Faculty featured in 'New Glass Review'

RIT glass faculty Suzanne Peck and David Schnuckel were both selected for the 42nd issue of New Glass Review, the Corning Museum of Glass’ flagship publication showcasing 100 timely, innovative glass projects produced in a given year.
The juried publication typically receives thousands of submissions from glass artists all over the world for consideration.
Schnuckel was honored for his project, “Decadal,” while Peck’s collaborative work with Karen Donnellan ’11 MFA (glass) titled “Sexy Lexi (Sex Positive Lexicon)” was featured.
“Decadal” by David Schnuckel
Relying on numerical patterns of 10, this project extends its interest in observing material vulnerabilities unique to glass by locating narratives of human surrender in both literal and figurative terms throughout history, science and architectural instances unique to Rochester, N.Y. Lists, drawings, notation and objects are presented as an oddly interconnected cataloging of ways in which accuracy has given way to error.
Photo by Elizabeth Lamark
Schnuckel's "Decadal" project
“Sex Positive Lexicon” by Suzanne Peck and Karen Donnellan
Sex Positive Lexicon addresses a need to acknowledge the hot shop as a sexy place — linguistically and, potentially, materially. The language pushes further into the absurd, humorous and queer. Glass is a sexy material and working with glass can be a sensual act. This lexicon honors that aspect of the studio — leaning deeply into the juicy, tantalizing nature of working in the hot shop.
This new list a queering of the space, material and process, and extends the same fundamental impetus as the original lexicons: create new opportunities for language to upend and challenge existing norms. “Sex Positive Lexicon” is the third in a series of artworks by Peck and Donnellan considering language, gender and inclusivity in the hot shop.
"Sex Positive Lexicon" by Peck and Donnellan.