Urgencies and Emergencies

Urgencies and Emergencies
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- Urgencies and Emergencies
If there is a medical emergency, call Public Safety 585-475-3333 or text 585-205-8333.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency or situation needing immediate response, call 911 or contact Public Safety by calling 585-475-3333 or texting 585-205-8333.
Medical Emergencies
Examples of potential emergencies you may be experiencing:
Prolonged bleeding
Severe head trauma
Marked chest pain and/or difficulty breathing
Loss of consciousness
Major lacerations
Severe abdominal pain
High fever/vomiting/stiff neck
Hospital Emergency Departments
- Strong Memorial Hospital Emergency Department
- Highland Hospital Emergency Department
- Rochester Regional Health Emergency Department
- Unity Hospital Emergency Department
After Hours and Urgent Care Centers
- If you are in need of health advice for immediate medical concerns when the Student Health Center is closed, call 585-475-2255 and select the nurse advice option. Your insurance may offer telemedicine services, as well. Many insurance providers offer 24/7 access to healthcare professionals from anywhere in the United States. These appointments may be available within minutes to hours of your request. Check with your insurance carrier for any co-pay or co-insurance that may be required. If you are outside of the Rochester area and need in-person care, your insurance carrier can be a source of information regarding local providers.
- Rochester Regional Health Immediate Care - Henrietta
- UR Medicine Urgent Care
- Acute Kids Urgent Care (accepts patients up to age 21)
Urgent Care Now - Webster
Wellnow - Pittsford
Emergency Dental Services
This information provided is not intended to be, nor should it be seen as, medical advice. RIT does not maintain a relationship (medical, confidential or otherwise) with the physicians and entities contained on this list. Please be aware that inclusion on this list does not represent an endorsement by RIT of the services to be provided by the physicians and/or entities. Each individual remains fully responsible for determining the qualifications of and the services to be provided by the physicians and entities listed herein.
Alcohol and Other Drug Emergencies
If you or a friend has had too much to drink or may have overdosed on drugs:
- Call 911 or Public Safety 585-475-3333 immediately – you could save a life
- Try to wake the person
- Stay with the person – don’t leave them alone
- Try to roll the person onto his or her side – do not leave the person lying on their back — they could vomit and choke
Alcohol poisoning and drug overdoses can kill. If a friend has been drinking, especially a large amount over a short period of time, has hurt him or herself while drinking or has been taking drugs, look for these signs of possible alcohol poisoning/drug overdose:
- Confusion, inability to stay awake or respond to shouting and shaking
- Changes in behavior
- Pale, cold or bluish skin
- Passing out
- Vomiting
- Irregular or slow breathing
The Good Samaritan Protocol is designed to provide education rather than discipline when a student voluntarily contacts university personnel (e.g., Public Safety, Resident Advisor/Community Advocate) or outside emergency services for medical assistance related to alcohol or other drugs. Individuals covered by the Good Samaritan Protocol are the caller, the person in need of assistance, the host Student organization, and any witnesses named in the incident report.
Sexual Assault
If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, immediately go to a safe place and seek the support of someone you trust. If you are on-campus, call 911 or Public Safety at 585-475-3333. Do not change clothes, shower, bathe, or douche or in any way alter or dispose of any potential evidence from the assault.
It is your decision whether or not to report the assault. A trained counselor or advocate can help you explore options and work with law enforcement if you choose. Whether or not you choose to report the sexual assault, we recommend that you seek medical care as soon as possible. This care may include:
- Prevention of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV and pregnancy
- Screening to detect the presence of date rape drugs such as Rohypnol
- Evidence collection (“rape kit”), which can be obtained up to 96 hours after the incident
- Emergency contraception
It is never too late to get help
If it has been more than 96 hours after the sexual assault, you can still get help. Contact our office to schedule an appointment for follow-up medical care such as sexually transmitted infection testing, HIV testing, and pregnancy testing.
Use the following on- and off-campus resources to access care or more information:
RIT Support Services
- Counseling and Psychological Services
Call 585-475-2261 - Public Safety
Call 585-475-3333 or Text 585-205-8333
AIM: RITPublicSafety
Public Safety may send an ambulance to your location for assessment, treatment and/or transport to a local emergency department for additional care. - Student Health Center
If you are calling outside of business hours, select the nurse advice option. - RIT Title IX
Title IX Coordinator: Stacy DeRooy
Local Support Services
- Monroe County RESTORE
Hotline 585-546-2777 - Willow Domestic Violence
585-222-7233 - Planned Parenthood
- NYS Police Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit