Bubble Answer Sheet Scanning Service
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) can scan completed Gradescope-branded bubble answer sheets to a PDF for instructors who request this service. This service is designed for instructors who teach large course sections where testing face-to-face using myCourses may be difficult, or instructors who use machine-gradable assessments but do not have access to an office scanner machine.
Instructors can print copies of the Gradescope bubble answer sheet on any printer using standard white printer paper. If you have 1-100 questions in your exam, print just the front side of the page. If you have 101-200 questions in your exam, print both sides of the page and print double sided.
Completed bubble answer sheets may be dropped off at the CTL support desk (Wallace Library 05-A650) Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The scanned PDFs will be emailed to the instructor within 72 hours, Tuesday-Friday only. The instructor can pick up the original completed bubble answer sheets Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Instructors use the Gradescope integration in myCourses to machine grade the scanned files. Review Setting Up and Grading Bubble Answer Sheets using Gradescope for details.