Peer Navigator

Portrait of Javy Garcia

Javy Garcia

Majors: International and Global Studies; Economics
Hometown: Manila, Philippines

One of my favorite experiences was an assignment where I would have to speak in front of the whole class. This may seem very ordinary, but the way in which my professor framed the project, he made it seem more like an opportunity to improve my presentation skills in front of peers, as it may be something that is necessary in professional life.  Knowing that I would like to improve my communication skills, it changed my perception of an activity that seemed daunting, to an activity that would benefit me professionally.

It was also a chance to explore a topic that I was passionate about—the issues in the South China Sea and its impacts on the Philippines. I enjoyed this class as a whole; it changed my thought process and perception of learning, emphasizing that we should not take news at face value, and that we should be able to evaluate what the actions of certain nations and to come to our own conclusions.