Post-Graduation Salary and Career Info

Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MS

At RIT, you don’t just graduate with a degree, you graduate with the skills and hands-on experience to thrive in your chosen career.

Student Outcomes 


Outcomes Rate for Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MS

Total percentage of graduates who have entered the workforce, enrolled in full-time graduate study, or are pursuing alternative plans (military service, volunteering, etc.).


Knowledge Rate

Total percentage of graduates for whom RIT has verifiable data, compared to national average knowledge rate of 41% per NACE.
Outcome % of Students
Employed 100.00%
Full-time Graduate Study 0%
Alternative Plans 0%
Outcome % of Students
Employed 100.00%
Full-time Graduate Study 0%
Alternative Plans 0%

Salary data from alumni earning this degree is being gathered.

Business Model Designer; Change Agent; Business Development Lead; Innovation Analyst; Venture Architect; Product and Integration Lead; Business Operations Planner; Business Analyst; Product Manager; Digital Transformation Strategist; Chief Technology Officer

Leif; Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Rochester

Career Services Contact

Portrait of Natasha House.
Natasha House
Assistant Director for Diversity Initiatives for Career Services