Summer Housing

Housing Applications for Summer 2024 are now closed.

RIT Summer Housing

RIT Housing is here for you for all your summer housing needs. Whether you're enrolled in summer classes, working on campus or participating in a co-op locally, we look forward to providing you with a place to stay for the summer.

Summer Assignments

Your summer housing assignment is dependent on your current spring assignment and upcoming fall assignment. Students not living in RIT housing for spring or fall may still apply for Summer 2024 housing. A confirmation email will be sent to your RIT email once you have been assigned summer housing.

Based on significant work being done in all of our housing, you will be unable to remain in one location for your entire stay. You may be required to move up to three times.

  • Students currently in these locations will move 175 Jefferson for a short term stay on Saturday, May 11th.
  • On May 31st, you will move to a single room within a shared suite at University Commons*. 
  • See Summer to Fall Move section for details on when you will move to your fall assignment.

*Specific University Commons Suites will be used exclusively for summer term students. Four students will be assigned per suite.

  • Students not currently living in RIT Housing will be assigned to 175 Jefferson with a move-in date of Tuesday, May 14th for a short term stay, and then relocated to a shared suite at University Commons*.
  • See Summer to Fall Move section for details on when you will move to your fall assignment.

*Specific University Commons Suites will be used exclusively for summer term students. Four students will be assigned per suite.

Based on significant work being done in all of our housing, you will be unable to remain in one location for your entire stay. You may be required to move up to three times.

  • Students will remain in their current spring assignment until May 17th.
  • On May 17th, you will move to 175 Jefferson for a short term stay until May 31st.
  • On May 31st, you will move to a single room within a shared suite at University Commons*. 
  • See Summer to Fall Move section for details on when you will move to your fall assignment.

*Specific University Commons Suites will be used exclusively for summer term students. Four students will be assigned per suite.

  • You will be assigned to your current spring assignment for the summer term.
  • See Summer to Fall Move section for details on when you will move to your fall assignment.

*Select apartments will be closed for the summer term based on scheduled project work. If your apartment is unavailable, you will be notified with an alternative assignment option.  

You will remain in your current suite/apartment for the summer and will not be relocated, pending an apartment/suite inspection. This is a Continuous Unit. You are responsible for cleaning the unit before Fall 2024 residents arrive.* Learn more

*Select apartments will be closed for the summer term based on scheduled project work. If your apartment is unavailable, you will be notified with an alternative assignment option.

Changes or Cancellations of 24-25 Housing Assignment

  • If you live in summer housing and cancel your 2024-2025 RIT housing assignment during the summer term, you will be relocated to summer term housing at University Commons at the time of your cancellation.
  • If you live in summer housing and change your 2024-2025 RIT housing assignment during the summer term, you may be relocated to your new assignment.


Based on significant work being done in all of our housing, you will be unable to remain in one location for your entire stay. You may be required to move up to three times.

  • You will remain in your current spring assignment until May 17th.
  • On May 17th, you will move to 175 Jefferson for a short term stay until May 31st.
  • On May 31st, you will move to a single room within a shared suite at University Commons**. 
  • Students not living in RIT housing for Fall 2024 are required to move out of summer housing no later than Tuesday, August 14, 2024 by 10:00 a.m.

    **Specific University Commons Suites will be used exclusively for summer term students. Four students will be assigned per suite.

Move-In and Key Pick-up

If you are assigned to 175 Jefferson, summer housing keys may be picked up at the front desk of 175 Jefferson between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

On May 31st, if you are assigned to move to a single room at University Commons, you will pick up your key at the RIT Housing Office in Grace Watson Hall on Friday, May 31st, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The last day to pick up summer housing keys to move-in is on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 4 p.m. 


Summer housing charges are billed at the beginning of summer and posted as one charge for the entire summer on the student account. The charge reflects the number of days you select for summer housing on the summer housing contract.

  • Billing for summer housing begins on the move-in date selected on the summer housing contract. Final billing is determined by the date keys are returned. Rent adjustments will only be completed after you return your key(s).
  • The daily rate is per person and based on location. There is no required occupancy during summer housing. 2023-2024 Terms and Conditions apply to summer housing.
  • When you move into your Fall 2024 assignment prior to the end of summer, summer term rent rates will continue to be used through August 17. Fall rent rates will be applied for the fall semester beginning August 26.


Summer Housing Rates

Location Person/Day
175 Jefferson $46
University Commons $48
Residence Halls N/A
Global Village Single with Kitchen N/A
Global Village Single without Kitchen N/A
Global Village Studio N/A
Riverknoll 1-Bedroom $56
Riverknoll 2 or 3-Bedroom $24
Perkins Green 1-Bedroom $65
Perkins Green 2-Bedroom                                   $27


italian sub sandwich on a wood table

Meal Plan Rates

Summer Meal Plans Available

All students living in the residence halls are required to select a summer dining plan. Tied to your RIT ID card, meal plans take one more worry off your plate with pre-loaded Dining Dollars that can be used throughout the summer term at all RIT Dining locations. 

Learn More

Your Responsibilities

It is your responsibility to clean your summer housing assignment before you vacate. Please review the following Cleaning Responsibilities. If you participated in Housing Renewal and will stay in your housing assignment over the summer, review the information on Continuous Units.

Please read the cleaning responsibilities list found in the Return Your Housing to Move-in Condition section carefully. You must complete each task outlined. If you share your apartment/suite, your group should coordinate these tasks among yourselves. Each summer student will be held responsible if the unit is not properly prepared for the incoming/returning students for the 2024-2025 academic year. Totally vacant units will be cleaned by a contract cleaning service. If the contractor is required to do cleaning outside of the normal scope to properly prepare your unit for the academic year’s students, you are responsible for the additional cleaning charges incurred. You may also lose housing renewal privileges if you fail to properly prepare the unit for incoming students.

An apartment/suite that is not vacated for the summer will be refreshed for cleaning only as this unit will be considered “continuous”.  No paint touch ups or project work will be completed. Apartments/suites will be inspected at the end of the spring semester to determine if there are any damages to approve the unit for an continuous summer assignment. Any damages discovered will be applied to spring resident's student accounts.

The responsibility to clean a continuous unit and prepare it for the next academic year’s students falls upon the summer student(s), even if the occupants for the next academic year are the roommates you renewed the unit with. Failure to maintain the unit or properly prepare it for the next academic year’s students may result in damage/cleaning charges being applied to the summer resident's student account and/or losing the opportunity to remain a resident of the apartment/suite.

Summer Assignment to Fall Assignment Move

Students will pick up their key for their 24-25 housing assignment based on the schedule below:

  • Fall Assignment: Riverknoll, Perkins
    • Date to pick-up key: Friday August 9*
    • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. RIT Housing office in Grace Watson Hall
  • Fall Assignment: Global Village, residence halls
    • Date to pick-up key: Friday August 9*
    • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. RIT Housing office in Grace Watson Hall
  • Fall Assignment: RIT Inn, 175 Jefferson, University Commons
    • Date to pick-up key: Friday August 9*
    • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. At RIT Inn / 175 Jefferson front desk / UC at Housing office
  • Students who do not have a 24-25 housing assignment  
    • Must move out of summer housing no later than Tuesday August 14th, by 10:00 a.m.*

*All key pick-up dates are subject to change. Please check back periodically to verify your planned key pickup date has remained the same. 

Summer Storage

Storage of personal belongings is not permitted in RIT housing. Students living in RIT housing for summer are prohibited from storing other students’ personal belongings. Students who are not on contract for summer and leave personal belongings in a unit will have summer housing rent charges applied to their student accounts until items are removed or discarded.

If you are assigned to the apartment/suite you will be occupying for the 2024-2025 academic year for summer, you may not allow spring term students to leave items through summer and you may not allow incoming students to drop off their belongings prior to the official move-in date for the 2024-2025 academic year.

If you plan to leave RIT for the summer, you may not leave your personal belongings in the apartment/suite you renewed for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Location Availability

Global Village, 175 Jefferson, RIT Inn, & Residence Halls

Closed for Summer Term

Global Village, 175 Jefferson, RIT Inn, and the residence halls will be closed for summer term due to summer conference housing.

Greek Circle

Closed for Summer Term 

Greek Circle housing is closed for summer term for scheduled maintenance. 

Select Riverknoll Apartments (TBD)

Closed for Summer Term 

RIT Housing and RIT Housing Facilities are working together to finalize the summer maintenance and project renovation schedules for the apartment areas. RIT Housing will work individually with students who apply for summer housing that are assigned to these units to arrange alternative placements.

Riverknoll apartments 332-376 and 452-496 - Temporary closures for foundation work, dates TBA.


Select University Commons Suites (TBD)

Closed for Summer Term 

RIT Housing and RIT Housing Facilities are working together to finalize the summer maintenance and project renovation schedules for the apartment areas. RIT Housing will work individually with students who apply for summer housing that are assigned to these units to arrange alternative placements.

University Commons buildings 7 & 8 - Closed for summer term

Select Perkins Green Apartments (TBD)

Closed for Summer Term 

RIT Housing and RIT Housing Facilities are working together to finalize the summer maintenance and project renovation schedules for the apartment areas. RIT Housing will work individually with students who apply for summer housing that are assigned to these units to arrange alternative placements.

Perkins Green Apartments 121-197 - Closed for summer term

Residence Entry

RIT Housing performs general maintenance and monthly inspections to inspect and repair housing units throughout the summer. RIT Housing, its agents, or representatives reserve the right to enter any room, apartment, or suite. Learn more about entry for general maintenance in section 9.15 and about monthly fire safety inspections in section 13.01 of the 2023-2024 Terms & Conditions.

Cancel Contract

Summer contracts can be canceled by visiting and submitting a "Report an Issue / Ask a Question" ticket.

Resources and Guides