Neil Hair Headshot

Neil Hair

Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Center for Teaching and Learning
Academic Affairs

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Neil Hair

Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Center for Teaching and Learning
Academic Affairs


BS, University of Wales (United Kingdom); MS, Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom); Ph.D., Cranfield University (United Kingdom)


Dr Neil Hair is the Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at RIT, and Professor of Marketing at the Saunders College of Business. He holds Chartered Marketer Status from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a PhD from Cranfield as well as degrees from Sheffield and Cardiff Business Schools in the UK. His research and consulting activities include understanding perceptions of advertising and customer value in popular online social networks, personal branding in virtual space, virtual ethnography in popular worlds, and currently research on perceptions of students’ effective learning environments. Dr Hair is also passionate about his role as a facilitator and has been awarded five of RIT's teaching awards for excellence including; The Provost's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2006, the Exemplary Online Faculty Award in 2008, RIT’s Executive MBA Faculty Recognition Award in 2012, RIT's highest teaching honor, The Eisenhart Award for Outstanding Teaching in 2011, and the Saunders Alumni Teaching Excellence Award in 2014. He was awarded Fellow status of the Chartered Institute of marketing in 2017 based on an external peer evaluation of establishing the Innovative Learning Institute at RIT (The current center’s former incarnation) and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority in the UK. His teaching interests have involved developing the world's first program on the commercialization of virtual worlds, creating immersive online student learning experiences, and using local Client Consultancy Projects as authentic assignments for his marketing students. 


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Select Scholarship

Invited Article/Publication
Akdevelioglu, D., Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2022). The Philosophical and Methodological Choices of Ethnographic Researchers in Online Communities. International Journal of Market Research. . .
Chung, S., & Hair, N. (2021). The Adverse Effects of Mobile Devices on Willingness to Donate and Online Fundraising Outcomes. International Journal of Advertising. 50. 1343–1365.
Moriuchi, E., Landers, V., Colton, D., & Hair, N. (2020). Engagement with chatbots versus augmented reality interactive technology in e-commerce. Journal of Strategic Marketing. . .
Hair, N., Barnes, S., & Hadija, Z. (2012). Why we ignore advertising in online social networks. Qualitative Market Research - An International Journal. 15. .
Hair, N., Rose, S., Clark, M., & Samoeul, P. (2012). Online Customer Experience in e-Retailing: An empirical model of Antecedents and Outcomes. Journal of Retailing. . .
Hair, N., Wetsch, L., Hull, C., Hung, Y., & Perotti, V. (2012). Market Orientation in Digital Entrepreneurship: Advantages and Challenges in a Web 2.0 Networked World. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. . .
Hair, N., (2012). Special Edition: Social Media for Marketing and Advertising. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. . .
Hair, N., (2011). Online Customer Experience: A Review of the Business-to-Consumer Online Purchase Context.. International Journal of Management Reviews. . .
Hair, N., Kagner, E., & Sieber, S. (2011). Social Technologies in the Enterprise &No.65533; Rising to the Challenge. European Business Review. . .
Hair, N., Clark, M., & Shapiro, M. (2010). Towards a classification system of relational activity in consumer electronic communities: The moderators' tale. Journal of Relationship Marketing. . .
Hair, N., Rose, S., & Clark, M. (2009). Using qualitative repertory grid techniques to explore perceptions of business-to-business online customer experience.. Journal of Customer Behavior. . .
Hair, N., & Barnes, S. (2009). From Banners to YouTube: Using the rear-view mirror to look at the future of internet advertising.. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. . .
Hair, N., & Kearns, R. (2008). Consumer perceptions of business-to-consumer relationships in electronic retail environments: a means-end chain approach.. Journal of Relationship Marketing. . .
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2007). The Ethical Dilemmas and Challenges of Ethnographic Research in Electronic Communities. International Journal of Market Research. . .
Hull, C., Hung, Y., Hair, N., Perotti, V., & DeMartino, R. (2007). Taking Advantage of Digital Opportunities: A Typology of Digital Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. . .
Hair, N., & Tyler, P. (2007). Teaching Professional Selling: A Relationship Building Approach. Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education. 11. .
Published Conference Proceedings
Chung, S., & Hair, N. (2020). Negative Effects of Using Mobile Devices on Non-Profit Fundraising Outcomes. ICAMA.
Hair, N., (2018). Exploring Online Students' Perceptions of Website Customer Experience. Online Learning Consortium Accelerate.
Hair, N., (2018). Exploring Prospective Students' Ideal Website Experience When Selecting Technical Universities. Educause 2018.
Hair, N., (2018). Understanding the Value of a Commercial Web Presence. An Exploration of the Factors Determining Ideal Online Business-to-Business Customer Experience. ICRM 2018.
Hair, N., (2013). Service Dominant Logic – an Example of Competitive Advantage. Academy of Marketing Science.
Hair, N., & Boveda-Lambie, A. (2011). Invertising vs. Advertising: The Influence of B2C Communication in Social Media on Customer-Brand Relationships. International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing 2011.
Hair, N., & Perotti, V. (2011). User Experience in Online Social Networks: A Qualitative Analysis of Key Activities and Associated Features. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Hair, N., & Adams, C. (2010). Marketing Professionals’&#8364™ Perceptions of Personally Branded Websites. AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference.
Hair, N., Clark, M., & Yenicioglu, B. (2010). Relationship Marketing in Social Media: A Study of Antecedents, Features and Consequences. ICRM 2010.
Hair, N., Rose, S., & Clark, M. (2009). Identification of indicators of online customer experience.. ICRM 2009.
Hair, N., Rose, S., & Clark, M. (2008). Using qualitative repertory grid techniques to explore perceptions of online customer experience.. Individual Constructs in Management and Organizational Research.
Hair, N., Ciufo, M., Perotti, V., & Clark, M. (2008). Exploring Brand Equity Through Virtual Brand Communities: A Proposed Research Agenda. International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing.
Hair, N., Rose, S., & Clark, M. (2008). Exploring notions of ideal customer experience in online B2B environments.. International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing.
Hair, N., & Kearns, R. (2008). Why you were no help: Exploring Consumers’ Notions of Effectiveness of Online Customer Reviews - A Means-End Approach. International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing.
Hair, N., Hull, C., Hung, Y., Perotti, V., & Wetsch, L. (2008). Market Orientation in Digital Entrepreneurship: The Role of Electronic Community.. McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2008). Towards a Classification System of Relational Activity in Electronic Communities: The Moderators Tale.. European Marketing Academy Conference.
Hair, N., & Barnes, S. (2008). Second Life: A Course in Online Advertising.. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference.
Hair, N., Wetsch, L., & Barnes, S. (2008). Self and Virtual Worlds.. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference.
Hair, N., & Colton, D. (2008). Exploring Perceptions of Consumer Experience online. Winter Educators’ Academy of Marketing Conference.
Hair, N., & Barnes, S. (2007). From Banners to YouTube: Using the rear-view mirror to look at the future of internet advertising. Eighth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association..
Hair, N., Hull, C., Perotti, V., DeMartino, R., & Hung, Y. (2006). Digital Entrepreneurship. EDGE 2006, Singapore.
Hair, N., & Kearns, R. (2006). Consumer perceptions of business-to-consumer relationships in electronic retail environments: a means-end chain approach.. 14th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing.
Hair, N., & Tyler, P. (2005). Understanding the Importance of Social Processes in Business Students’ Conceptions of Positive Learning Situations: A social learning theoretical perspective. 12th EDiNEB Conference.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2005). Consumer-to-consumer interpersonal relationships in electronic community: digital exploration of conceptions, attributes, consequences and personal values in a major UK sporting organization. 13th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing.
Hair, N., & Talbot, R. (2005). The Application of Personal Construct Psychology in Virtual Space. 16th International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology.
Hair, N., & Tyler, P. (2005). Teaching Professional Selling: A Relationship Building Process. International College Teaching Methods and Styles Conference.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2004). When all hell breaks loose: a digital exploration of network relationships in electronic communities. The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Workshop on Relationship Marketing, Brussels.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2003). Reviewing the suitability of core Relationship Marketing constructs in computer-mediated environments: A virtual ethnography research agenda. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Washington DC, United States.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2003). Digital Exploration of Virtual Relationships: A Netnographic Research Agenda. 32nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Glasgow, UK.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2003). An enhanced Virtual Ethnography: the Role of Critical Theory. 3rd International Critical Management Studies Conference, Lancaster, United Kingdom.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2003). Go Native. The Merits of Ethnographic Exploration of Customer Relationships in Digital Environments. 7th Research Conference in Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management, Berlin, Germany.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2003). The Ethical Dilemmas Posed by Research into Consumer Relationships in Electronic Communities. Academy of Marketing Conference, Aston, United Kingdom.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2003). Ideographic methods and the exploration of Relational Exchange in Electronic Communities. British Academy of Management Conference, Harrogate, United Kingdom.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2003). Tools of the Virtual Ethnographer: Participant Observation, Depth Interview, Concept Elicitation, and Delphi techniques in Electronic Community Research,. International Symposium on Research Methods. 2003 International Colloquium on Research Methods..
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2002). Understanding Relationships built through computer-mediated communication: a case for Virtual Ethnography. British Academy of Management Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2002). Rethinking the theories of online customer relationship management: the importance of computer mediated communication.. British Academy of Management Conference, London, United Kingdom..
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2002). Putting the R back into CRM: A review of the suitability of core Relationship Marketing principles in computer-mediated environments. 10th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2002). Rethinking the theories of online Customer Relationship Management: the importance of computer-mediated communications. AMA Frontiers in Services Conference, Maasticht, The Netherlands.
Hair, N., & Perotti, V. (2001). An online learning community for E-Business Students. Eighth Edineb Conference, Nice, France.
Hair, N., Perotti, V., Widrick, S., & Source, P. (2000). Lessons Learned from designing an E-Business curriculum. Seventh Edineb Conference, California, United States.
Hair, N., & Perotti, V. (2000). Electronic Learning Communities in on-campus Technology Courses. Seventh Edineb Conference, California, United States.
Hair, N., Griffiths, M., & Kawalec, J. (1997). Strategic information systems planning: toward the derivation of method for evaluating business utilization of the Internet. 10th International Electronic Commerce Conference.
Full Length Book
(2012). Online Consumer Behavior: Theory And Research İn Social Media, Advertising, And E-Tail. Boveda Lambie, A., & Hair, N.
(2009). Cisco 2009 CIO Summit. Hair, N., & Kaganer, E.
(1997). Management style in the Czech Republic. Hair, H., Das, R., Dean-Jones, R., Kokkinis, J., & Das, A.
(1997). Business Link Export Development Conference, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Hair, N.,
Book Chapter
(2012). Advertising versus Invertising: The influence of social media B2C efforts on consumer attitudes and brand relationships. Online Consumer Behavior: Theory And Research İn Social Media, Advertising, And E-Tail. Boveda Lambie, A., & Hair, N.
(2009). Social Networking as a Business Tool. Cisco 2009 CIO Summit. Hair, N., & Kaganer, E.
(1997). Management style in the Czech Republic: limitations for the classical Anglo Saxon approach. Management style in the Czech Republic. 319-328. Hair, H., Das, R., Dean-Jones, R., Kokkinis, J., & Das, A.
(1997). Examining export characteristics of firms at different stages of internationalisation. Business Link Export Development Conference, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield, United Kingdom. Hair, N.,
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Hair, N., & Barnes, S. (2010). What Works and Does Not Work in Online Teaching. Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning, 2010 Annual RIT Conference.
Hair, N., (2008). Exploring Virtual Worlds: Commercial Implications from the New Frontier. 3rd Henley Conference on Customer Management.
Hair, N., Ray, A., Bitterman, A., & Bernius, M. (2007). Counterpublics, New Media and Democracy: Four Disciplinary Perspectives. Kern Communication Symposium, RIT.
Hair, N., (2005). Innovating online learning environments: ƒ&#8364˜experientialƒ&#8364™ learning in a hybrid internet marketing course. 12th EDiNEB Conference.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2004). Demonstrating the Value of Interdisciplinary Research in Relationship Marketing: A Study of Relational Activity Across and Within Electronic Communities. ESRC Second Seminar on Relationship Marketing.
Hair, N., (2004). Exploring the conceptions of interpersonal consumer-to-consumer relationships across and in electronic communities. Advanced Institute of Management Meeting, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University.
Hair, N., & Clark, M. (2002). An ethnographic approach: deciphering the role of computer-mediated communication in developing long-term relationships with customers. Symposium on Research Methods. ISOneWorld Conference.

Currently Teaching

2 Credits
A general management perspective on the critical impact of marketing in organizations. Topics include an overview of the marketing process, market research, segmentation, and target markets. The focus is on the process of creating, communicating, and delivering customer value through the marketing mix. The course is structured around the managerially controllable elements of product, price, promotion and distribution, plus the interrelationships of these elements.

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