Simone initiates the charge for PCW to be created.

  2. 2007

    2007 – Present

    RIT Presidential leadership changes from Dr. Albert J. Simone to Dr. William W. Destler.

  3. 2007, June

    2007 – Present

    Initial recommendations from the President's Advisory Council are made: Recruitment, Enrollment, Curriculum, Marketing, and Hiring.

  4. 2007, October

    2007 – Present

    Official charge for the PCW made by Dr. William W. Destler.

  5. 2008, April-July


    Recommendations for the "RIT Commission on Women" are filed: Institutional Transformation, Encouraging Gender Diversity & Inclusion Based Initiatives, and Curricular Related Initiatives.

  6. 2008, September-October


    First annual report for the PCW is published. October Memo of a focus on EFFORT@RIT sent out. EFFORT@RIT was a 2 year study of STEM disciplines, what factors women seek in academic positions, and how well RIT meets those factors through surveys and data review.

  7. 2012, February

    2012 – Present

    Fast & Furious letter of concern. This letter is a response by the President’s Commission on Women regarding concerns about the Fast & Furious SEA Formula Team advertisement entitles “Beautiful Solutions”. They bring up how the ad “depicts female students as passive, sexualized visual objects” due to lack of expression, no speaking, and ‘flowing hair’ as well as the impact on both internal and external relations of RIT. The letter proposed an action plan to remove the ad and involve the PCW in the communications with upper administration and the campus at large.

  8. 2012, April

    2012 – Present

    Key Targets were evaluated: Diversity frameworks, branding, neutral coordinator, funding distribution, shared responsibility, and specific enrollment goals.

  9. 2012, October-November


    Female Undergraduate Enrollment study conducted. This study was an analysis of the circumstances and factors that may contribute to the low enrollment of female students along with preliminary recommendations.

  10. 2013, March

    2013 – Present

    Actions outlined to achieve from the enrollment study report that included improving the existing environment and enrollment for current academic programs, develop curriculum and support women faculty and students in new academic programs, improve and increase marketing, and provide more financial aid and scholarships.d

  11. 2014, April

    2014 – Present

    Faculty Awards Assessment. This assessment briefed a study from 2007-2012 that said women represent 30.5% of faculty but only account for 12.1% of award recipients for the 7 award included in the study. Recommendations from the PCW to improve this included transparency and clarity with measuring criteria and progress, accountability for decision making and potential bias, and being inclusive to a larger pool of applicants.

  12. 2014, October

    2014 – Present

    Changes to Recommendations and Goals are proposed for the goal “RIT will increase the representation of STEM female undergraduates to 30% by 2025.”

  13. 2017

    2017 – Present

    RIT Presidential leadership changes from Dr. William W. Destler to Dr. David C. Munson

  14. 2019

    2019 – Present

    Student focus groups were conducted to determine the student perspective of the campus climate and circumstances.

  15. 2020

    2020 – Present

    Faculty and advisor focus groups were conducted to determine the faculty and advisor perspectives on the campus climate and circumstances. Betsy Dell becomes co-chair.

  16. 2022

    2022 – Present

    Darci Lane becomes co-chair.