Student Clubs and Organizations

Student activities play an important role in student life and in what Saunders College of Business has to offer.

Student organizations can help you develop leadership skills, provide networking opportunities, enhance education outside of the classroom, and strengthen the communication between faculty, staff, and students. Listed below are the various Saunders affiliated student organizations in which you may want to get involved. For a full listing of all RIT clubs please visit RIT Campus Groups.

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Saunders Student Clubs on Campus Groups

President: Amal Aboushanab
Advisor: Jerrie Hsieh
Campus Groups page: American Hotel and Lodging Association - RIT Chapter

A club for anyone interested in the hospitality industry. We organize fundraising events to provide students with opportunities to enhance their event management skills. Moreover, we sponsor hospitality trips and conferences, enabling students to connect with industry professionals and gain valuable hands-on experience.

President: Halle Wagner  
Advisor: Laharish Guntuka 
Campus Groups page: ASCM @ RIT

ASCM Student Chapter is a part of the Association for Supply Chain Management. As one of the more than 200 affiliated student chapters on college campuses throughout North America, ASCM student members get access to educational programs, networking opportunities, certification exams, scholarships, awards, and other resources. They also have the opportunity to participate in local student case competitions offered through the District. Winners of the District level competition will move on to compete in the international student case competition.

President: Makenna Davis
Advisor: Victor Perotti
Campus Groups page: BTP Club Page

The MIS-focused student organization, building a foundation of technical expertise and business professionalism to develop tomorrow's leaders.

President: Ericka Chen
Advisor: Sean Hansen
Campus Groups recognized page: Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional co-ed business fraternity, established in 1907, dedicated to promoting academic excellence, community service, networking, and professional development. Each brother supports one another, fostering a strong sense of community and mutual growth.

President: Olivia McDonald
Advisor: Professor Hao Zhang
Campus Groups page: Financial Management Association

The RIT Financial Management Association is a Saunders College of Business club dedicated to the advancement of student-centric investing. FMA manages a $300,000+ Stock and ETF investment portfolio. FMA Meetings are on Thursdays at 5:30 in the Sklarsky Center for Business Analytics (1125) . Each week we discuss our portfolio standings, have stock pitches for both buying and selling, and have club discussions regarding news events. We also have several company visits/Guest speakers visit each semester from companies such as Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, Manning and Nappier, and the SEC. We also compete in the CFA institute Research Challenge every year. FMA is an open club for all RIT students; we have members from 5 of the 9 individual colleges at RIT.

Advisor: Muhammet Kesgin
Campus Groups page: Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals

HFTP is a multi-disciplinary club for students in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Saunders College of Business and other relevant departments and colleges with interest in hospitality, business, and technology. The club offers professional and educational opportunities through collaboration with students from different backgrounds and educational tracks. The RIT chapter of HFTP is affiliated with the global organization that provides information about new trends in hospitality and business and an abundance of resources for students throughout their entire education.

President: Hunter Hodge
Advisors: Kari Cameron and Julie Napieralski
Campus Groups page: Marketing, Advertising, & Public Relations Club

The RIT Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations Club is an open student group that provides member students with value building opportunities to network with local professionals and learn about the world of business. Activities include attending AMA (American Marketing Association) and participating in case analysis contests.

President: Laura Gutaman
Advisor: Julio Talledo
Campus Groups recognized page: Multicultural Business Association

Our mission is to help support and foster a community that celebrates and showcases the talented underrepresented students in Saunders the College of Business. We aim to accomplish this goal by providing academic support, mental health awareness, career support, mentorships, and career opportunities.


Advisor: Archana Jain 
Campus Groups page: Personal Finance Club

President: Daniel Lootens
Advisor: Leonie Fernandes
Campus Groups Page:  Project Management Professionals at RIT 

The Project Management Professionals clubs goal is to give you the project management skills and connections needed to excel in whatever job you find yourself in. Whether that is as a project manager or other position.

President: Ben Hart
Advisor: Soon Hyeok Choi
Campus Groups page: Real Estate Club

President: Chelsea Croce
Advisor: Molly McGowan
Campus Groups page: Women in Business

RIT Women in Business (WIB) is dedicated to the success of women by providing the women of RIT an opportunity to advance their professional and personal development and join an encouraging community of aspiring and successful women. Through networking, educational events, and community service, WIB creates and strengthens skills in leadership, business, and relationship building.

Additional Saunders Student Organizations

President: Dr. Victor Perotti 
Website: RIT Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma

The International Honor Society Beta Gamma Sigma is an honors organization that recognizes students that have achieved academic excellence in business studies. The mission of the organization is to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business, to cultivate and celebrate leadership and professional excellence, to advance the values of the Society, and to serve its lifelong members.

To Join: Eligible student members will be invited if they rank in the upper 10 percent of the sophomore class, upper 10 percent of the junior class, upper 10 percent of the senior class, or upper 20 percent of the masters class.

President: â€‹â€‹Jovana Uljarevic 
Advisor: Milena Kuznin
Website: Eta Sigma Delta

Eta Sigma Delta (ESD) is an honorary society for students of the Hospitality and Tourism Management program at RIT Croatia's Dubrovnik campus. The idea for the Dubrovnik chapter came from RIT Rochester campus study abroad student Linden Pohland, who worked with Prof. Milena Kuznin to make the chapter a reality. The society is endorsed by International Council on Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Education (ICHRIE). The RIT Croatia chapter is now one of 90 ESD chapters around the world, and the first one to be established in Croatia and the immediate region.

To Join: There are four categories of membership in ESD: undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni/ae, and honorary members. To be eligible for membership in Eta Sigma Delta, a student must:

  • Be currently enrolled at Rochester Institute of Technology - Croatia.
  • Have completed at least fifty percent (50%) of the credit hours required for graduation.
  • Have officially declared a major within the Hospitality Department. -2-
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 and/or be in the top twenty (20%) of the class.
  • Agree to uphold the values of excellence, leadership, creativity, service, and ethics.

Honors Advocate: Melissa Masline
Website: RIT Honors Program Website

The Saunders College Honors students participate in academic and service activities, collaborate with Engineering students in a seminar series that spans three semesters, and visit companies on a weeklong business trip in the spring.

To Join: Membership is by invitation to incoming freshmen and to academically qualified freshmen and sophomores.

President: Danish Khan
Advisors: Suzanne McCaffrey

The Next Generation of Accountants (NGA) is the club for students interested in accounting. The NGA provides opportunity, information, and career tools to future business leaders in financial fields.

President: Mike Hibbard (Saunders Student Government Senator)
Advisors: Dean Jacquie MozrallJulio Talledo and Gabrielle Palmer

The Saunders Student Executive Board (E-board) includes the elected leaders of Saunders affiliated student clubs. The E-Board exists to develop opportunities to connect and share common concerns and objectives, to achieve a common voice between elected student leaders and college leadership. Membership consists of the presidents of each club in the College with the Saunders Student Government Senator serving as president.

Goals and Intentions

  • Saunders College Leadership: Serve as elected Saunders student leaders throughout the academic calendar, to represent the student voice with the Saunders Dean
  • Student Government Representation: The board will coordinate shared issues affecting Saunders students and clubs and report to the Saunders student senator for Student Government representation
  • Saunders Representation: Members will assist college with generating student awareness and interests in significant college events and activities, while engaging an inclusive community within Saunders College of Business
  • RIT Club Recognition: Peer support to help facilitate and encourage Saunders Student Clubs to be a Campus Life Recognized Club


  • The student organization web sites are the sole responsibility of the students that maintain them. Saunders College of Business does not endorse or support these sites and all problems or questions related to the individual sites should be directed to their respective Webmasters.
  • Saunders clubs are open to all eligible individuals regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, race, color, and/or national origin. View RIT nondiscrimination statement

RIT Student Government Resources

Benefits of being a Student Government recognized club or organization:

  • Your own mailbox for shipping purposes in the Club Resource Center
  • Free marketing through the Campus Life Marketing Office
  • 175 FREE black/white single-sided copies at the HUB each year
  • The ability to apply for Club Space to store your club equipment and belongings
  • The ability to form a club email and have RIT web space
  • Events throughout the year tailored for club recognition and appreciation - Club SpiRIT Fridays, Club Fairs, Club Banquets, etc.!

To explore all recognized RIT groups, or access your club's website, please visit the RIT Campus Groups website.

Student Government Resources

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