Online Tuition Waiver Process User Guide

Regular employees must complete the online process in Oracle Employee Self-Service in order to receive a Tuition Waiver for eligible family members. Hard copy forms will not be accepted for family members of regular employees other than for courses through the English Language Center and the Academic Success Center. Tuition Waiver is automatic for regular employees (except for courses through the English Language Center and the Academic Success Center).

Adjuncts, retirees, LTD recipients, and surviving family members do not use the online Oracle process. Instead, they need to complete the appropriate Service Request found on the RIT Service Center (RSC) portal.

IMPORTANT: The HR certification does not indicate approval of the Tuition Waiver. The approval determination will be based on the benefit as outlined in the Education Benefits Summary. This determination will be based on the benefit rules outlined including approval for no more than 145 undergraduate credit hours and no more than 30 non-matriculated undergraduate credit hours. In addition, approval will be based on your family member’s eligibility for the course of study (undergraduate vs graduate) as well as the benefit exclusions. You and/or your family member should review the Student Financial Services (SFS) portal to determine if the Tuition Waiver was applied (it will take a day or two for it to be reflected after you receive the confirmation that it was processed). If you do not know how many credit hours have been applied toward the maximums, please contact Student Financial Services ( or 585-475-6186).


Requirements Before a Family Member’s Eligibility for Tuition Waiver Can Be Certified

Before RIT Human Resources can certify a family member’s eligibility for Tuition Waiver, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the online process as outlined below each academic year and attach required proofs, if necessary, as outlined below.
  2. Proof of benefits eligibility must be on file; if not on file, proof must be submitted (you can submit the proof with the Oracle Tuition Waiver request). Generally, this proof is a marriage certificate for a spouse and a birth certificate showing the employee parent’s name for a child. For more details, refer to the Education Benefits website. We update the HR system with this proof so you will only need to submit it one time for each family member.
  3. If the Tuition Waiver is for a tax dependent child whose course of study is undergraduate, you must submit proof of the tax dependent status; you can submit the proof with the Oracle Tuition Waiver request. The tax dependent proof is a photocopy of the top portion of your most recent federal tax return showing the child’s name. You can block out the Social Security Numbers and information in the income section. We will need this document each year. We update the HR system with this proof so you only need to submit it once per calendar year. We do not need tax dependent verification for a spouse or if the course of study is graduate (for those eligible).

IMPORTANT NOTE about family members enrolled in an accelerated undergraduate/graduate dual degree program (BS/MS)

  • If the employee’s adjusted date of hire is before January 1, 2006, the Tuition Waiver will be taxable for graduate courses that count toward the graduate degree; the Tuition Waiver will not be taxable for graduate courses that count toward the undergraduate degree.
  • If the employee’s adjusted date of hire is on or after January 1, 2006, the Tuition Waiver is available only when the student’s enrollment status is undergraduate. Once the enrollment status changes to graduate, there will be no further Tuition Waiver, even for undergraduate classes.

For Regular Employees to Request Waiver for Eligible Family Member

In order to submit for a Tuition Waiver for your eligible family member, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Employee Self-Service at
  2. Click on RIT Employee Self-Service
  3. Click on My Family Member Tuition Waiver
  4. Select the family member for whom you want to enter information
    1. If you have more than one family member using Tuition Waiver, you will need to add the information one person at a time.
    2. If the family member is not listed, refer to the Add a Family Member section below before proceeding with these instructions.
  5. Click Next
  6. Click Add
  7. Information for the various fields
    1. Tax Dependent?:
      1. If this is your spouse, click Yes.
      2. If this is your domestic partner, click No*.
      3. If this is a child who is expected to be a tax dependent in this calendar year, click Yes (you will need to submit a copy of the top portion of last year’s Federal tax return showing the child as your tax dependent).
      4. If this is a child who is not expected to be a tax dependent in this calendar year, click No*.
      5. If this is a child and the course of study is graduate, click No*.
    2. Academic Year: Choose the academic year for this Tuition Waiver.
    3. Type of Tuition Waiver: choose Family Member Tuition Waiver.
    4. Tax Return Year: Enter the year for the tax return you are submitting for your tax dependent child.
  8. Click Apply
  9. The next screen shows the family member at the top and the information you chose below. If all the information is correct, click Next.
  10. If you need to attach the proof of eligibility and/or proof of tax dependent status for a child, click Add in the Attachments section. Add the file(s) and then click Apply.
  11. Click Submit
  12. The request will be routed to Human Resources. Once your family member’s eligibility is certified, you will receive an email notification.

* Tuition Waiver will be taxable and you will need to pay the tax amount to RIT. Refer to the Education Benefits Summary for more details.

If Family Member is Not in Your Oracle Record

Before you can complete the Tuition Waiver request, the family member needs to be in your Oracle record.

Add a Family Member who is not a current or former RIT student employee

  1. Log into Employee Self-Service at
  2. Click on RIT Employee Self-Service
  3. Click on My Personal Demographic and Contact Information
  4. Scroll down to the Dependents and Contacts section
  5. Click Add and then click Next
  6. Review the information; if correct, click Submit. Otherwise, click Back and correct the information and then click Submit.
  7. You will need to submit the proof of eligibility and tax dependent child proof (if applicable) as outlined in the Requirements section above.

Add a Family Member who is a current or former RIT employee or student

  1. On the RIT Service Center portal, click on Report Issue/Ask Question.
  2. For Ticket Information, choose Human Resources-Benefits.
  3. For the Subject, type in “Updated Family Member for Tuition Waiver”
  4. In the description area, enter the family member’s name, gender, and date of birth.
  5. You will need to attach to this request the proof of eligibility and tax dependent child proof (if applicable) as outlined in the Requirements section above.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. RIT Human Resources will add the individual to your record so you can complete the Tuition Waiver process.
  8. Once your record is updated, you will be notified by the RSC ticket.


If you have any questions, please visit the RIT Service Center portal at where you can ask questions and find answers immediately. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can

  • chat online with a representative through the RSC portal
  • click on Report Issue / Ask Question to submit your question
  • call the RSC at 585-475-5000

You can access the RSC online portal 24 hours a day. The RSC staff is available for online chats and by phone Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.