Peer Navigator

Portrait of Sojo Coles

Sojourner "Sojo" Coles

Major: Political Science
Minor/Immersion: Business Administration, Criminal Justice
Hometown: New York City
Campus InvolvementHEOP, MCAS, Organization of African Students

My favorite academic experiences are related to the political science department and the events they host. The two best events were most definitely a talk between Dr. Cornel West, a prominent liberal intellectual, and Dr. Robert George, a conservative scholar, and another we call “AP Day.” I love events that are fun and educational.

The talk with Cornel West and Robert George was a great experience and opportunity. We were able to have a Q&A before their talk and have dinner with them. They spoke on how to agree to disagree. This topic is important to me because I have lots of friends who don’t have the same political views as me, and yet we are still friends.

My other favorite academic experience would have to be helping with AP day. The political science department hosts a two-day conference for high school students to come and listen to talks. College gives you the ability to learn from some of the greatest academic thinkers. Professors from across the nation came to give talks on American history and government. The students were there to listen, learn and take notes. All the students were in advanced placement classes; the information they received would help them on their test. I was there watching them take in the new information and help any way that I was needed. Both of these events were made possible by Dr. Fornieri, who is not only a professor in my department but also my mentor. He made sure I was there to help and witness and learn at both events.