Spring SHED Faculty Training
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In this session, instructors will gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges of the SHED flexible learning spaces. A panel of instructors who taught in SHED in Fall 2023 will provide class activity examples and share their insights from teaching in these spaces. Bring your questions!
Learn from the experiences of:
- Mario Gomes, Kate Gleason College of Engineering
- Jen Bailey, Kate Gleason College of Engineering
- Emily Coon, College of Science
Instructors are welcome to stay after this session to try out the technology in the SHED rooms and/or drop in during one of the "Zoom Room and Wireless Projection Training for SHED/Wallace Classrooms" trainings.
This session is intended for instructors assigned to teach in the SHED classrooms in Spring 2024 or are interested in teaching in SHED classrooms in the future.
Participants should request Access Services, if needed.
Emily Coon • excsbi@rit.edu
Mario Gomes • mwgeme@rit.edu
Jennifer Bailey • jlbbme@rit.edu