Shreya Patil

Headshot of Shreya Patil
Business Analytics Student
Saunders College of Business

Alum / Grad dates
'23 (business analytics)


My experience with the certificate programs, sponsored by The Leadership Academy @ Saunders, exceeded my expectations and has been a game-changer for me professionally and personally.

Throughout the training, I gained invaluable insights into effective teamwork dynamics and learned to navigate the delicate balance between leadership and peer relationships. The curriculum was thoughtfully designed to equip us with practical knowledge and skills that I've already begun applying in various aspects of my life.

I am immensely grateful to the Saunders College of Business faculty and mentors for their dedication and guidance throughout the program. Their expertise and support were instrumental in helping me grasp complex concepts and develop as a leader.

Winning the final presentation competition was a highlight of my experience and a testament to the effectiveness of the training. Working alongside my talented teammates was both inspiring and rewarding. Together, we applied the skills we learned and emerged victorious, reinforcing the value of teamwork and collaboration.

I'm excited to continue my journey of growth and development, armed with the leadership lessons and skills gained from this program. I'm confident that these experiences will serve me well in my future endeavors, and I look forward to making a positive impact wherever I go.

Thank you, Saunders College of Business, for this incredible opportunity for growth and learning. Here's to embracing continuous improvement and winning together!