RIT COVID-19 Safety Measures Remain in Place

As we prepare to complete the semester, it is vital that we continue our efforts toward keeping campus as healthy as possible. We are a highly vaccinated community at RIT and our safety practices, including vaccination, indoor masking and testing have proven effective.
Earlier this week, the Monroe County Executive declared a state of emergency in Monroe County due mainly to rising COVID-19 hospitalization rates. There are no broad countywide mandates related to the state of emergency, and at RIT we intend to keep our current Safety Plan procedures in place. Employees are expected to continue their current work arrangements as previously agreed upon with their managers. 

Additional Reminders:

  • All employees working in the US, including those working remotely, are required to have or obtain a COVID-19 vaccination as a term and condition of employment at RIT unless an exemption has been applied for and approved. 
  • All current employees must provide their proof of vaccination and have their supervisor review and sign-off no later than Wednesday, December 22, 2021. Note that all faculty and staff members are required to provide proof of vaccination even if they previously submitted their vaccination status. 
  • Students, if you are experiencing any symptoms, stay home, and please reach out to the Student Health Center through patient chat to obtain appropriate guidance. 
  • Employees, if you are experiencing any symptoms, stay home, and please reach out to your health care provider to obtain appropriate guidance. 

Let’s do all we can to safely and successfully finish the semester.

David Munson, President

Jo Ellen Pinkham, Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Dr. Wendy Gelbard, Associate Vice President, Wellness

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