
- RIT/
- Student Health Center/
- Immunizations
If there is a medical emergency, call Public Safety 585-475-3333 or text 585-205-8333.
We're partnering with Wegmans to offer on-campus flu vaccine clinics for RIT students this semester. If your insurance is not accepted by Wegmans, you can get the vaccine at the Student Health Center for $20. Learn how to register for an on-campus flu clinic
In order to attend classes and to ensure a healthy student community, New York State Public Health Laws 2165 and 2167 and RIT mandate certain immunizations.
All students born on or after January 1, 1957, and enrolled in six or more credit hours must:
Provide valid proof of immunity against measles, mumps and rubella (in English)
Read and sign the meningococcal receipt of information section of the immunization form in the RIT Wellness Portal
Provide valid proof of meningococcal tetravalent vaccination (MCV-ACYW) on or after the student’s 16th birthday
New York State Law mandates that students will be dis-enrolled from classes if this information is not submitted within the allotted time.
Detailed Immunization Requirements
Action Items:
- Provide proof of 2 valid MMR vaccines (measles, mumps and rubella) given after first birthday
- If MMR record is not available, blood titers for each disease may be submitted
Required for:
- All students born on or after January 1, 1957, and enrolled in 6 or more credit hours
Additional Information:
- Due before the start of classes
- First vaccine must be given after first birthday
- Must be in English
Dates verified by health care provider or school official
Action Items:
- Read and sign the meningitis section of the Immunization form confirming that you have received information regarding meningitis vaccine.
Required for:
- All students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours
Additional Information:
Due before the start of classes
Action Items:
- Required: Provide proof of meningococcal tetravalent vaccination (MCV - ACYW) (Menactra and Menveo accepted) on or after age 16.
Required for:
- All students age 21 or younger and enrolled in 6 or more credit hours
Additional Information:
- Due before the start of classes
- Requires verification of date by health or school official
- The Meningitis B Vaccine (also known as Trumenba and Bexsero) is recommended. Proof of vaccination is not required, as it does not vaccinate against serogroups A, C, Y, W.
Required Immunization Due Dates |
Semester | Due Date |
Fall | Required forms due July 1 |
Spring | Required forms due December 1 |
Summer | Required forms due April 1 |
Required forms must be submitted on the RIT Wellness Portal.
Additional Immunizations (Highly Recommended)
Recommended for:
- All enrolled RIT students.
Acceptable Vaccines:
- Acceptable vaccines include those approved for use in the U.S., accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration, or on the World Health Organization Emergency Use List (EUL).
Additional Information:
- Log into the RIT Wellness Portal to complete the COVID-19 Vaccine form and upload a photo or scanned copy of your vaccination card or receipt with your name, date of birth, name of vaccine, and the date(s) of the shots.
Watch this brief video: The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine: Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions
Action Item:
Receive one dose annually
Recommended for:
All students, especially those with a chronic illness or a condition/medication that affects the immune system
Additional Information:
Typically available seasonally in the Student Health Center for a fee
Available on campus through partnership with Wegmans Pharmacy if you bring your insurance card
Action Items:
- Complete the series of three vaccines
Required for:
- Athletes, however it is recommended for all students
Additional Information:
- Must be in English
- Requires verification of dates by health or school official
Action Items:
- Must have received booster within last 10 years
- Tdap vaccination is recommended for the booster to provide protection against pertussis
Recommended for:
- All students
Additional Information:
- Must be in English
- Requires verification of dates by health or school official
Action Items:
- Complete the series of valid doses over six months
Recommended for:
- Women and men ages 9-26
Additional Information:
- Protects against 9 types of HPV - the virus that causes genital warts and cervical cancer.
Action Items:
- Receive one valid dose
Recommended for:
- Students with cochlear implants
- Some students with heart disease or weakened immune system
Action Item:
- Receive two valid doses 4-8 weeks apart
Recommended for:
- Students who have not had chicken pox.
Immunization Exemption Requirements
Medical Exemption
If you are seeking medical exemption from immunizations, sufficient documentation must be submitted by your medical provider (MD, DO), including reason for contraindication and end date (if applicable) and any additional documentation. Please have your medical provider write a letter or chart note on letterhead with contact information, detailing the type of medical exemption (i.e. a single vaccine or all vaccines) and the medical rationale.
Upload proof from your medical provider by selecting Immunization Exemption (Medical) in the Document Upload section on the RIT Wellness Portal or fax your letter/documentation to the Student Health Center at 585-475-7788.
Religious Exemption
If you are seeking a religious exemption to immunizations, you must complete the Request for Religious Exemption Form. Religious exemption requests must be notarized and require specific detail regarding both the sincerity of your religious beliefs and the tenets that prohibit vaccination. Once completed, please submit your request by selecting Immunization Exemption (Religious) in the Document Upload section on the RIT Wellness Portal or fax your letter/documentation to the Student Health Center at 585-475-7788.
View a list of notaries at RIT
Request for Religious Exemption Form
RIT Employees and Family Members
If you are an RIT employee or family member of an RIT employee and take 6 or more credit hours at RIT, you are considered a student under the NYS Public Health Law 2165/2167. Therefore, employees and family members must comply with established NYS and RIT immunization requirements regardless of how long you have been associated with RIT.
If you were honorably discharged within 10 years from the date of your application to RIT, you can submit your armed forces official vaccination records as proof of immunization. If there is a delay in obtaining your official vaccination records, the DD 214 Form (Separation of Service) will enable you to attend classes temporarily.
NOTE: DD 214 does not fulfill the immunization requirements. We must receive your vaccination records.
Online or Off-Campus Program/Major
If all courses are completely online or off-campus, you are not subjected to immunization compliance for MMR, meningococcal receipt of information, or meningococcal tetravalent vaccination (MCV-ACYW). If your program is online/off-campus, but you attend an on-campus orientation, on-campus course or other event, you are subjected to immunization compliance.