Peer Navigator

Portrait of H Rose

H Rose

Major: Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
Hometown: Watkins Glen, New York
Campus Involvement: RIT Bowling Club, RIT Players, League of RIT

My favorite part of RIT is how widespread and broad the entire university is, which makes COLA all the better since you are able to take classes in multiple colleges and have a more specialized and unique experience. You are able to meet so many different people with different skill sets and interests from different majors and colleges while taking your classes. Being able to branch out into different areas of the college really lets you take full advantage of all that RIT has to offer students. COLA has some of the more exciting classes you can take, make sure to look out!

My advice to incoming students is to go to events whenever possible, especially early in the year. Go to the club fair, sign up for any club you think might be of interest to you, you meet so many people and aren’t obligated to continue with the club if you don’t want to either. There are tons of clubs, some big and encompassing a lot of different ideas, and some very niche clubs that can be just as fun to make more personal connections with everyone. Also, make sure you practice that icebreaker intro: name, year, major, hometown, as you can tell it will never ever go away.